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Czy utracimy narodową tożsamość czyli Czym nas straszy duch epoki

  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 35-54
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200203
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200203.pdf

Are we going to loose our national identity in other words what does the spirit of the epoch scare us with?

The subject of the article are the cultural transformations occurring in Poland which are basically a derivative of wider processes of a global nature but find favourable environment in the specific state of things. The author presents them in a wider context, trying to answer the question of what ethnic identity is and how it changes, and also tracing the consequences which the present fast rate of its changes brings for Euro-Athlantic Civilisation. These consequences in many respects remind us of a collision of two cultures of uneven development levels and so, when referring to them the author uses a term of .,autoaculturation”

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