Najcenniejsze zabytki kościoła ŚŚ. Jana Chrzciciela i Ewangelisty oraz klasztoru Prezentek w Krakowie i ich problematyka
- Year of publication: 2002
- Source: Show
- Pages: 95-104
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/06/ksm200207.pdf
Church of SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist in Cracow was founded by Piotr Włostowic in the first half of the I st century. At the beginning it was a two-span one-nave church with an apse. The church has been repeatedly rebuilt, for the first time probably in the early 14'-th century when the east vault of the presbitery was made and perhaps the initial apse was removed. It is a building in the Romanesque style, extensively changed in the Gothic period as well as in the 17th (the fasade) and 18th centuries. Antoni Frączkiewicz, a well-known sculptor. was involved in the making of the altars which date from that period. The monastery houses valuable paintings dealing with both religious and secular topics painted by domestic and foreign artists alike. An example of the latter is Two Musicians from the 17th century. The treasury contains 17th and 18th century works of art from Cracow such as the 18th century sun monstrance. in late-Baroque style, with a figure of the Mother of God and the Child or 17th century chalices: a mannierist one from the first quarter of the l7th century, an early Baroque one from 1633 and a Chalice from 1639 with letters DZ. Of special interest is a dress for the Gothic-Renaissance painting of the Mother of God in the main altar from 1683 which also depicts Cracovian burghers. The architecture and fumishings of the SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist Church as well as the works of art housed by the monastery are an example of 'layering' of style so characteristic of Cracow environment ~ an initially Romanesque church rebuilt in Gothic and Baroque periods and mrnished with works of art spanning four centuries. from the 15'h to the 19th century.