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Muzeum miejscem edukacji (Na wybranych przykładach z Krakowa)

  • Author: Renata Gaj
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 115-130
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200209
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200209.pdf

Museum - the place of education

Education in museum is the topic of the article entitled ”Museum - the place of education”. The author specifies the role of a museum, namely collecting, preserving, storing and making the art available to everyone. A museum pedagogical worker acts a very important role in shaping and educating a man throughout their whole lives. In addition, museum as an outside school institution stimulates a permanent intelectual and aesthetic development of a man. The Historical Museum of Cracow is an example of a museum which realises a wide range of educational activities. In the light of other Cracow museums, there are shown the ways and methods of didactic activities carried in museums as well as in galleries. The author stresses that museum should be used in an obligatory aesthetic and cultural education of popils from the earliest period of their studies. Moreover, it ought to be done as a complementory element of education in relation to the classes taken at school. Such a task should be performed by the workers of the educational departments. These kinds of the activities are mostly visible in the countries of Western Europe, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and England as well as in the USA. In Poland breath-taking museum activities are still extremely rare. Nevertheless, traditional museum lessons are taken by young people as tedious and not stimulating whatsoever. Even though. they are not understood by con- temporary teenagers who are thoroughly captivated by the enormous power of media and the internet. Still, interactive ways of presentations, workshops and projects performed in museums let everybody actively participate in them. Moreover, individual engagement or group work are indubitably an attractive way of spending time in a museum as well as an interesting educational occupation.

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