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Bóżnice miasta żydowskiego na Kazimierzu w Krakowie. Funkcje kulturotwórcze dawniej i dziś

  • Author: Krystyna Grzesiak
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-144
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200210
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200210.pdf

The synagogues of the Jewish town in Kazimierz. Culture creating functions today and in the past

The history of the Jewish district in Kazimierz goes back to the 14 th century, however its territorial expansion to which it owes the later name of the Jewish town. appeared at the end of 15 th century. The king of Poland - Jan Olbracht - had the Jews moved out to Kazimierz in 1495. This was the result of conflicts existing among the Cracow burghers and the Jewish community caused by economic and religious misunderstandings. At the beginning the Jewish town took up a small area in the vicinity of present Szeroka Street. The influx of Jews from Spain, Silesia and Germany in the 16"' century made the settlement necessary to expand. Its spatial development took place in three basic phases, in the years 1553-54, 1558 and 1608-09. As the result the Jewish town occupied the area bounded by the present streets: Miodowa, Starowiślna, Dajwór, Wawrzyńca, Józefa and Plac Nowy. In this part of Cracow the Jews built seven synagogues: Stara ( second half of the 15th century). Remu (1553), Wysoka (was probably built after 1556 and before 1563). Poppera ( 1620), Ajzyka (1638), Kupa (ca. 1643). Tempel (1860-1862) as well as houses of prayer and cemetery. Until 1939 the synagogues fulfilled religious, social. political and cultural functions. The beginning of World War II radically changed the situation of the Jews. The substantial number of Jews inhabitants of Cracow was killed and on top of that all the synagogues with their rich furnishings were destroyed. After 1945 the synagogues discontinued to fulfill their original functions. Nowadays Jewish museum (Stara Synagogue). cultural institutions (Synagogues: Ajzyka. Poppera) and the Workshop of Relics Renovation (Wysoka) reside there. Synagogues Remu and Tempel are open and serve the need of the small Jews Community.

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