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Problem granic powojennych państwa Polskiego w publikacjach Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w Krakowie w latach 1940-1945

  • Author: Ewa Fogelzang-Adler
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 255-267
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200220
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200220.pdf

The main attention in the publications edited in Krakow during the World War II by a Democratic Party was devoted to the post war Polish borders. In the programmatic documents as well as in the underground press, the mainly expressed demands concerned the stability of eastern borders settled by the Riga treaty and westward correction of the German border. The question of the southern border was neglected because it was treated as a part of the idea of "east-central European block”. The projects of federation did not erase the territorial aspirations of democrats, who were very uncompromising in their defense of the pre-war eastern borders and did not want to agree for the compensation with the western territories in exchange for the acceptance of the Curzon line. The advantageous shape of the borders were supposed to give the liberated country its due role in the post war Europe, creating the chance to solve many social, political and economic problems.

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