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Działalność teatralna w KL Auschwitz

  • Author: Ewa Kuźma
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 291-300
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200222
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200222.pdf

Theatrical activity at the Auschwitz concentration camp

After the initial period of research on the Auschwitz concentration camp, when the studies were mainly concerned with describing methods of extermination and its consequences, researchers are now turning to sociological psychological and cultural issues. This article discusses the question of theatrical activity. This was initiated by the Polish intelligentsia, who saw theater as a way to fight for the preservation of the prisoner's mental health. It began when the First prisoners arrived at the camp and lasted until liberation. lt reached its peak while actors from Warsaw stages, the founders of the "Jaracz Theater", were at the camp. The productions included Cheerful and lyrical songs, poetry and prose recitations, music, humoresques, monologues and Sketches. There were original works but also adaptations of known literary and musical compositions, as well as some with subjects related to the camp. They were performed by poets, actors and amateurs. This cultural activity resulted from the collective effort of the prisoners and served ”to strengthen the spirit". In evaluating art created at the camp we cannot apply the generally accepted criteria. It arose in particular circumstances and was connected with the experiences of its creators and the needs of its audience.

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