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Dynamika zainteresowań młodzieży wiejskiej i małomiasteczkowej na Zamojszczyźnie

  • Author: Irena Kurzępa
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 365-372
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200228
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200228.pdf

The dinamic interests of country and provintional youths over the Zamość region

The social, political and economical transformation that has been taking place in Poland for thirteen years, has changed almost every domain of life. It has opened new chances but also has brought some threats. An open-market economy has promoted the development of enterprices, services nad manufactures. New private schools have been established, and local local council has been rebuilt. However, also some negative (especially from the social point of view) situations and circumstances have occurred, such as unemployment or disproportions in standards of living. Changing reality in Poland forced a group of sociologist in 2002 undertook a survey concerning interests, moral principles and aims of country and provintional youth over the Zamość region. The empiric material - the result of the survey - has been compared with the results gained at researches made between 1987 and 1989. The comparative analysis of the empiric material shows that the interests of youths have imparted dynamism. Contemporary young people show more interests towards school educations, literature and theater than those who were inquired in 1987-1989. They have started to be interested in new subjects as ecology and agro-tourism. Modern medias like television, radio and internet have started to play a significant role as a source of information, and the role of family and church has decreased. Likewise in researches from 1987-1989, a human being who doesn't hurt other people or animals has been of great importance. The religiosity and subordination to fundamental rules are not as important as they used to be concerning the estimation of morality Young people aims have also changed. The researched group shows that an interesting job, friends and leisure activities have been of the highest estimation. A positive is also the fact, that contemporary young people appreciate education, high qualifications, tolerance and impartiality. What may worry is the fact that youths do not show the interest in economical issues and underestimate the importance of law and social principles.


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