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Vol. 2

Małe ojczyzny

  • Author: Wiktor Zin
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-15
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199801
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199801.pdf

Little fatherlands

Recently in polish mass media like press, radio. and television we can very often meet a statement „little fatherland”. lt seems to be in opposition to „fatherland” - describing something great, real. tutelary and indivisible. ln polish language we can hardly find a adequate word to German „Heimatsland which is usually used in contrary to „Vaterland"  Until now it has been enough to use a word „.regionalism” - it includes all meanings connected with varieties of styles and ways of life, buildings forms, dresses, and local customs which we can find in different parts of Our Fatherland. Nobody can deny a possibility of using the world „little fatherland”, but it can not be done cause of political needs. It is rather poetical transformation of the world „fatherland”. lt describes country of childhood or place of extraordinary experiences.  The article develops that problem.

Historia - folklor - tradycja a kwestia "małej ojczyzny"

  • Author: Czesław Robotycki
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 15-22
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199802
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199802.pdf

History, folklore, tradition and "Local Homeland"

„A local homeland" is a derivative of the notion, or better to say, a figure of„homeland”. their connotations from the same trunk of mythical convictions, values and traditions. They are the after - math of the romantic attitude in Poland, and the semantic firld of both version of the notion „homeland" is situated between privacy and cosmopolitism, universality and particularism, rootedness and alienation.  In the contemporary culture the „local homeland” appears as subject of literary, scientific or essayists' reflection in various forms of literary production, in the study of" folklore and anthropology, in sociology and town-planing.  The volk vision of' the „local homeland”, created by numerous authors of poetry, memoirs anti prose, has been analysed by folklorists and ethnographers. The authors of these analysed by folklorists and ethnographers. The authors of these analyses emphasize the fact that the Statements of' folkloristic thinking. Stereotypes and figures of'collective imagination are used in them.  Applying the notion of „a local homeland” in various ways is not conducive to reflecting on its orginal, proper meaning. On the contrary, more and more remote associations are used, washing away its semantic field. One can say even more in the semantic relation „local homeland - space”, pragmatics evidently prefere space (area). There by, the dominant of the field is changing. It is the „own", our" area which is to be valorized afterwards that becomes promary in use.  The cultural effect of the change of meanings in the lexical field of „local homeland” is plainly visible. A sociological notation has become an idea accompanied by numerous sociotechnical manipulations in order to turn the place of living into realistically understood native land. ln these various ways of reception the category „local homeland” evokes now an association with tradition, folklore, sings of identification.

"Góralem nie wystarczy się czuć, góralem trzeba być..." O świadomości regionalnej młodzieży podhalańskiej

  • Author: Stanisława Trebunia-Staszel
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 23-38
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199803
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199803.pdf

„It is not enough to be e member of a Mountainfolk at heart, Yoy have to be truly one." E regional identity of the Youth at Podhale

This disertation refers to the question of regionalizm exemplified by Podhale region - the lend situated on the South part of Poland near the Tatra Mountain and inhabited by people so called Górale. The author tries to consider the phenomena of contemporary Górale culture with special regard to the problem of ethnic identity. The role of regional association Związek Podhalan in preserving and spreading Górale heritage is also mentioned. What is specific about Podhale is its living home culture in which to this day some elements of tradition folklor, such as folk costium, music, dances, dialect and rits are still exist. ln modern circumstances - in new context, these elements are becoming signes of regional differences and are also regarded as symbols of cultural identity.  Following paper based on the materials collected in Podhale in 1997 is concentrated on the problem of regional consciousness among young inhabitants of Podhale 16-20 years old pupils of secondary schools. The author by analysing their attitudes towards home land, home society and local tradition tries to trace new tendencies appearing in contemporary culture in Podhale. Following problem are discussed:  declarations of identity  - the criteria of defining Who are Górale?  Podhale as a home feeling and homeland  components of Góral 's image - stereothype and autosterotype  Obtained materials show that about 65% of guestioned pupils experienced themselfs as Górale and identify with the home heritage. It is interesting what consequences these pupil's declarations will bring in future and how they will influence on further development of Górale regional culture.

Mała Polska Ojczyzna na Syberii Wschodniej. Polska wieś Wierszyna (1910-1937)

  • Author: Władysław Masiarz
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 39-64
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199804
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199804.pdf

Within the framework of the Russian programme of the colonization of Syberia, many Poles of all occupations and from all social classes were sent there at the end of nineteenth and at the beginning of twentieth century. The Polish miners from Zagłębie Dąbrowskie and poor country folk constituted the major percentage of them. They most willingly settled own at Siberian Villages or, after receiving their apportioned lands, they set up their own Villages. The classic example of this type of Polish settlement in Siberia is the history of the village Wierszyna in the guberniya of lrkuck. It was set up in 1910 by 59 Polish families coming from Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. they soon built a school and small church, creating their own „small Polish fatherland" in the far Siberia.  They were true to their Polish identity in spite of the Stalinist repressions depriving them of their own land, language and religion. The most tragic was the year of 1937 in which 32 persons, including one woman, were arrested by NKWD. All the arrested Poles were murdered in 1938. the Polish families survived both the years of the war and the years of so called „Soviet stabilization”. Only the abolition of the ZSRR allowed for the new „discovery" of Wieszyna and the slow reconstruction of the Polish national identity. Today, the fifth generation of Siberian Poles is already born there.

Orawa - architektoniczna rodzimość regionu jako oznaka małej ojczyzny. Wspomnienia z połowy XX wieku.

  • Author: Maciej Pawlicki
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-96
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199805
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199805.pdf

Orawa - a small complex of homelands

This is a story about the native character of the Orawa region from the middle  of the 20th century. The native character of the region is formed by customs as well as homeliness of verbal forms surrounding a human being. What was the reason for their lasting for centuries and in what way do they have to exist in our generation to be further cultivated or rejected? Can the native character of the regional forms be exalted to the rank of national style or can the forms create a direction of development and the future of Polish architecture? The distinct separate character of the Orawa architecture inspired the search for creative models in tradition in order to think, feel and build in Polish style. Five Orawa climatic sub regions created many worlds of small homelands during centuries, not so long ago closed in the borders of a few Villages. They formed continually a new image of homelands closed today in the verily dead ethnographic museum.

Różnorodne funkcje starodawnych łyżek

  • Author: Karol Kukuła
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 119-136
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199808
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199808.pdf

Variations of Functions of Old Spoons

The paper presents an outline of the history involving the usage of spoons the most important elements of table arrangement. Special attention has been put on the spoon of the period of Polish Renaissance.  Variations of functions of old spoons have been shown with the help of many different examples of objects from the beginning of XVIII th century till nowadays.  The text is illustrated with prints showing 71 spoons of different meaning.

Polityka regionalna wobec wsi a integracja z Unią Europejską

  • Author: Janusz Żmija
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 137-148
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199809
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199809.pdf

Regional rural policy and integration with the European Union

Integration of the Polish agriculture with the European Union requires numerous adjustment activities. It means not only activities improving the economic effectiveness but also adjustment processes in institutional sphere, trade and regulation. The regional policy plays important role, particularly in the part concerning structural transformations in agriculture and rural areas development, also rural environment protection with the Simultaneous modernization of the technical and social infrastructure of those regions.  The problem of modernization of agriculture, which is strongly connected  with the multi-Functional rural areas development has to take important place in the Polish regional programmes. The creation of entrepreneurship and activities in non-agricultural production in the regions and communities requires the support from the central and local authorities and the institutions connected with rural areas and agriculture. An important role in the rural areas development plays regional agricultural policy of the state, recognizing the idea of multi-functional development in a complex way, regarding the socio-economic conditions of the particular regions.

Problem przeobrażeń w strukturze wielkościowej gospodarstw chłopskich na przykładzie wsi spiskiej

  • Author: Jan Karwontka
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 149-158
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199810
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199810.pdf

Structural Transformation of Farms on the Example of Spiska Village

The paper presents historical aspect of structural changes of farms. The research has been carried out on the example of Spiska village. It has been considered in the context of regional results of similar investigations. The analysis suggests the problem should be seen via conditions determined by the law system.  Information concerning the initial stage of the economic development of the village indicate that in the past there were no reasons for precise detennination of the size and structure of farms. These features were considered to be less important.  Therefore these transformations described by numbers should be treated with special caution. They are more of quality nature than quantitative features. The conclusion follows that one depend upon the results in showing the general tendencies rather than detailed solutions based on the data impossible to verify.

Małopolscy pionierzy łąkarstwa

  • Author: Ryszard Kostuch
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 149-158
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199811
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199811.pdf

Pioneere of grassland science in Małopolska (south-east regions of Poland)

In this article is presented biography of two polish men and namely prof. dr Zygmunt Golonka and prof. dr Mieczysław Nowak, which gave science bases of development of modern polish grassland.  Prof. dr Z. Golonka was born 2. VIII. 1988 in Dąbrowa Tarnowska. High agricultural study and diploma of masters science obtained on the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Next he was working as assistant in experimental station of the University at Mydlniki. During the first world war he was soldier. After return of war he was employed at the Polytechnic in Lwów and next in Acricultural University in Warszawa. Doctor thesis defended in 1928 year, and the higher doctor degree in 1935 year. After the second world war he went to Wroclaw to organize University, where has worked like professor to 1960 year or to the pension. All his life he occupied of grassland problems. He wrote 3 grassland handbook and a lot of science publications about grassland management.  Prof. dr Mieczysław Nowak was born 2.VII. 1903 year. Also he was absolwent of Jagiellonian University in Kraków. His science activity concerns first of all Carpathian region in Poland. He has carried out many experiments on the mountain grasslands with mineral fertilization and lignid farm-yard manure. Described botanical composition of many high mountain pastures and prepared propositions their rational utilization. He collaborated many years in this field with Switzerland and Austria. At first he worked at Agricultural University in Kraków, next in Institute of Zootechnice and still later at Agricultural University in Warszawa but all time he was interested the problems of mountain grassland managements. ln our country he was common knowledge and respectable by reason of numerous science publications.

Rozwój łąkarstwa w Małopolsce w okresie przedwojennym

  • Author: Stanisław Kopeć
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 171-180
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199812
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199812.pdf

Grassland science developing in the interwars period on the south-east region of Poland

The paper specifies some agriculture organizations and persons, which influenced on the grassland science developing and shows the ways of their activities.  Main agricultural organizations in this time were: Agricultural Association and Agricultural Chamber in Krakow and Lwow, which concentrated the grassland specialists (instructors) from one to two in each district. Their task was propagation the new methods of grassland management on the south-east region of Poland. lt concerned at first organic fertilization and resowing grasses and legumes into degraded swards. To the persons especially merited belongs first of all prof. dr Jan Włodek - head of General Plant Cultivation Department at Jagiellonian University, dr Edward Ralski, dr Jan Kiełbiński and eng. Mieczysław Nowak, which was instructor of Agricultural Chamber in Krakow, and next also the professor of SGGW in Warsaw.  All specified persons and especially prof. J. Włodek and chg. M. Nowak in the highest grade contributed to increment grassland production and improvement of grassland yielding quality.

Niedźwiedź, ryś i wilk w Małopolsce

  • Author: Grzegorz Jamrozy
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 181-192
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199813
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199813.pdf

Bears, Lynxes and Wolves in "Małopolska" (southeastern Poland)

These three species, the largest of European predators, had entirely disappeared in most of Europe by the middle of the 19th century. A small population remained in some parts of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. From information collected by this author, including questionnaires collected from 1980 to 1990 it has been shown that the numbers of bears, lynxes and wolves has definitely increased.  At the beginning of the 1970's no more than 30 bears were found only in the Bieszczady and Tatra Mountains. Presently they can be found from the Bieszczady, through the Beskid Niski, Beskid Sądecki, the Tatra to the Beskid Żywiecki and Beskid Śląski. There are at least 120-140 animals.  After World War [ lynx could be found only the Eastern Carpathian Mountains which no longer are a part of Poland. From World War ll until the 1970's their numbers increased and they were found over a larger area. This predator now occurs in very wooded regions of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. There are 180-250 animals.  During World War II the number of wolves and the area where they occurred increased. As a result of a national action they were killed throughout the entire country. In the Bieszczady only about 100 animals were still alive at the beginning of the 1970's. When this action was stopped their numbers increased. During the 1990's they were found throughout almost all of the Carpathian Mountains and the eastern part of Małopolska. There are 400-500 animals.

Niektóre aspekty edukacji ekologicznej w środowisku społecznym wsi

  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 193-202
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199814
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199814.pdf

The author has considered the sources of information which affect rural inhabitants' knowledge about the world and their attitudes towards the nature.  On the basis of interviews with 368 persons from 3 communes situated in Małopolska, the author has analysed their ecological awareness. Test questions were used to establish estimations for the attitudes towards the natural environment and its protection.  In order to determine the influence of particular sources of information on rural communities, a specially constructed index number has been used.  A practical conclusion which has been drwan from the investigations is a necessity to undertake ecological education of rural inhabitants using television as the main means of communication.

Niektóre aspekty kształtowania pojęć biologicznych u dzieci sześcioletnich. Raport z badań

  • Author: Anna Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 203-210
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199815
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199815.pdf

Comprehension of biological notions among children

The principle of children's development is the mastery of different information codes among which language code system is considered to be of highest importance. Hence learning of specific notions and general ones is a sine qua non of child's intellectual training. The understanding of biological notions is acquired gradually as a result of observation and contact with living nature. This interaction bears some moral and others aspects which are irreplaceable and of undeniable value in present ecological crisis resulting from intellectual

Antynomie filozofii materii

  • Author: Eugeniusz Bobula
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 223-236
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199817
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199817.pdf


Rocznik Tatarów Polskich, T. III

  • Author: Czesław Mojsiewicz
  • Year of publication: 1998
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 247-248
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199819
  • PDF: ksm/02/ksm199819.pdf


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