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Issue 1999

Nowa synteza sztuki żydowskiej w Polsce

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Author: Izabela Rejduch Samkowa
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-22
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199901
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199901.pdf

The new synthesis of Judish Art in Poland

Judish art have never been the theme of the cyclic activities except dr lzabella Samek”s and professor Jan Samek's lectures (occasionally). All publications which have dealt with this theme until now arised several years ago (the historien Mayer Batlahan”s and Józef Szipper's works) or are only fragmentary (museums' catalogues). The quantity of Judish monuments of art preserved in our country and abroad contradicts this standpoint.  ln spite of damages which occurred during The Second World War in Poland several hundred synagogues still exist. There are some architectural details as stucco and paint ornamentations. At about thousand cemeterys several thousand decorated tombstones remained (the oldest dates from 12th century and most of them from 19th century). A lot of museums and private collections preserved metal Judish wares and rarely manuscripts. embroideries. These are objects of cult used in synagogues and houses. Most of Polish judaicas were identificated in external collections (in USA. Israel. Praga. Budapest. Moscow. Leningrad and somewhere else). Unfortunately the Germans have destroyed all of wooden synagogues and a lot of monuments from stone temples (thousands of chandeliers. embroideries and manuscripts). Concerning the matter of good characteristics of Judish art in Poland the choise is very difficult. This arts has always accepted local stylistic forms and decorations. Nowadays. one can say that synagogues and judish houses were raised and ornamented by foreigners (ltalians), but mainly by Polish and Judish artists and craftsmen. Silver articles were made by Polish goldsmiths (Jan Pogorzelski in Warsaw. Stanislaw Weswalewicz in Kraków) as well as by Judish ones. But in painting Judish arts appeared in the latter part of the 19th century and in the 20th century. for instance Leopold Gotlieb (younger) and Artur Markiewicz. To sum up. the book which is being prepared now will have given, for the first time, honest and well illustrated picture of Judish art'in Poland.

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Techniki, formy i motywy zdobnicze starodawnych łyżek

  • Author: Karol Kukuła
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 23-42
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199902
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199902.pdf

Technology. Forms and Ornaments of Old Spoons

The paper presents the characteristics of old spoons in the context of changing artistic styles. lt also shows the technology involved in the process of their manufacturing in ateliers.  The text is illustrated with numerous examples showing both the specific beauty and technology by which it was obtained.  The important part of the paper are the photographs of 77 objects with detailed catalogue descriptions.  The reader will observe that spoons, apart from their usable functions, also serve as valuable pieces of art.

Zagadnienia artystyczne i ikonograficzne kaplicy Maryjnej przy kościele Karmelitów na Piasku w Krakowie

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 43-58
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199903
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199903.pdf

Artistic and iconografic issues of Saint Mary's Chapel at the Carmelites' Church at Piasek (Sand) district

Saint Mary's Chapel at the Carmelites” Church arised from the cult of the Blessed Virgin connected with her visage on the south elevation of the church in late Gothic. The Chapel was built mainly in 1637-1647 after the project of the famous architect - John Trevano, which fact is rather undoubteful. Some parts of the Chapel were rebuilt and enlarged before 1679 (the west and east anexes), after Swedish invasion damage. The Sandy Blessed Virgin Chapel is very imposing, semispherical building. lt reverts to Polish chapels erected in the 16th and 17th centuries, which were based on the Chapel - Mausoleum of Kings Sigismond the Old and Sigismond Augustus at the Wawel Cathedral, but it has only ritual character. The interior is ornamented with painting (probably made by Molitor) and altar (based on St Maria Maggiore altar in Rome), made in 1781, after Antoni Smuglewicz's project. The theme of the interior decoration is connected with The Blessed Virgin cult. Some Foundation and cloistral issues appears also. The Blessed Virgin Chapel at the Carmelitesi Church proves the patronage of Piotr Gembicki and Kajetan Sołtyk as well as of artists active in Kraków: John Trevano (architect), Molitor and Antoni Smuglewicz (painters), Marcin Lekszycki ( goldsmith).

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Rynek Pracy w regionie krakowskim w latach 1990-1996

  • Author: Jan Siekierski
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 59-80
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199904
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199904.pdf

Labour market in the Cracow Region in 1990-1996

The article presents on an example of the Cracow province the results of an analysis of the local labour market during transformation period in Poland (1990-1996). General situation on the employment market in Poland was a point of reference and comparison.  The analysis considered also a degree of economic activation of local communities, the number of working and employed in national economy sectors, and the movement of people with full time jobs (engagements and discharges), as well as the level of registered unemployment. Estimation of this phenomenon considered also the tendencies of of changes (Beveridge' s curve) and a percentage of the unemployed according to their professional experience, unemployment period, age and education. The investigations revealed two distinct phases in the development of labour market, i.e. a negative trend in 1990-1993 (a decline in employment and an increasa in unemployment) and a positive trend in 1994-1996 (an increase in employment and a (decline in unemployment).  Some issues concerning active employment policy, counteracting and fighting unemployment were discussed in the Final part of the paper.

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Niezarobkowe źródła dochodów ludności wiejskiej

  • Author: Ewa Tyran
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 81-92
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199905
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199905.pdf

The present social security system for Polish farmers should be considered as a form of the State interventionism. The allocation to the Kasa Rolnic- zego Ubezpieczenia Spolecznego ( Social Security System for Farmers) was the highest budget expenditure - 7.6% in 1997. Only 5% of the KRUS” budget comes from the farmers contributions. lf we treat the whole sum of money allocated to agriculture as a 100% . the amount allocated to KRUS consists 72  Non-earned incomes play very important role in the farmer families” budget because of theirs very low agricultural income. ln Małopolska it has even considerably higher meaning - the average agricultural income in that region is much lover than cannot for the whole Poland. The present way of administration of the allocations to agriculture however can not be efficient economically or socially in the long-term perspective.

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Wpływ zdolności przetwórczych na produkcję rolniczą w gospodarstwach indywidualnych Małopolski

  • Author: Bogusław Jeleń
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 93-106
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw199906
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199906.pdf

The influence manufacturing works of agriculture production in private farms in Małopolska

The author of this article characterizes development of The Firm „Igloofruit” Ltd Dębica. The subject of this paper is to present the results of manufacturing cooperation agricultural work and producer raw materials. The relations of cooperations are efficient methods to train industrial methods of productions and intensive technology in the plant and the animal productions. ln this way to enlarge possible agriculture productions and food industry manufacturing. Next the author presents course of purchasing centre within and beyond farmer's contract for the supply of fruits and vegetables in transformation period. In the end are analyse also pool the agriculture population in the years 1992 and 1996.

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Próba identyfikacji cech determinujących zakup jaj w Małopolsce

  • Author: Jacek Strojny
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 107-118
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199907
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199907.pdf

An Attempt of Identification of Features Determining Purchase of Eggs in Małopolska Region

The paper presents some results of investigation of preferences of eggs consumers that has been carried out in an agglomeration of Małopolska region. l'he research consisted of two stages: quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative stage has served for identification of important dimensions. within which eggs are considered by consumers. The quantitative stage has been performed with the use of the con-joint method. The estimation of partial utility coefficients for each attribute level has made it possible to determine both relative significance of the product and the most preferred levels. On the basis of the benefits consumers are expecting from the product the segmental analysis has been done. Further. the coefficients of partial utility of attributes has been used in the simulation of market shares - for comparison of the conceptions of the product. Conclusions present the marketing interpretation of the estimated preference indices.

Kwalifikacje migrantow w Zakładach Chemicznych “Oświęcim” S.A.

  • Author: Józef Kotlarczyk
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 119-130
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199908
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199908.pdf

Appraisal of the migrants employed by Zakłady Chemiczne „Oświęcim" S.A.

This study has been undertaken in order of focus on the investigated community feature, on the basis of such demographic and collective characteristics as structure of skills„ age, sex, marital and family status. descent, professional experience. ect.  The author carried out the analysis of many social occurrences extremely essential for social and economic development of the Company.

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Kierunki rozwoju wsi małopolskiej a poglądy i postawy użytkowników drobnych gospodarstw

  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-146
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199909
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199909.pdf

Directions of the Małopolska rural areas development and opinions and attitudes of small farm owners

On the basis of studies conducted in four communities (gminas) of Małopolska the author presents some problems of rural areas and agriculture in the region, i.e. agrarian overpopulation, hidden unemployment in agriculture. land fragmentation and small scale of production on peasant farms. Solutions would require a considerable economic boom in the rural areas and numerous alternative sources of income. while the inhabitants' entrepreneurship and initiative are of primary importance. During lectures given to a randomly selected group of 841 respondents running farms. the authors learned their attitudes towards the presented problems. lt allowed to define social and professional preferences, as well as attitudes and opinions of small farm owners who are the potential subject of economic development of rural areas in Małopolska.

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Przedsiębiorczość mieszkańców w aspekcie wielofunkcyjnego rozwoju wsi małopolskiej

  • Author: Andrzej Kotala
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-164
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199910
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199910.pdf

Inhabitants' entrepreneurship as the aspect of multifunctional rural development in Małopolska

ln his paper the author presents the role of small entrepreneurship in the social and economic activation of rural areas and their multifunctional development.  Multidirectional studies on off farm entrepreneurship of the inhabitants in Malopolska revealed that these activities focus mainly on providing various kind of services (over 50% ), then on commerce (30% of studies cases), while every fifth entrepreneur produces some goods.  Conclusions drawn from the investigations show the necessity to support  the entrepreneurship among others through: improvement of bank credit system as the main stimulant of individual and group entrepreneurship; application of all available local investment facilities: creation of modern system of education comprising both school and outreach programmes focused on updating and supplementing knowledge on market laws and conditions for entrepreneurship development.

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Funkcjonowanie lecznictwa w opinii mieszkańców wsi oraz ich oczekiwania wobec reformy służby zdrowia

  • Author: Janina Szewczyk
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 165-174
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199911
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199911.pdf

Functioning of medical service in the eyes of villagers and their expectations towards the reform

On the basis of questionnairies from Laskowa Community, which is a typical rural community of Nowosądeckie voivodship, the autor presents and analyses opinions on the availability of medical service in medical institutions in 1996. The opinions are afterwards interpreted in the context of expectations of the community towards the reforms.

Różnorodność florystyczna ekosystemów trawiastych

  • Author: Ryszard Kostuch
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 175-182
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199912
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199912.pdf

Floristic biodiversity of grassland ecosystems

ln the paper the author presents his opinion about floristic grassland biodiversity. He states that the significance of the floristic biodiversity on the grassland ecosystems is very important because increase then: fodder palatability feeding value and the first of all grassland ecosystems durability. The floristic biodiversity of grasslands has also big meaning for the environmental esthetisation.

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Ochrona gruntów rolnych województwa krakowskiego z uwzględnieniem zasad ekorozwoju

  • Author: Krzysztof Koreleski
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 183-194
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199913
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199913.pdf

Agricultural land protection of the Kraków voivodship according to the eco-development principles

The paper presents an aproach to agricultural land protection and creation on the basis of eco-development (sustainable development) criteria - exampled by the Kraków voivodship agricultural lands.  The author presents: main directions of land protection based on eco-development principles resulting from the Land Protection Act, the method of delimitation and description of distinguished land protection categories; he determines: the state of land erosional danger, areas demanding land reclamation and management. agricultural lands predestined to afforestation and tree planting.

Poręczenie jako osobiste zabezpieczenie wierzytelności pieniężnych w prawie polskim i niemieckim. Wybrane zagadnienia

  • Author: Joanna Marcinkowska
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 195-210
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199914
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199914.pdf

Guaranty as a personal security of the money creditors in Polish and German laws - selected problems.

The above article presents the guaranty contract on the grounds of the Polish civil code and German BGB. The regulations somehow similar have, however, some discrepancies, pointing out of which is the main objective of the article. For the contrastive analysis the relevant publications and court decisions of the both systems have been used.  The first part of this work is devoted to the discussion of the nature of the guaranty contract and its applications. The guaranty is one of the ways to protect creditors. It is used in banks and as an inexpensive and effective means of securing the return of loans made in the aid - loan departments.  The guaranty can be given by private people, legal institutions and the Exchequer. ln Germany. the practice of issuing the guaranty by the institutions associating contractors of a given branch has developed in addition.  Then, l turned to the content and form of the contract especially pointing out the differences between the Polish and German systems, and the solutions proposed by the court decisions.  In the main body of the article, I presented the legal character of the guaranty contract. The most doubts, in the case of the both laws are connected with the evaluation whether it is a mutual or causative contract and what is the possible cause. ln German law it is explicitly the subsidy rule, and in Polish law the conclusion is not that unequivocal. However, there is no doubt that the guaranty has the dependent character with the relation to the main obligation.  The presented comparison showed various possibilities of the regulation of the same legal institution. Maybe some of the German solutions might be used in the proposed change ofthe civil code in Poland.

Koncepcja bezwzględnej nieważności decyzji w polskim prawie administracyjnym

  • Author: Robert Korgól
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 211-224
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199915
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199915.pdf

Invalidity of an administrative decision in polish administrative law doctrine

This article is divided into 7 parts. After the introduction concerning the idea of invalidity of an administrative decision in first part, author starts with the views of science of Second Republic of Poland based on the 1928 codification of administrative procedure. Point 3 deals with the ideas of invalidity which occurred in the period between 1945 and 1960. There are Supreme Court verdicts analyzed in point 4. Next in point 5 author talks over the changes made to administrative procedure after coming into force of the code of 1960 and it's influence on doctrine. Point 6 discusses changes done by the amendment in 1980. In point 7 author comes to some conclusions concerning the role of the invalidity concept

Proroctwa oby fałszywe

  • Author: Wiktor Zin
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 225-230
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199916
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199916.pdf


Wspaniałość i niemożność

  • Author: Piotr Wojciechowski
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 231-242
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199917
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199917.pdf


Obrona narodowa Francji

  • Author: Czesław Mojsiewicz
  • Year of publication: 1999
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 243-245
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm199918
  • PDF: ksm/03/ksm199918.pdf


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