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Vol. 4

Reformackie miscelanea

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-16
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200001
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200001.pdf

St Casimirus Church and the Monastery of Reformat Friars belong to buildings erected in the second half of 17th century, after the Swedish invasion. It is typically Reformat-style edifice - modest and towerless.  The interior comprises a number of interesting elements: a complex of 18th century altars (1745-47), several dozens of 17th, 18th and 19th century tombstones and epitaphs made mostly of black marble.  A group of paintings which deal not only with Reformat themes is a significant element of the collection. A large part of them was painted by a well known Cracovian painter Michal Stachowicz among whose works there are a series of pictures depicting the stops of the Passion of Christ as well as decorations for a few volumes of Acta Transumpta. These decorations are an example of the collection belonging to the archive of the monastery.  As far as the gold-work items are concerned, the most valued possessions are an eclectic coral monstrance and wonderful 18th century chalices.

Najstarsze przedstawienie bimy w Polsce (Ołtarz Mariacki w Krakowie)

  • Author: Izabela Rejduch-Samkowa
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 17-24
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200002
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200002.pdf

The oldest bimah in Poland was an element of the Old Synagogue in the quarter of Cracow called Kazimierz and dated back to the second half of the 16th century. As the original was destroyed by the Germans, the bimah that is there there now is an exact reconstruetion. lt is based on a figure of twelve sides and has the form of an open-work grille forming a kind of high cage; a few steps lead to the platform from the south and the west.  ln Polish synagogues there were rectangular and polygonal bimahs, surrounded by balustrades. ln wooden synagogues of the 18th century they often took the form of„shrines” covered with tapering or domed roofs.  Already in the first of the 17th century, due to night worship that had been introduced earlier by Luri, a very original form of brick synagogues was developed. ln those so-called synagogues the four centrally placed columns or pillars formed a bimah, often with a lantern located at the top. This kind of construction had been later copied in beautiful and very unusual wooden synagogues which, regrettably, were burned by the Germans during the Second World War.  The present paper deals with the bimah presented by Wit Stwosz (Veit Stoss) in one of the bas-reliefs of his altar in St Mary Cathedral.  lt seems that in this altar Stwosz managed to express everything he intended. He conveyed deep religious content by using very strong means of expression: sculptures, colours of enamel work, pathos, tranquillity, Visions, and realism, the last often accentuated. ln it he included everything his genius was capable of in order to produce a work „that was worthy of God and that exerted influence on hearts and senses of men”. Among many of late Gothic altars preserved in Europe, the altar in St Mary Catedral in Cracow is seen as the most perfect as no other altar can equal it in any respect.  Although so far no attempts have been made to investigate the Jewish themes of St Mary altar, they are obviously there and have to be perceived and understood. In order to do that one needs to know both the Jewish and Catholic religion as well as religious and cultural customs. lt is not possible to analyse medieval art. Without being aequainted with ieonography and, in some of the images, doctrinal symbolism. This form of symbolism originates in early Medieval Ages and has its sources in the Holy Land. (Arabs and crusades).

Co wiemy o żydowskich domach modlitwy na przykładzie Krakowa

  • Author: Krystyna Grzesiak
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 25-42
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200003
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200003.pdf

What we know about Jewish houses of prayer on the example of Cracow

The house of prayer (heb. Bet Midrash - house of study) was a place, where Jews used to gather in order to study of the Law and the rabbinic texts. There one could also lead religious service. Judaic Law allowed to consume meals in the houses of prayer, or - if the situation required - to sleep there. Houses of prayer were established by private people, religious, Charity or handicraftsmen's societies. Cities with big agglomerations of Jewish people run even hundreds of houses of prayer. For example: about 400 houses of prayer in Warsaw, about 100 in Łódź and Lublin, and about 34 in Kielce functioned in the period between the 1st and 2nd World War.  There has been no detailed research to determine the number and localisation of all houses of prayer in Cracow yet.  The author of the article managed to set down names and addresses of 102 houses of prayer in Cracow on the basis of research. They were established over the span of years 1817 - 1938. Most of them were placed in buildings, where one or several rooms were adopted for religious purposes. Anywhere from ten to twenty big, sole houses of prayer were built in the beginning of twentieth century. They belonged to different religious societies.  After 1945 all houses of prayer in Cracow discontinued to fulfill religious functions. Nowadays galleries, schools, offices, private flats or cultural institutions reside there. Some of them were pulled down or reconstructed on account of bad technical conditions.

Sztuki plastyczne. Ich popularyzacja i odbiór w Krakowie doby autonomicznej (1868-1918)

  • Author: Katarzyna Dormus
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 43-60
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200004
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200004.pdf

Fine Arts — their Popularization and Perception in Krakow in the late Nineteenth Century (1868-1918)

Problem of popularization of fine arts is inseparably connected with the conception of "aesthetical education”, that is with the process of forming desirable attitude towards arts. ln the nineteenth century ”aesthetical education” began to be treated as a one of the most necessary elements of general education of children and adults. In this time an informal model of education was renounced in this sphere and it was granted institutional forms. One of its most important elements were drawing lessons and elements of artistical education in school programms. ln Kraków apart of schools, there were numerous artistical, cultural and educational institutions engaged in popularization of tine arts. Protection of historical buildings and monuments, development of history of arts as an academic branch and development of the press became as well important for the society. Nevertheless, the group of ”consumers” of arts was still limited to the intelligentsia and, to some extant, aristocracy.

Pieczęcie na dokumentach przechowywanych w Archiwum Parafialnym w Dobczycach

  • Author: Elżbieta Piwowarczyk
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 61-76
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200005
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200005.pdf

Seals on the documents preserved in the Parish Archives in Dobczyce

Dobczyce is a small town in southern Poland in the valley of the Raba river within the Cracow Province. Foundation of the town and establishment of the parish goes back to the 13th century. Since the times of Casimir the Great the Polish kings bestowed many privileges upon burghers of Dobczyce. In the 14th century crown lands were formed and let out by the kings. Two of the leaseholders of Dobczyce starosty erected two successive parish churches. Apparently, history of the town and the parish had the same background throughout centuries.  Collection of documents in the Parish Archives in Dobczyce is the testimony of coexistence of the town and the parish. Records from the 16th to the 19th century, many a time signed with seals, were kept there.  In this article, a collection of seals found in the Parish Archives of Dobczyce has been scrutinized. The seals impressed on the documents referred to the town, administrative district, domain, parish and the decanate of Dobczyce. Historical events in the town and the parish of Dobczyce provided the topic for the seals. lt was these events that conditioned placing them on the seals. ln case of Dobczyce the seals had three basic representations: 

1. The head of St. John the Baptist - which was placed on the city and parish seals. 

2. Architectonic representations of the Dobczyce castle - placed on the seals  of domain and decanate of Dobczyce. 

3. An Austrian Eagle - found on the seals of the administrative district.

Wpływ bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na postęp technologiczny w Polsce

  • Author: Janina Pach
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 77-90
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200006
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200006.pdf

The influence of Direct Foreign Investments on technological progress

The article deals with their idea of the direct foreign investments and their role in the technological development in Poland.  The direct foreign investments form the important part of the technology inflow to the country of their importer mainly in:  objectified form as the inflow of goods of hinger technological level  connected with FDI,  unobjectified form comprising. first of all, the scientific and technical  concept protected by patens and unprotected,  transfer competence by human factor.  Applying them helps to reduce the technological underdevelopmentin the country of the FDI importer on condition that the technologies imported to the country are modem, properly adapted to the economy of the country and used effectively.  ln this respect in Poland there are a lot of problems as the solutions that inflow to the country were of relative novelty (about 30% of the solutions and technological devices was even 10 years old), and moreover in many cases Polish scientific and research base was not sufficient to implement and develop them.  That is why, the state should apply the selective policy as regards the development of branches and lines of business with foreign capital and the technologies applied.

Euroregion Karpacki. Obszar dialogu i współpracy

  • Author: Marian Szczepaniak
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 91-104
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200007
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200007.pdf

The Carpathian Euroregion was established on February 14. 1993. lt comprises considerable parts of Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Romania. The Euroregion covers an area of 141,500 sq. km and it has 14,800,000 inhabitants. These include over a dozen nationalities and several religions. This used to be the reason for bloody conflicts.  The process of the Euroregion's creation was significantly inspired and contributed to by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, chief diplomats of Poland, Ukraine and Hungary, as well as the Institute for East-West Studies in New York. The EWS has also played a considerable role in the initial period of the Euroregion's existence. The Institute provided conceptual assistance and collected funds for the Euroregion's needs, e. g., the Peace Foundation of Sasakawa or the Rockefeller Brother Fund. Since 1995 the development and transnational projects of the Euroregion have been supported by the Fund for the Development of the Carpathian Euroregion, headquartered in Kosice, Slovakia, whose money has been granted by the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation from the USA (the Motts Foundation has granted USD 3,900,000 for the support of the Carpathian Region in the The Euroregion's goals comprise the civilizational advancement of its national parts and their cooperation in various Fields, lighting against prejudice, promotion of good neighborly relations, as well as the development of trust among its citizens. Economic cooperation, particularly trade, has developed over the past tive years. Collaboration in the Fields of science, education, culture, ecology and tourism has also expanded. In 1998 the Euroregion's authorities commenced work on a new development strategy for the Carpathian Euroregion. This project has been assisted by the Maas-Rijn Euregio and supported financially by the government of the Flemish Community and Limburg Province, in the amount of ECU 179.300.

Problem gmin zacofanych byłego województwa nowosądeckiego

  • Author: Dariusz Koreleski
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 105-118
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200008
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200008.pdf

Underdeveloped communes in the former (1975-1998) Nowy Sącz voivodeship (now southern part of the Malopolska province)

The author presents the delimitation of the problem causing areas (underdeveloped communes) in the Nowy Sącz voivodeship, according to the criteria defined by the European Union. Both natural and cultural resources, as well as touristic base of these singled out areas have been considered. Special attention has been paid to the necessity to promote various kinds of non-agricultural activity within the range of the multifunctional development of rural areas with particular regard to the agrotourism, protection of environment, landscape and other natural and cultural values.

Charakterystyka lokalnych działaczy społecznych (na przykładzie wybranych dzielnic i gmin)

  • Author: Krzysztof Łabędź
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 119-134
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200009
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200009.pdf

Local social activist's characterization

Persons especially active in work for the local community have been characterized in this text. They were indicated by inhabitants of chosen communes in Cracovian voivodeship and districts in Cracow. The material concerning these persons was gathered during the interviews with them (about 50). The background for showing these people, who can be defined as local social activists, was the data concerning all the inhabitants' activity and some of its circumstances. The data was obtained from filled in questionnaires where lots were drawn. On the basis of the conducted study, we can state that among others, the local social activists are mainly men, who are between 40 and 60 years old, relatively well educated, representing various political orientations. However, their presented characterization contains mainly motives and circumstances of taking an action for the local community, the characterization of the action success and failure, the way how allies and opponents are noticed, etc. The number of social activists are various in different parts of searched communes and districts. One of the conclusions is a statement that in areas where dwellers are more active, there are more local social activists.

Ochrona krajobrazu a budownictwo wiejskie i opinie o nim współmieszkańców wsi małopolskiej

  • Author: Andrzej Kotala
  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-144
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200010
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200010.pdf

Landscape conservation and rural building in the opinion of rural inhabitants of Malopolska

The authors pay attention to the importance of rural building for the landscape quality and express their opinion that country building, chaotic and devoid of style, poses a threat to the landscape amenities in the densely populated Malopolska region.  On the basis of interviews conducted with 841 persons who run their farms in 4 Małopolska communities (gminas) the authors have detected a considerable polarization of the respondents' opinions concerning the effects of building on the landscape quality and introducing the necessary control over building activities. The necessity has been noticed by an average of one third of the respondents and the percentage remains positively correlated to the level of their education.

Łoś w Małopolsce: historia wyginięcia i rekolonizacji

  • Author: Grzegorz Jamrozy
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 145-156
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200011
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200011.pdf

Moose in Malopolska (south-eastern Poland): extinction and recolonization

Ever since the beginning of the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century there was a constant drop in the number of moose and where they could be found in Europe. The last moose in Małopolska was probably killed in 1760. The extinction of this animal was caused by: increased human population, forest removal, the drying tip of wet terrain, destructive hunting (including that of King August II), poaching and the so-called ”species conservatism” which makes it impossible for a species to adapt to changes in the environment.  However after World War ll there was a turning point: several rescued animals from the Biebrzański bog (in the northeastern part of Poland), a certain number of illegal immigrants' from the USRR and 5 animals brought from Lithuania were introduced into Kampinos near Warsaw were the beginning of a quickly growing population, that within 20 years had colonized most of the country and by the end of the 1970's there were more than 6,000 animals ( !). Already by the 1960's moose could be found in Malopolska. Most frequently they migrated along the following river valleys: Pilica, the Vistula and the San. The first permanent settlement was found in the Dulowa Forest, a mere 30 kilometers west of Cracow. The next one was in the Wierzchosławice Forest near Tarnów as well as in the Sieniawa near Poland's eastern border. During the following years Małopolska was populated and new settlements founded. In 1990 21 forest districts confirmed on a questionnaire the presence of moose. 26 said that moose appear in their districts as mi grating animals. Only 14 forest districts said that there were not any moose in their areas. At that time there were 200 moose in the Małopolska area. However since that time there has been a certain regression in the moose population, namely there are fewer numbers of moose and some settlements have disappeared. Therefore, in conclusion, this animal needs active protection from man. Presently in Małopolska there are settlements which are described in this paper.

Działalność Klubu i Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w Krakowie w latach 1937-1939

  • Author: Ewa Fogelzang-Adler
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 157-175
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200012
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200012.pdf

Democratic Club distinguished itself by forceful proceedings among the other centres of that type, which were active between 1937 and 1939. It characterized by radicalism of social postulates. The circle in Cracow was the first one that outlined the programme and the base of social influence of Democratic Party. Almost from the very beginning the process of democratic movement organization showed the necessity for quick creation of a political party. Although the active party members did not have their own press, their views were published in the contemporary press and first of all in ”Krakowski Kurier Poranny” or in ”Krakowski Kurier Wieczorny". The members of the Youth Section participated actively not only in lecture actions but also in other forms of activity. The outbreak of WWII stopped the legal proceedings of the Club and Party in Cracow, which was revived in conspiracy during almost the first months of German Occupation.

Legenda i prawda o ocaleniu Krakowa przez żołnierzy radzieckich w 1945 roku.

  • Author: Stanisław Wiśniewski
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 175-184
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200013
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200013.pdf

The Truth and Legend on how Soviet Soldiers Saved Cracow in 1945

The author proves that facts contradiet Koniev's, Korovnikov's and Degtiarev's, the Soviet Union officers, claim that the Germian Army's attempt to blow up Cracow was foiled by the Soviet Army. The number of mines discovered in the city was not sufficient to confirm the German intentions to mine the city.  Koniev declared that he had purposefully let the German troops out to save the city from destruction which could have been caused by heavy street fights. Yet, the author methodically indicates that the Soviet Army intended to encircle the previously outflanked in Cracow German troops. However, Germans managed to withdraw in time, which event made the earlier soviet order suggesting a limited use of artillery and air force irrelevant.  The author explains that the soviet officers desired to grant Cracow a status of a ”saved” city - a gift for the Polish nation. In this way the Soviet Union wanted to make up for Warsaw which the Soviet Army left unattended to be destroyed by Germans after the uprising in 1944.

Problematyka sąsiedztwa polsko-ukraińskiego w myśli politycznej emigracyjnego Stronnictwa Narodowego

  • Author: Stanisław Kilian
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 185-200
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200014
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200014.pdf

The problem of the Polish-Ukrainian neighbour-hood in political thought of Polish National Democratic Party

In the early years of emigration the politicians of the ”Polish London” initiated an idea of collaboration with the political representatives of the nations controlled by the USSR, including the representatives of Ukraine. However, the attempts of reaching the agreement met with many obstacles; in fact, there were, at least, two reasons why the Polish-Ukrainian agreement was impossible right after the second world war. Firstly, both the Polish and the Ukrainians demanded a compensation for what they had suffered from each other in the past. The Ukrainians remembered the hostility of the Polish government before the second world war towards them and its tendency to denationalization while the Polish still could not forget the murder of Polish people in Wołyń. Secondly. the Polish subjected the agreement with Ukraine to a condition of its relinquishing any claims to south-east territories called West Ukraine by the Ukrainians. ln such a difficult situation it was regarded as most important to start the collaboration irrespective of any differences in the estimation of the mutual relationships in the recent past.  The first to take steps in this direction was Klaudiusz Hrabyk - an editor of The Chronicle” - a magazine edited in Munich, the encouraged popular journalists and political activists representing the main ideological trends of the Ukrainian emigration to take part in the discussion. ln this way for the first time since the second world war ended people in emigration got informed about the general outline of the vision of neighbourly relationships within the central-east Europe freed from the Soviet control.  In the fifties in ”the Polish London” there were many suggestions towards a closer partnership with Ukraine. Let us mention The Board for the Research in Ukrainian Affairs, founded at a socialist leader, Adam Ciołkosz”s suggestion. The board was meant to explain any controvrsial issues concerning the Polish-Ukrainian relationships. The aim of this article is to present the views expressed in political centres of ”the Polish London”, in particular on the suggestion of Polish National Democratic Parry concerning the neighbourly relationships with the independent Ukraine.

Polska Armia Podziemna 1950-1952

  • Author: Mirosław Piotrowski
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 201-210
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200015
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200015.pdf

Polish Underground Army 1950-1952

Polish Underground Army (PAP) came into being in April 1950. Under its influence were Lublin and a part of the Lublin District. The army consisted of the former members of Bataliony Chłopskie (BCh) [Peasants Battalions], Armia Krajowa (AK) [Home Army], and Wolność i Niezawisłość (WiN) [Freedom and lndependence]. Its main organiser was Jan Kurył, nickname "Biały”. The commander of the sabotage section was temporarily Edward Dziewa, nickname ”Jeremi”, and later Feliks Żminda. The primary aim of the organisation was to destroy the local collective farms and to prevent the creation of new ones, as well as to terrorise their active members, to get weapon and to attack the collective trade units and state institutions.  The Public Security (BP) institutions differentiated the members of PAP commanded by Jan Kurył from the so-called "terrorist and robbing gang” under the leadership of Feliks Żminda. Finally, the officials of WUBP in Lublin traced and terminated both groups.

Ewangelicy cieszyńscy wobec kwestii odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę i przyłączenie do niej Śląska Cieszyńskiego w świetle "Posła Ewangelickiego" i "Nowego Czasu"

  • Author: Jarosław Kłaczkow
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 211-222
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200016
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200016.pdf

The Evangelical Church in Cieszyn and the issue of restoring the Polish independence and annexing Śląsk Cieszyński to Poland as presented in "Evangelical Emissary" and "New Time"

Contrary to the rest of Poland, there have existed large groups of Polish Evangelical Church members in Śląsk Cieszyński since the Reformation. During the struggle to join that area to Poland, two Evangelical Church branches were created: the majority voting for the annexation to Poland (its press representative was "Poseł Ewangelicki”) and the minority of Silesian separatists sympathising with the Czechs and Germans (its press representative was ”Nowy Czas”). The article is based on the discussion of the issue between the two periodicals. The division of Silesia in July 1920 made the discussion futile. Bitterly ironical was the fact that on the Czech side there appeared parishes that demanded to be joined with Poland in the most active way, connected with ”Poseł Ewangelicki”, and on the Polish side there were the ones dominated by the Silesians (the "Nowy Czas” supporters) and Germans. As a result, the division was a major defeat of the Polish Evangelical movement and its members. For a number of them. led by the Rev. Franciszek Michejda, the history put them inches from achieving the goal, on the border bridge on Olza.

Plany reformy Akademii Krakowskiej a "filozofia moralna" Hugona Kołłątaja

  • Author: Roman Padoł
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 223-230
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200017
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200017.pdf

Cracow's Academy plans of reforms and Hugo Kołłątaj moral philosophy

The article presents the aspect of a reformatory activity and moral conception of the order by H. Kołłątaj. Because of Cracow Academy plans of reforms he presented his own proposal of a teaching program and a method that includes close relationships between humanistic sciences and knowledge about the nature. His moral philosophy was a significant symptom of this method using. lt appealed to an universal order and common laws ruling the world 50 a man life also, referring to him as an individual and a social one. On this base it would be possible according to Kołłątaj to build ethics that was to keep its precise and non-conventional nature.

Program nauczania specjalnego w Stanach Zjednoczonych

  • Author: Jolanta Tatara
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 231-238
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200018
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200018.pdf

The Special Teaching Programme in USA

The American system of education has been trying to meet the problems of children and teenagers. The problems certainly include the difficulties in using the English language (bilingual teaching is essential for emigrants). The general difficulties in acquiring the issues to be learned and all kinds of disabilities. Bilingual teaching and special education is a separate, very important branch in the American system of education. The legal regulations and the resulting responsibilities towards students (presented in the book) fulfilled at schools secure a better life for every individual by providing equal educational possibilities.

Oświata w polskim państwie podziemnym

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2000
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 263-266
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200028
  • PDF: ksm/04/ksm200028.pdf


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