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Vol. 5

Kryzys przywództwa politycznego w świecie współczesnym

  • Author: Tadeusz Biernat
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-28
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200101
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200101.pdf

Crisis of political leadership in the contemporary world

The paper constitutes an analysis of selected aspects of political leadership in the context of transformation of the Polish political system. The approach proposed here concerns on the sources of political leadership crisis. Leadership is not only the crucial term of explanation of the political power relation. It is also crucial concept in many theories, among them theory of political system legitymacy. The influence of idea of leadership is visible in the issue of the relations between political obligation and force. Having regard that the position of leader is changing in the contemporary world and the contemporary state we need new perspectives and new ideas in particular research on forms of leadership.  Trought the paper the author argued that the crisis of leadership is the result of the erosion of traditional forms of leadership e. g. heroic, charismatic and political party leadership. The modern political world with its plurality of different forms of political organizations and political authority, give opportunity to formulate opinion that the new forms of leadership are founded on others sources . 'The subject discussed in this paper is very large, so the author decided to present briefly some important thesis, which are only the point of departure to the future approach.

Stronnictwo Demokratyczne w Krakowie w latach 1939-1944

  • Author: Ewa Fogelzang-Adler
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 29-40
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200102
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200102.pdf

Democratic Party in Cracow played a significant role among the other regional sections of the Party which were active between 1939 and 1945. It was the second forceful centre of underground SD (Democratic Party) which in a way was competing with Warsaw. Cracow was the only region that relatively preserved its organizational and personal continuity from the first months of German occupation till the end of the war and even later on. The activities of SD (Democratic Party) in Cracow extended over other areas of the country, for example, over Rzeszów and Podkarpacie regions. The members of the centre in Cracow took part in different publishing, reconnaissance, political, protective or preventive and fighting enterprises. They organized the transfer of the youth who wanted to fight in Polish Army in the West. They cooperated with the Council of the Help to the Jews in Cracow. They gave help to prisoners and their families, among other things, by the department dealing with legalization of identity cards and documents.

Krakowskie Uzdrowiska

  • Author: Tadeusz Wojtaszek
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 41-64
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200103
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200103.pdf

The natural conditions of Cracow and its surroundings are very favourable for spa-treatment. One finds here the sources of mineral water, and a specific microclimate, especially in the excavation chambers of the old salt mines of Wieliczka and Bochnia. All this makes the region of Cracow very important for physiotherapy.  For many centuries, a very efficient treatment of various diseases has been taking place in specially profiled physiotherapy departments, established in the region in the past.  Hydrophysiotherapy, based on local mineral waters, has been one of curative treatments applied in Swoszowice, Mateczny and Krzeszowice, while the old excavation chambers of the Wieliczka and Bochnia salt mines are famous for subterraneotherapym  Also Ojców and Krzeszowice, located just a few kilometers from Krakow, were well known as physiotherapy health resorts, but the climatic therapy there became impossible because of the general air pollution.  Unfortunatelly, dispite such excellent opportunities offered by the natural conditions of the region, the potentialities for treatment in a health resort have been not rationally used here.

Partie Polityczne Zamojszczyzny w wyborach parlamentarnych 1991-1997

  • Author: Renata Mikitiuk
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-80
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200104
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200104.pdf

The Zamość region's political parties in parliamentary elections (1991-1997)

Parliamentary elections are the most common form of controlling a country's authorities by its citizens.  However, it must be stated that without being represented by political parties, the citizens are not able to exert influence on the activities of state administration.  Compared to ordinary citizens, political parties have a bigger influence over members of parliament. Candidates who are recommended by political organisations are more often successful in elections than others. Most members of parliament have close ties with political parties and are often subject to party discipline. Nowadays political organisations are an indispensable element of parliamentary democracy.  The summarised article contains a presentation of political parties which are active in the Zamość region and which participated in the parliamentary elections of 1991, 1993 and 1997. It also presents the parties' election programme issues and the election results in the region compared to the results at the national level.  Analysis of election results in particular areas (including the Zamość region) is justified as these are part of the national results and create a more complete panorama of the electoral system.

Onkologia Krakowska. Tradycja i współczesność

  • Author: Janusz Pawlęga
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 81-96
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200105
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200105.pdf

The first activities of the modern Krakow oncology are connected with the establishment of the first Polish Chair of Pathology at Jagiellonian University in 1852. Between 1877-1897 the famous Professor of Surgery Ludwik Rydygier was working here.  3 months after Roentgen invention the X rays for diagnostic purposes were used in Krakow. In 1900 the first Polish textbook "X ray for diagnostics and treatment was edited in Krakow by M. Nartowski. Between 1913 to 1974 radiotherapy at Jagiellonian University was done together with rentgenodiagnostics . The independent Word of Radiotherapy was acting between 1974 to 1981 . In 1981 the Chair and Clinic of Oncology was established . The main activities of Clinic of Oncology are connected with the complex treatment of lymphoma, head and neck and breast cancer. In cooperation with Hematology Clinic high dosis chemotherapy with bone morrow transplantation have been done. The modern radiotherapy is provided in cooperation with University Children Hospital. Scientific activities are connected with prevention of stomach cancer, early diagnosis of breast cancer and monitoring of treatment of lymphoma and colorectal cancer.  The first Director of Warsow Cancer Institute professor F. Łukaszczyk was graduated from Jagiellonian University. Thanks his help the Krakow Branch of Cancer Institute was established in 1951 . There was the strict cooperation between Cancer Institute and University Hospital. Professor J. Oszacki, A. Urban, H. Glińska, J. Pawlęga were working in both institutions. From other site professor H. Kołodziejska Director of Krakow Cancer Institute (1954-1980) was initiating the undergraduate training in oncology. The most important facts from point of view of modernization of Krakow oncology were installation in 1999 2 modern radiotherapy lines in Krakow Cancer Centre and Children University Hospital.

Wydział Lekarski Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego a dawne szpitale krakowskie

  • Author: Henryk Gaertner
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 97-108
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200106
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200106.pdf

Medical faculty of the Jagiellonian University and ancient hospitals of Cracow

At the beginning the paper brings a chronological ennumeration of ancient hospitals of Cracow. First part of the paper describes the cooperation of prominent medical faculty members with Cracow's former hospitals. Second part concerns the organization and development of the first Polish University Hospital in Cracow on the basis of ancient religious hospitals. The third part presents the efforts of closer cooperation between medical faculty, its university hospital and other hospitals. In the fourth part the development of the true medical care of patients in former Cracow hospitals is discussed. The fifth part shows the development of cooperation between medical faculty and the Brothers of Mercy Hospital (created in 1609). At the end the autor demonstrates the influences of the cooperation be- tween medical faculty and hospitals on the medical care in Cracow.

Znaczenie kapitału w rozwoju Województwa Małopolskiego w latach 90

  • Author: Janina Pach
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 109-122
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200107
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200107.pdf

The importance of foreign capital in the Małopolska region

The increase of investment attractiveness of Poland in 19903 caused the increase of the flow of foreign capital-especially in the form of indirect foreign investments. Whereas in 1993 their accumulated value did not exceed three milliard USD, in 1998 their value was tenfold greater and in the middle of 2000 it reached about 40 milliard USD.  The capital was located mainly in the former voivodships of Warszawa (44,6% of the global foreign capital) Wrocław, Poznań, Kraków and Bielsko. In the Malopolska region, which includes the former Kraków voivodship, direct foreign investments are also regionally polarised which points to the difference of their importance in the economy development. The biggest number of companies with foreign capital can be found in Kraków and the smallest number in the territorial units of Bochnia and Limanowa.  In consequence. the territorial units that are poor (not attractive for foreign investors) are becoming poorer and poorer and underdeveloped as well.  For this reason the support of local governments and the state for encouraging direct investments to this regions is necessary. They are essential for creating new jobs and improving the technical level of production.

Dynamika zmian poziomu infrastruktury technicznej w gminach wiejskich województwa przemyskiego w latach 1989-1997

  • Author: Barbara Siupik
  • Author: Jadwiga Bożek
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-134
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200108
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200108.pdf

Dynamics of changes in the level of technical infrastructure in rural communities of przemyskie voivodship within 1989-1997

The paper presents changes that had taken place in the level of chosen elements of technical infrastructure in rural areas of Przemyskie voivodship within 1989-97. The length of water supply, sewage and gas system as well as the number of telephone holders increased three times. Although the needs are still high, which follows from the second part of the paper presenting the level of technical infrastructure of farms in Przemyskie voivodship in 1996.

Tendencje rozwoju w organizacji produkcji sadownictwa w kontekście przystąpienie Polski do Unii Europejskiej

  • Author: Marta Domagalska
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 135-146
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200109
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200109.pdf

Tendencies of development in organization of fruit production in the context of Poland integration with European Union

Situation in Polish orchards is especially complicated because along with the high dynamic of fruit production processing and foreign trade, there is stagnation and even regress in the domain of fruit distribution.  The main fruit produced in Poland are: apples, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries and plums, of which 70 % is production of apples. The main functions in Polish horticulture production play also the soft fruits and apple concentrate, which are Polish export speciality. Polish market is absorptive for Polish soft fruits like Polish market is absorptive for lemons, oranges, peaches, apricots, nectarines, grapes, and kiwis.  Polish integration with the EU countries gives a chance for stabilization of our world leader position in production of soft fruits and cherries for processing. EU will force high quality of Polish fruit and changes in Sphere of fruit distribution.

Zrównoważony rozwój obszarów wiejskich w województwie małopolskim

  • Author: Dariusz Koreleski
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-160
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200110
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200110.pdf

Sustainable development of rural areas in the Małopolska province

The paper presents the main assumptions and concepts concerning sustainable and multifunctional development of rural areas in the Małopolska province. In particular, the author pointed out the ways of delimitation of rural areas, as well as functions and development of those areas and their potential. The chosen aspects of the European Union countries experience in the above mentioned field have also been presented, together with the Statements worked out at several United Nations conferences. The article includes a review of the opinions of the greatest authorities on the subject. Finally, extremely great natural potential of the Małopolska province has been shown, predestining this province in a special way to harmonious and synchronised implementation of the permanent, sustainable and multifunctional concept of the development of rural areas.

Usługi w procesie modernizacji rolnictwa w regionie Małopolski

  • Author: Andrzej Radwan
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 161-174
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200111
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200111.pdf

The analysis was based on the results of surveys carried out at private fanus randomly selected in 1987 and 1996 in the Strzyżów commune situated in the Podkarpackie voivodship. The studies have confirmed that production services are insufficiently developed. Both their intensiveness and subject range within which they are provided reveal that they are not an active instrument of structural changes of fragmentated agriculture but only a supplement of current technical potentia] of fanus. Services for agriculture definitely dominate in the structure of services and among them mechanization, construction and repair services prevail, whereas transport has only a minor share. In the subject structure of the provided services significant changes have occurred, revealed as an increase in services provided by private entitiens (craftsmann's services and rent) at the cost diminished share of cooperative service providers. Neighbourly help, particulary with field works, occupies an important position in the structure of services.

Pytania współczesnej medycyny

  • Author: Anna Bilska
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 175-184
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200112
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200112.pdf

Why the level of satisfaction of modern societies from the achievements and successes of contemporary medicine is so low? Why the answer for the question if the progress of medicine made human being happier - is more and more often negative. What are the limits of humans cognition?  lt seems until now that so far mankind did not face so many fundamental and difficult problems and questions raised by conscious science, medicine and technique.  Reflections, views, doubts and comments are presented by scientists, physicians and joumalists.

Bioetyka, ekonomia, medycyna a ochrona środowiska człowieka

  • Author: Zbigniew Chłap
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 185-196
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200113
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200113.pdf

Bioethics, economy, medicine, and protection of human environment

The paper presents an analysis of the following problems: 

a) a chasm between the satisfying legislation concerning environmental protection in Poland and on the other hand - serious neglects in the field of pollution prophylaxis (e.g.the presence of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds in drinking water); 

b) insufficient information on citizens'right to live in healthy condition, but at the some time on personal responsibility of everybody for the protection of environment (e.g.general ignorance in Poland of very important documents, like: European Convention on Bioethics or Universal Declaration of Human Right of Future Generation, etc.).

Choroby alergiczne a środowisko naturalne i skażone

  • Author: Grzegorz Porębski
  • Author: Krystyna Obtułowicz
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 197-208
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200114
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200114.pdf

During the last century the high increase in prevalence of allergic diseases is observed. About 25-30% of human pnpulation suffer from these diseases. In the same time many new chemical substances related to industrial development have appeared in human surrounding. In polluted environment allergy often spreads among individuals without predisposition in family. An increase in allergogenicity of natural substances and an increase environmental allergens penetration into human body are observed. Irritant and toxic ksenobiotics, absent in natural environment, can influence on defence mechanisms of human organism.  In the study natural and polluted environmental factors, especially in a workplace, are discussed. Experimental researches considering the subject, postulated patomechanisms of observed phenomena as well as stress influence on immunological reactions of human body are described. Preventive methods for stopping the uncontrolled increase in allergic diseases and for improvement of patients' quality of life are proposed.

Wpływ środowiska na układ odpornościowy

  • Author: Marta Zakrzewska
  • Author: Katarzyna Sawicka-Kapusta
  • Author: Zbigniew Dąbrowski
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 209-214
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200115
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200115.pdf

The influence of environmental pollution on human immune system

Many kinds of environmental contaminations influencing living organisms, in respect to the immune system, have double character. They may pathologically stimulate or inhibit it. The target cells are most frequently for T and B lymphocytes. The role polymorphonuclear granulocytes, eosinophils and basophils should also be taken into account. The influence of stressors on CUN has been discussed. Authors correlate the increase in incidence of malignancies, allergies with environmental pollution.

Odpady ważnym aktualnym problemem ogólnospołecznym i środowiskowym

  • Author: Emilia Kolarzy
  • Author: Jadwiga Helbin
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 215-226
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200116
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200116.pdf

The quantity of industrial waste generated in Poland is estimated at 125 million Mg per year, including 1,5 million Mg (1,2%) of hazardous waste. In 2000 10 106 thousand Mg of industrial waste was generated in Krakow Voivodship, from which 74% was used in industry, 7% was neutralised, 19% was deposited . In this year the quantity of municipal waste in Krakow Voivodship was 616 thousand Mg. Municipal waste was produced by household, public and service facilities. From 1998 in Krakow exist a modern system of municipal waste management, based on European standards. The strategic objectives of this program include: waste reduction, reuse of recyclable, biological treatment and incineration. The basic method of disposal of municipal waste in Krakow is landfilling. Municipal and municipal-like waste generated by residents of Kraków are deposited in Barycz landfill In 1997 an environmental monitoring system was established in the area around the landfill. and a number of actions to reduce the harmful impact of Barycz landfill to the environment and residents were undertaken. Since 1996 also medical waste has been neutralised in the Medical Waste Incineration Municipal waste management in Kraków still improves, but promotion and education of appropriate waste management is needed

Hałas - współczesny czynnik fizyczny stanowiący istotne zagrożenie zdrowia człowieka

  • Author: Jadwiga Helbin
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 227-236
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200117
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200117.pdf

Noise is a burdensome factor with universal social scope. It touch all the people. It influence badly on the human health, reduce of work efficiency and increase a quantity of work accidents. The main source of noise is trach and industry.  Measurement of noise prove that traffic routes have a considerable acoustic influence on adjacent residential areas the greatest intensity. It exceed the most his admissible volume during a night. In the case of noise measurement of industry origin on observe reduction of case exceeding standard value above 15 dB.

Ocena zagrożenia substancjami chemicznymi wśród dorosłych mieszkańców Krakowa w 1998 r.

  • Author: Małgorzata Kłys
  • Author: Beata Szkolnicka
  • Author: Monika Liguz
  • Author: Aleksandra Kamenczak
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 237-346
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200118
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200118.pdf

The aim of the study was to evaluate the number and the reason (poison and structure) of acute poisonings which occurred among Kraków adult inhabitants in the year 1998. Under analysis there were 3236 people treated in the Department of Clinical Toxicology and 108 poisoned who died at the place of accident prior to any treatment was conducted. The group of hospitalized persons consisted of 64,7% men and 35,3% women, and the group of people who died at the place of accident consisted of 85,2% men and of 14,8% women. The overall coefficient of poisoning during the year 1998 was 43,7; for men was 60,2 and 29,1 for women. Drugs (21 ,3%) followed ethanol (38,8%) were the most common cause of acute poisonings. The mortality rate of treated patients was low (0,46%), but while including those people who died at the place of accident prior to any treatment, the mortality rate rose up to 3,55. That increase in the mortality rate was caused mainly by fatal cases due to ethanol and carbon monoxide poisonings.

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Postęp techniczny i ekonomiczny a fizyczna i psychiczna kondycja człowieka

  • Author: Janina Szczepaniak
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 247-260
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200119
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200119.pdf

Technical and economic progres versus physical and mental condition of man

The article presents a development of interrelations between technical and economic progress and physical and mental condition of man from the transitional period in the Middle Ages till the one lasting currently. The first period opened scientific and technical opportunities for man to get free from body limitations. In its first phase it brought numerous advantages to the health of leading and highly developed societies. A domination of all spheres of life, also those remote from economy, like medicine, by economics completes the second phase of these interactions development, where although technical and medical progress continues, yet it is more subjected to market economy requirements than to human needs. In the middle of 19-th century such state was regarded as on excessive deviation to material interests in life, which nighy lead to a catastrophe, thus at least in some circles endeavours to find new solutions were undertaken. At present not only visions of alternative development are conpired up but also attempts are made to realize some of them with good results for the condition of man. It may be presumed that it is a kind of transitional period preceeding a new epoch when humanistic values are restored.

Szkoły powszechne i średnie ogólnokształcące w II Rzeczpospolitej i ich obraz w Krakowie

  • Author: Dariusz Nowak
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 261-272
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200120
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200120.pdf

Elementary and secondary comprehensive schools in the second republic and their situation in Kraków

The article presents a system of schools in Independent Poland until the year 1932. Significant systemic and legal changes covering elementary and secondary schools until the moment of introducing Jędrzejowicz's Reform are presented. We can also get acquainted with the image of the cultural and scientific life in Kraków after the year 1918, as well as we can learn about the status of the elementary and secondary schools in the city in the period under discussion.

Szkolnictwo w powiecie Łukowskim 1915-1917

  • Author: Katarzyna Wójcik
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 273-294
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200121
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200121.pdf

The school education system in the Łuków area (1915-1917)

After the fall of the January uprising the tzarist Russia's authorities imposed a new model of school policy whose aim was integration and unification of the Congress Kingdom of Poland with Russia. In the years of 1868-85 Russian was introduced as the official language of school instruction and state administration. It was also a period of development of elementary education system in the Lublin region.  During World War I the region's schools suffered heavy losses. In 1915 Poles Started reconstruction of schools in the region. The joint Austrian-German Civil Authorities produced new legal regulations concerning education. In 1917 control over schools was passed in a decree issued by the general governor Hans von Beseler to the Interim Commission which was created by the Interim State Council (Tymczasowa Rada Stanu).  The article attempts to reconstruct the situation of the school education system in the Łuków area in the years of 1915-1917.

Uczestnictwo w kulturze studentów krakowskich uczelni

  • Author: Magdalena Hoły
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 295-304
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200122
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200122.pdf

The participation in culture by students of colleges in Kraków

The paper presented above concern the results of researches about 510 students of seven different colleges in Cracow, according to of sex and places of birth. Students answered in writing on questions of inquiry. Interesting appears question how young people, for of which often dream are studies in Cracow, will be able to use this, what city has to them offering.  The serious problem in present is difference between mass cultures and high cultures and participation of students in each of them. Department of Sociology and Rural Development made the researches about their participation in culture, concerns and ways of spending free time and their knowledge about Cracow, its historical places. On base the mentioned researches Author can ascertain that environment of students takes place unprofitable process of leaving from high cultures to mass-cultures.

Młodzież wiejska Małopolski w procesie transformacji ustrojowej

  • Author: Andrzej Kotala
  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 305-316
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200123
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200123.pdf

Young people of rural Malopolska in the political system transformation process; the present situation, aspirations, prospects

The article presents the results of studies on young inhabitants of rural south-east Poland (Malopolska). The region is densely populated and characteristic for small size of farms and limited contribution of proceeds from farming into the income structure of rural population, as majority of this population depend on support from jobs outside agriculture or from welfare benefits. The main problem of rural Malopolska is shortage of jobs and unemployment hidden in the structure of agriculture the effect of which is poor use of local human resources. The situation of young people joining the labour force is particularly difficult in this area. The studies were conducted in the years 1999-2000 by interviewing randomly selected inhabitants of Villages, aged 16-22, in nine rural communities representing different levels of urbanisation. The total size of the tested sample was 998 people. The subject of study are both the present activities of the young people (work against compensation, continuing education, work on a farm) and their occupational aspirations as well as opinions and views on issues connected with the social and economic development of the whole country and the rural Malopolska.

Wkład krakowskich lekarzy w powstanie radiologii polskiej

  • Author: Robert Chrzan
  • Author: Izabela Herman-Sucharska
  • Author: Irena Chojnacka
  • Author: Elżbieta Borczowska
  • Author: Andrzej Urbaniak
  • Year of publication: 2001
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 347-352
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200132
  • PDF: ksm/05/ksm200132.pdf


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