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Issue 2002

Trzydzieści pokoleń Polaków w świetle genealogii historycznej

  • Author: Stanisław Grodziski
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-17
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200201
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200201.pdf

Thirty generations of poles in the light of historical genealogy

Assuming that the history of Poland involves around thirty generations, the author presents the problem of a contradiction between the real number of inhabitants of our country at the dawn of our history and a theoretical number of ancestors of the Polish nations, the latter being incomparably higher. This contradiction which can be explained by the fact that many people descend from the same ancestors, gives the author an inspiration to develop a wider reflection on the history of the Polish ethnic community.

Etyka naturalna

  • Author: Jan Trąbka
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 17-34
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200202
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200202.pdf

In the questions concentrated with "ethos" the were issued opinions from as well the bio-neurological side as the humanistic one resulted of the antropoic rules. In this paper trials of putting together there two approaches: the first presented by W. Tulibacki "Bioethics and Naturalism" and the second one by T. Teller "lngenesis Conception and Cannon of the Beauty”. The human dignity created by the own self-criticism of ”deep ego” starts the process of transparence (lin Heidegger's tern) of the ethics and ends in the C. McGinn's cause - effects consciousness. 

ethics naturalism neurobiological approach antropoic rules

Czy utracimy narodową tożsamość czyli Czym nas straszy duch epoki

  • Author: Stanisław Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 35-54
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200203
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200203.pdf

Are we going to loose our national identity in other words what does the spirit of the epoch scare us with?

The subject of the article are the cultural transformations occurring in Poland which are basically a derivative of wider processes of a global nature but find favourable environment in the specific state of things. The author presents them in a wider context, trying to answer the question of what ethnic identity is and how it changes, and also tracing the consequences which the present fast rate of its changes brings for Euro-Athlantic Civilisation. These consequences in many respects remind us of a collision of two cultures of uneven development levels and so, when referring to them the author uses a term of .,autoaculturation”

Wybrane problemy funkcjonowania Specjalnych Stref Ekonomicznych w Polsce (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli kapitału zagranicznego)

  • Author: Janina Pach
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 55-68
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200204
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200204.pdf

The chosen problems of functioning of the special economic zones in Poland (with respect to the role of foreign capital)

The process of transformation together with the market reforms, privatisation of national films, liberalisation and budget limitations caused many advantageous changes on a macro scale, however, it also implied a number of negative results, like clearance of some businesses, mines and military equipment companies. One of the most disadvantageous side effects of undertaking the reforms was increase of structural unemployment. It proved to be especially dangerous in one company towns. where one big firm was practically the only serious employer and producer of the particular goods. e.g. military equipment. Great problems with unemployment appeared, as well, in some other regions. hardly attractive for the investment. where the process of privatisation and restructurisation was going on. Thus, the special economic zones (SSE) became an important instrument of the economic policy, being at the same time a substitute for regional state policy. Their main purpose was to attract national and foreign investors by offering them some privileges, mostly tax prerogatives. The present article is trying to explain the idea and the way of functioning of special economic zones in Poland. lt focuses on: principles. purposes and nature of the functioning of special economic zones in Poland: the importance and contribution of foreign investment in special economic zones; the prospects of special economic zones in Poland in the context of its future accession to the European Union.

Miejsce i rola kultury regionalnej w polityce Unii Europejskiej

  • Author: Marta Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 69-78
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200205
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200205.pdf

Role and place of regional culture in the policy of European Union

The place, importance and future of region and regional culture in the perspective of full membership of Poland in the EU are the main issues of the article. Polish regionalism will face challenges related not only to our accession to the EU but also to continued administration reform. Both these processes will be affected and simulated by the importance of regional policy in the EU and its member states, by strong regionalism and regional social movements in European countries.

Metafilozofia postmodernizmu a ekonomia

  • Author: Janina Szczepaniak
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 79-95
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200206
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200206.pdf

Metaphilosophy of postmodernism and economics

Postmodernism has become a fact in development of culture and philosophical ideas after European modernism on the turn of the 19'h century. It has been established as a reaction on modem culture manifesting itself in nearly every field of human activity. Postmodernism is a trend (not the only one) typical for transition phase between two periods. i.e. crisis period. It is a revolution in cultural heritage as a whole. Although, apart from its "metaphilosophical" character it does not define any new ea. Assuming that any creative activity is influenced by the image of the world one can see its impact on the awareness of global threats by wider and wider circles of economic (and not only economic) societies. Assuming that the technical reality and postmodernistic wave are complementary the question arises in what way this wave helps people overwhelm their confusion created by the variety of possibilities brought by new technologies supporting science, management and economics. Treating postmodernism as a certain way of thinking of the world one can state that within the frame of philosophy nothing directly can be prompted in the ethical or political Field while within epistemology or methodology it becomes an inspiring trend fora broadly understood science of economy.

Najcenniejsze zabytki kościoła ŚŚ. Jana Chrzciciela i Ewangelisty oraz klasztoru Prezentek w Krakowie i ich problematyka

  • Author: Jan Samek
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 95-104
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200207
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200207.pdf

Church of SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist in Cracow was founded by Piotr Włostowic in the first half of the I st century. At the beginning it was a two-span one-nave church with an apse. The church has been repeatedly rebuilt, for the first time probably in the early 14'-th century when the east vault of the presbitery was made and perhaps the initial apse was removed. It is a building in the Romanesque style, extensively changed in the Gothic period as well as in the 17th (the fasade) and 18th centuries. Antoni Frączkiewicz, a well-known sculptor. was involved in the making of the altars which date from that period. The monastery houses valuable paintings dealing with both religious and secular topics painted by domestic and foreign artists alike. An example of the latter is Two Musicians from the 17th century. The treasury contains 17th and 18th century works of art from Cracow such as the 18th century sun monstrance. in late-Baroque style, with a figure of the Mother of God and the Child or 17th century chalices: a mannierist one from the first quarter of the l7th century, an early Baroque one from 1633 and a Chalice from 1639 with letters DZ. Of special interest is a dress for the Gothic-Renaissance painting of the Mother of God in the main altar from 1683 which also depicts Cracovian burghers. The architecture and fumishings of the SS John the Baptist and John the Evangelist Church as well as the works of art housed by the monastery are an example of 'layering' of style so characteristic of Cracow environment ~ an initially Romanesque church rebuilt in Gothic and Baroque periods and mrnished with works of art spanning four centuries. from the 15'h to the 19th century.

Romańskie kościoły przedlokacyjnej osady tzw. Okołu - wczesnośredniowieczne fundacje możnych w Krakowie

  • Author: Elżbieta Piwowarczyk
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 105-114
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200208
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200208.pdf

Romanesque churches of pre-charter settlement called "The Okół" - early medieval foundations by magnates in Krakow.

Pre-charter Krakow was not a homogenous unit as regards forms of settlement. Wawel, which was the dukes' abode, came to the foreground. However. in the course of establishment of the Polish rulers' abode in the city of Krakow economic life moved to surrounding settlements. In the century the settlement situated at the very foot of Wawel Hill (to the north) called the Okół was the main of them. It was becoming populated with the increase in the number of servile people at the Duke's court, predominantly by those working for the ruler and the Church. That was also the place where substantial part of the elite of the authorities settled. Its wealthier representatives erected their family churches within the boundaries of the Okół.
This paper presents briefly the medieval history of four places of worship, which were raised within the boundaries of the Okół and founded (indubitably or presumably) by contemporary magnates.
1. St Andrew Church: erected between 1079 and 1098 with the endowment of Sieciech who was Duke Władysław Herman's palatine. The church was given the character of a secular canons' collegiate church performing the function, supposedly. of the court church as well. It was under the auspices of the Starz-Toporczyk family.
2. St Martin's Church: raised at the beginning of the 13th century with the endowment (or the cooperation) of a member of the Gryfit family (according to the tradition it was Piotr Dunin or his grandson Jaksy of Miechów, both of the Gryfit family). Two families, the Ostój and the Gryfit families, were its patrons.
3. St Mary Magdalen's Church: built in the first hall' of the 13th century. founded by one of the magnate families (?).
4. St Peter's Chapel: erected in the 13th century (?), founded by one of the magnate families (?).
St Andrew's Church was the only one of the four sacral structures founded by the magnates, which survived hitherto. Nowadays it belongs to St Clare's Order. Over the centuries the rest of the churches were either thoroughly rebuilt (St Martin's Church. now the Evangelical Church) or destroyed (St Mary Magdalen's Church in 1811 and St Peter's Chapel in 1791).

Muzeum miejscem edukacji (Na wybranych przykładach z Krakowa)

  • Author: Renata Gaj
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 115-130
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200209
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200209.pdf

Museum - the place of education

Education in museum is the topic of the article entitled ”Museum - the place of education”. The author specifies the role of a museum, namely collecting, preserving, storing and making the art available to everyone. A museum pedagogical worker acts a very important role in shaping and educating a man throughout their whole lives. In addition, museum as an outside school institution stimulates a permanent intelectual and aesthetic development of a man. The Historical Museum of Cracow is an example of a museum which realises a wide range of educational activities. In the light of other Cracow museums, there are shown the ways and methods of didactic activities carried in museums as well as in galleries. The author stresses that museum should be used in an obligatory aesthetic and cultural education of popils from the earliest period of their studies. Moreover, it ought to be done as a complementory element of education in relation to the classes taken at school. Such a task should be performed by the workers of the educational departments. These kinds of the activities are mostly visible in the countries of Western Europe, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and England as well as in the USA. In Poland breath-taking museum activities are still extremely rare. Nevertheless, traditional museum lessons are taken by young people as tedious and not stimulating whatsoever. Even though. they are not understood by con- temporary teenagers who are thoroughly captivated by the enormous power of media and the internet. Still, interactive ways of presentations, workshops and projects performed in museums let everybody actively participate in them. Moreover, individual engagement or group work are indubitably an attractive way of spending time in a museum as well as an interesting educational occupation.

Bóżnice miasta żydowskiego na Kazimierzu w Krakowie. Funkcje kulturotwórcze dawniej i dziś

  • Author: Krystyna Grzesiak
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 131-144
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200210
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200210.pdf

The synagogues of the Jewish town in Kazimierz. Culture creating functions today and in the past

The history of the Jewish district in Kazimierz goes back to the 14 th century, however its territorial expansion to which it owes the later name of the Jewish town. appeared at the end of 15 th century. The king of Poland - Jan Olbracht - had the Jews moved out to Kazimierz in 1495. This was the result of conflicts existing among the Cracow burghers and the Jewish community caused by economic and religious misunderstandings. At the beginning the Jewish town took up a small area in the vicinity of present Szeroka Street. The influx of Jews from Spain, Silesia and Germany in the 16"' century made the settlement necessary to expand. Its spatial development took place in three basic phases, in the years 1553-54, 1558 and 1608-09. As the result the Jewish town occupied the area bounded by the present streets: Miodowa, Starowiślna, Dajwór, Wawrzyńca, Józefa and Plac Nowy. In this part of Cracow the Jews built seven synagogues: Stara ( second half of the 15th century). Remu (1553), Wysoka (was probably built after 1556 and before 1563). Poppera ( 1620), Ajzyka (1638), Kupa (ca. 1643). Tempel (1860-1862) as well as houses of prayer and cemetery. Until 1939 the synagogues fulfilled religious, social. political and cultural functions. The beginning of World War II radically changed the situation of the Jews. The substantial number of Jews inhabitants of Cracow was killed and on top of that all the synagogues with their rich furnishings were destroyed. After 1945 the synagogues discontinued to fulfill their original functions. Nowadays Jewish museum (Stara Synagogue). cultural institutions (Synagogues: Ajzyka. Poppera) and the Workshop of Relics Renovation (Wysoka) reside there. Synagogues Remu and Tempel are open and serve the need of the small Jews Community.

Treści ideowe XV-XVII wiecznych płyt nagrobnych i epitafijnych na przykładzie kościołów Dekanatu Wawrzeńczyce k. Krakowa

  • Author: Lucyna Rotter
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 145-152
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200211
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200211.pdf

Throughout the ages the epitaph has been under evolution process. Originally small figure of a dead person has evaluated into fair-sized spatial composition including image of admirer as well as extended religious scenes. Originally short information about a dead person has grown into a spacious poetical works commemorating his deeds and virtues. However, its character and aim of its foundation stays the same since ages. Relatives and close relations of a dead person try to commemorate his name in this way, having the belief in great influence of religious practices upon the dead person loss, awakening piety and contributing to his eternal peace.

In Małopolska (The Little Poland region) there is the greatest number of preserved gothic tombstones (ca. 70 % of all existing entities in Poland). The following epochs have also been represented here through many examples of sepulcrical art. It must be tied to the great importance of Cracow and other cities of the region throughout the ages. On the area of Wawrzenczyce decanate them existed five of epitaph tombstones out of Middle Ages epoch — one in Czulice, the remaining four in Ruszcze. Three out of four Ruszcze epitaphs which were commemorated to: Gregory of Ruszcze from 1444 A.D.. John of Krzysztoporzyce from 1465 A.D. and Hieronimus Branicki from 1517 A.D. are lost. The ones that remained am dedicated to the memory of Wierzbieta of Branice from 1425 A.D. in Ruszcze and tombstone of John Czulicki of the first half of fifteenth century in Czulice. In churches of this decanate one can still admire renaissance epitaphs : in Ruszcza — of the Krzysztoporscy family from 1599 A.D., Stanislaus Kalinowski from 1668 A.D. and George Telszewski from 1679 A.D.; in Luborzyca - of Sigismund Linczewski from 1583 A.D. as well as of the Ozarowscy family from 1607 A.D. in the parish church of Igolomia.

As long as the people were buried in churches and their neighbouring area — the epitaphs were founded, and their aim were obvious. In time. that custom had ceized and cementaries started to appear. the cult of dead persons worship has changest its place for cementary and the place of an epitaph has taken a monument.

Niektóre problemy zagospodarowania turystycznego gór w Polsce

  • Author: Benedykt Banach
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 153-164
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200212
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200212.pdf

Some aspects of development of tourism industry in the mountains in Poland

The first part of the article deals with the beginnings of the first tourist associations. It should be noted that they were the associations dealing with mountain tourism. In Poland the organisation was founded in 1873 and was called the Galician Tatra Society. The second aspect is the specific nature of the mountains and its significance for man. In Poland the Tatras are the most characteristic in this respect. It is therefore necessary for the state authorities to participate in the economic projects affecting natural environment, particularly in the mountains. This problem is especially true with regard to Małopolska region. Next the issue of limitations to mountain tourism is discussed. The second part of the article deals with the participation of the State and local authorities as well as business companies in economic development of mountain regions. It discusses some aspects of the problems arising in the period of economic transfer to free - market economy and after its introduction. Finally. the article lists the tasks and enterprises witch are (should be) undertaken by the State, local authorities and business companies in close co-operation.

Zróżnicowanie województw w Polsce ze względu na wybrane uwarunkowania rozwoju agroturystyki

  • Author: Janina Szewczyk
  • Author: Lidia Luty
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 165-176
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200213
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200213.pdf

Differentiation of provinces in Poland considering chosen conditions of agrotouristics' development

The paper describes differentiation of chosen conditions of agrotouristics' development in provinces of Poland with particular regard and characterisation of province Małopolska. In the analysis, which describes complex occurrences, impossible to measure directly, it is used indirect measurement, issue of Multidimensional Statistical Analysis, so-called synthetic variable. lt enabled setting in order. and then assembling of studied objects (provinces) considering synthetic value of measure conditions of agrotouristics' development.

Dywersyfikacja poziomu życia ludności w powiatach województwa podkarpackiego w 2000 r.

  • Author: Agata Fuksa
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 177-186
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200214
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200214.pdf

Differentiation in the living standard of the population in administrative districts of podkarpackie province

For the analysis of the above mentioned socio-economic phenomena 17 diagnostic variables were chosen. Three of them (X1, X3, X11) are destimulants, and the rest are stimulants. The synthetic variable (qi) was created upon the basis of zero unitarization method presented in Metoda unitaryzacji zerowanej (Zero unitarization method ed. by K. Kukuła). The administrative districts were ranked in decreasing order, and next grouped in four homogeneous classes of high, medium high, low, and very low standard of living. It showed that the standard of living in the east part of province is much lower then in the rest part of podkarpackie province. That can be an indicator for officials responsible for that situation.

Czytaj więcej

Sytuacja na rynku pracy województwa małopolskiego

  • Author: Jacek Strojny
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 187-200
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200215
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200215.pdf

Because of growing tendency, unemployment in Poland assumes the proportions of the most important economic and social issue. The society should be interested in making an effort to limit the unemployment and to balance the labour market. Actions in this area assume an indirect (improvement of economic situation) or direct (public programs on labour market) character. In general. against a rest of the country background, it would appear that the unemploymenl level in Malopolska Province is quite satisfactory, although the number of the unemployed exceeded 200 000 in 2002. Unemployment rate is diversified among administrative units of the province. The shape of the phenomenon departs from the one in recent years. During first two months of the 2002 there was noted an increase of the unemployment. ln March there was observed slight drop of the number of people without employment. For the first time since 1999 the unemployment was marked off. Partially, limitation of the extent of the registered unemployment in second quarter of the 2002 was caused by legal regulation. Additionally. proper statistical picture of the labour market is disturbed by a twilight zone. Situation on the labour market is affected by the organisation of labour administration. Substitution of centralised system of relationship between different levels of administration for decentralised one. caused a deterioration of unemployed protection.

Idea i efekty współpracy przygranicznej w Europie

  • Author: Zygmunt Kamiński
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 201-216
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200216
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200216.pdf

The idea and effects of cross-border cooperation in Europe

The base of process aiming at forging and strengthening cross-border cooperation was an idea of inter-regional teamwork. The idea respected local loyalty and desire of political autonomy. Crisis of the 18th century rulers with absolute power determined evolution of regional movements. It was the first time of revival interest in folk culture, searching for individuality and features that made it different from other regions. The consciousness of regional distinction was a result of awareness of differences in culture and language. Thanks to August Comte and his conception of a new model of the state. a new idea of local community was created. In the 19th century there was an idea of "democratic system” which includes cultural and administration autonomy. In the 20th century an idea of ”Europe of regions” gained popularity. It was a symbol of desire to create new portrait of the continent based on local structures. Regions had their own representatives in governmental and non-governmental organizations. Council of the Community and European Regions (1951) aimed at protection of independence of local authorities and territorial units. In 1983 the Council changed its name to Assembly (Congress) of Local and Regional Authorities. Cooperation between regions is regulated by many acts. One of then is the Treaty of Rome (1957) that contains many direct relations with inter-regional problems. The Treaty on European Union (1992) created a consultative body called Committee of the Regions. As regional presidents. mayors of cities or chairpersons of city and country councils, the 222 members of the Committee are elected officials from the levels of government closest to the citizen. The Committee is the European Union's youngest institution whose creation reflects Member States' strong desire not only to respect regional and local identities and prerogatives but also to involve them in the development and implementation of EU policies. For the first time in the history of the European Union, there is now a legal obligation to consult the representatives of local and regional authorities on a variety of matters that concern them directly. The Committee has emerged as a strong guardian of the principle of subsidiarity since its first session in March 1994. Under the new arrangements, there is a clearer division of responsibilities in the management of the Structural Funds and also a stronger application of 'subsidiarity'-taking decisions as close as possible to the people affected. The most efficient forms of cross-border cooperation are euro regions (associations of cross-border regions). They are also an inspiration for further integration. 'The Europe of regions' means that those public authorities, which stand as close to the citizen as possible, should take decisions. lt is a principle which resists unnecessarily remote, centralized decision-taking. Transformation in the Middle East Europe enabled the countries to develop cross border and inter regional cooperation. As far as Polish-Czech border is taken into consideration, there are 10-euro regions on the Polish side (ex. ”Nysa”, 'Niemen', Pradziad”) and 7 on the Czech side. Despite fears and prejudice, cross-border cooperation is a step forward European unity. A new reality is being created that is based on cooperation. friendliness and goodwill. European unity depends on politically correct relations with cross-border communities and institutions. European unity depends on us all.


Stan infrastruktury technicznej jako kryterium delimitacji obszarów wiejskich regiony Polski południowo-wschodniej

  • Author: Danuta Bogocz
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 217-230
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200217
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200217.pdf

Technical infrastructure as the criterion for delimitation of rural areas of south east Poland

The paper presents the analysis of the level of development of technical infrastructure of rural areas of South East Poland. It shows the grouping structure of administrative units ( districts and communes) of similar degree of development of the chosen set of elements of technical infrastructure. The results indicate that the situation in the area being investigated is still very poor, which in turn claims a great need for investing in infrastructure as the necessary background for further development.

Program walki o niepodległość Polski Wojciecha Wiącka

  • Author: Marta Rozwadowska
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 231-242
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200218
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200218.pdf

Wojciech Wiącek (1869-1944) was born in Tarnobrzeg region. He was the social activist engaged also in the struggle for independence. He was a member of the State Council in Vienna (1907) and also a senator in the II Polish Republic (1927). He was active in the Tarnobrzeg region at the end of (the century and also in the interwar Poland. In the parliament in Vienna he represented the group of „stojałowszczycy”. He sat there until 1911. During the interwar period he was an activist of the People-National Union. He was a deputy Chairman of the County Council in Tarnobrzeg and also a member of the District Council in Krakow and Main Council in Warsaw. In the independent Poland he came close to the nationalist parties. In l922 he was a candidate of the People-National Union to the Senate but did not get a mandate. He was elected to he Senate in 1927. A year later, when the mandate was over, he became a mayor in Machów. He was an author of many books and articles. In his literary output dominates journalism and problems of education. patriotism and morals. This article is focused on Wojciech Wiącek personally and his activities in the field of struggle for independence in the Tarnobrzeg region.

Recepcja encykliki "Rerum Novarum" w Galicji (1891-1918)

  • Author: Marek Delong
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 243-254
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200219
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200219.pdf

The reception of the encyclical Rerum Novarum on the Galician territory (1891-1918)

The subject of the paper is the doctrinal reception of the encyclical Rerum Novarum on the Galician territory until 1918. In the lands annexed by Austria, the reception of the encyclical less warm, and realization of its lines very limited. The reception was rather organizational than doctrinal; it was characterized by paternalism and conservatism. The autor has taken account four Polish dioceses in the Austrian sector. In the period 1891-1918 the bishops announced pastorał letters and appeals devoted to the social questions. The pastorał letters. following the line of the encyclical, severely criticized liberalism and socialism. Much attention, however, has devoted to the evaluation results of liberalism. After 1905, its popularization starts growing intensively, as well as development of organizations referring to it. Archbp. J . Bilczewski writes about the decline of morality, abysmal poverty of the working people, splitting of families and practical materialism. The bishops put forward a lot of postulates of the social reform. They touched upon the problem of family wages, the protection of women's and children's labour, holiday rest, duration of a working day and problem of accommodation. The significance of the encyclical Rerum Novarum mainly consists in that it added to the creation of the christian social movement and the start of the modem social thought in Galicia.

Problem granic powojennych państwa Polskiego w publikacjach Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w Krakowie w latach 1940-1945

  • Author: Ewa Fogelzang-Adler
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 255-267
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200220
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200220.pdf

The main attention in the publications edited in Krakow during the World War II by a Democratic Party was devoted to the post war Polish borders. In the programmatic documents as well as in the underground press, the mainly expressed demands concerned the stability of eastern borders settled by the Riga treaty and westward correction of the German border. The question of the southern border was neglected because it was treated as a part of the idea of "east-central European block”. The projects of federation did not erase the territorial aspirations of democrats, who were very uncompromising in their defense of the pre-war eastern borders and did not want to agree for the compensation with the western territories in exchange for the acceptance of the Curzon line. The advantageous shape of the borders were supposed to give the liberated country its due role in the post war Europe, creating the chance to solve many social, political and economic problems.

Niemiecka pomocnicza Służba Cywilna w Łukowie w latach 1916-1917

  • Author: Katarzyna Wójcik
  • Year of publication: 2006
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 267-290
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200221
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200221.pdf

The national subsidiary civil service of military governorship in Łuków 1916-917.

The National Subsidiary Civil Service was founded on 5 December 1916. With its headquarters in Warsaw, it operated in the Łuków district, within the limits of the German-occupied Poland. The aim of the Civil Service was to employ civil workers moved in from Germany in various sections of Military Governorship in Łuków. While on duty the civil workers were subject to the same military law as soldiers. Depending on where they were sent they worked in administration or as manual workers. The Civil Service also employed women and youths under 17. A number of organisations in Germany as well as civilians (teachers and clergymen) co-operated with the Civil Service.  The structures of the Civil Service were terminated in 1918.  This study is an attempt to recreate the administrative structure of the Civil Service in Łuków in the years 1916-1917, with its goals and scope of duties.

Działalność teatralna w KL Auschwitz

  • Author: Ewa Kuźma
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 291-300
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200222
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200222.pdf

Theatrical activity at the Auschwitz concentration camp

After the initial period of research on the Auschwitz concentration camp, when the studies were mainly concerned with describing methods of extermination and its consequences, researchers are now turning to sociological psychological and cultural issues. This article discusses the question of theatrical activity. This was initiated by the Polish intelligentsia, who saw theater as a way to fight for the preservation of the prisoner's mental health. It began when the First prisoners arrived at the camp and lasted until liberation. lt reached its peak while actors from Warsaw stages, the founders of the "Jaracz Theater", were at the camp. The productions included Cheerful and lyrical songs, poetry and prose recitations, music, humoresques, monologues and Sketches. There were original works but also adaptations of known literary and musical compositions, as well as some with subjects related to the camp. They were performed by poets, actors and amateurs. This cultural activity resulted from the collective effort of the prisoners and served ”to strengthen the spirit". In evaluating art created at the camp we cannot apply the generally accepted criteria. It arose in particular circumstances and was connected with the experiences of its creators and the needs of its audience.

Historia populacji kozicy tatrzańskiej

  • Author: Grzegorz Jamrozy
  • Author: Łukasz Pęksa
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 301-312
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200223
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200223.pdf

Historia populacji kozicy tatrzańskiej

Biologizacja w obrębie nauk technicznych oraz informatycznych

  • Author: Krzysztof Sarapata
  • Author: Wojciech Lasoń
  • Author: Piotr Walecki
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 313-330
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200224
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200224.pdf

This paper undertakes a subject of biological tendency in technical and computer sciences. It presents here the common part and differences of biological and technical description of reality, their specific realizations like neuronal nets, genetic algorithms, bionic devices, cybernetic systems and bioelectronic models. The depiction of this problems concentrates around basic terms. their meaning, usage and different formulating. Biologization seems to have a permanent formal and semantical influence into diverse segments of functional or structural construction of a branch of knowledge, leading to inclusion of some methodological or content-related aspects coming from biological sciences. In this paper the aspects of methodologies and metatheory of biological or computer sciences have been omitted. Instead, an emphasis was put on main biological concepts used in technical branches of knowledge.

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Miejsce zamieszkania a postawy życiowe młodzieży wiejskiej w Małopolsce

  • Author: Magdalena Hoły
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 331-338
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200225
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200225.pdf

Character places of residence and opinions, attitudes and perspectives of young people in Małopolska

The paper presented above is with referring to article S. Moskal and A. Kotala: "Young people of rural Małopolska in the political system transformation process; the present situation, aspirations, and prospects” presented in previous Number of Krakowskie Studia Małopolskie. It concerns the researches of young people from Małopolska from nine communes presenting different degree of urbanisation. The communes were divided on three groups: suburban communes, communes being found in certain from them to distance and group of three indirect communes.  The aim of presented work is test of qualification whether type of commune and more compactly her distance from municipal centres is factor differentiating opinions, attitudes and perspectives of young people in Małopolska.

Organizacja administracji szkolnej i szkolnictwa powszechnego na Lubelszczyźnie w latach 1944/45

  • Author: Renata Mikitiuk
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 339-350
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200226
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200226.pdf

Organization of school administration and public educational system in the Lublin region after liberation - the school year 1944/45

The policy of the Getman authorities during the World War II was aimed at total destruction of the Polish school system. After the war it was necessary to design and build the educational system of reviving Poland starting practically from the basis.  New educational authorities were established immediately after the liberation. The most important task of the Educational Department was to organize school adminis- tration and begin the proper preparatory procedures to start schools.  On 2 August 1944. School Superintendent's Office of the Lublin Region was set up and then, between 27 July and 10 August school inspectorates were brought into beign in every administrative district of the Lublin province.  At the beginning of the first school year the most important issue was to stan as many schools as possible. Political changes were postponed. however it was stressed that fundamental changes were necessary to achieve the full democratization of the educational system.  This article is an attempt to recreate the work of the school administration in the Lublin region in the first year after the liberation. It analizes difficulties, problems and achievements of the public educational system in the school year 1944/45.

Kilka uwag na temat tajnego nauczania na terenie Okręgu Szkolnego Krakowskiegoe podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 351-364
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200227
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200227.pdf

The article A few remarks on secret teaching in the region of Cracow School District during the Nazi occupation presents the contribution of a Polish teacher to the education of the Polish youth during the war. In these extreme conditions, despite the repressive policy of the Nazi invader, the Polish underground state was able to launch a whole system of education. People actively engaged in education, teachers exposed to danger of losing their lives were able to organize, in the war conditions, a system of education of Polish young people and protect them against the depravity of the war. Thanks to those efforts the polish youth could take the so - called small examination for the grammar school certificate and a big one in the secondary school. In such a way. education in Poland was not discontinued despite the fact that the contry was under the Nazi occupation, when each legally existing educational activity usually finished with sending people to concentration camps. That is why that effort must be considered as one of the great achievements of the Polish society during the war.

Dynamika zainteresowań młodzieży wiejskiej i małomiasteczkowej na Zamojszczyźnie

  • Author: Irena Kurzępa
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 365-372
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200228
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200228.pdf

The dinamic interests of country and provintional youths over the Zamość region

The social, political and economical transformation that has been taking place in Poland for thirteen years, has changed almost every domain of life. It has opened new chances but also has brought some threats. An open-market economy has promoted the development of enterprices, services nad manufactures. New private schools have been established, and local local council has been rebuilt. However, also some negative (especially from the social point of view) situations and circumstances have occurred, such as unemployment or disproportions in standards of living. Changing reality in Poland forced a group of sociologist in 2002 undertook a survey concerning interests, moral principles and aims of country and provintional youth over the Zamość region. The empiric material - the result of the survey - has been compared with the results gained at researches made between 1987 and 1989. The comparative analysis of the empiric material shows that the interests of youths have imparted dynamism. Contemporary young people show more interests towards school educations, literature and theater than those who were inquired in 1987-1989. They have started to be interested in new subjects as ecology and agro-tourism. Modern medias like television, radio and internet have started to play a significant role as a source of information, and the role of family and church has decreased. Likewise in researches from 1987-1989, a human being who doesn't hurt other people or animals has been of great importance. The religiosity and subordination to fundamental rules are not as important as they used to be concerning the estimation of morality Young people aims have also changed. The researched group shows that an interesting job, friends and leisure activities have been of the highest estimation. A positive is also the fact, that contemporary young people appreciate education, high qualifications, tolerance and impartiality. What may worry is the fact that youths do not show the interest in economical issues and underestimate the importance of law and social principles.


Na czym stoi świat?

  • Author: Piotr Wojciechowski
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 373-380
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200229
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200229.pdf


Potrzebne zmiany podatkowe

  • Author: Teresa Jaskulska
  • Year of publication: 2002
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 415-420
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200233
  • PDF: ksm/06/ksm200233.pdf

The first part of the paper presents the importance. role, the meaning and application of science and teaching at the present time. The second part states about the limits that hinder the process of development of non state schools. This subject of the problem discussed here is difficult to define because of the improper application of tax law acts towards non state schools, which are the owners of buildings and grounds attached to them. Law acts mentioned above point out that state and non state higher education is free from that kind of tax. In my opinion the conclusion is that excluding non state schools, which are the owners of buildings and grounds attached to them, from this tax should be normalized by applicable law acts.

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