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Vol. 8

Refleksje na temat patriotycznych pamiątek pierwszej wojny światowej

  • Author: Karol Kukuła
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 9-34
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200401
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200401.pdf

Some Reflections on Patriotic Looms from the First World War

The paper presents the origin and meaning of minor patriotic looms from the period of the First World War lengthened by the years of 1919 and 1920. It shows the significance of these objects in the times of their emission and nowadays. Generally it presents chosen objects from the collection of medals, badges, collars and rings connected with independence recovery by Poland after the years of captivity.

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Specyfika polskiego uchodźstwa cywilnego i wojskowego dla Afryki Północnej w okresie II wojny światowej

  • Author: Jacek Knopek
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 35-62
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200402
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200402.pdf

The specification of Polish civilian and military emigration to the North Africa, in the period of the World War II

The migration of Poles in the period of 1939-1945 is pointed in the article. Just like all the dislocations of population fulfilled in the period of 1939-1945, the afflux of Poles to North Africa had a compulsory character. The emigration from the Polish lands was caused by the war and the warfare, and in the aftermath with it, the extermination of population. Article, in an analytical way, talks over the migration processes to the north ~ African land in a chronological order.  Till the year 1939, the migrations of Poles to the North Africa were not in pro- gress on such a large scale as the one that took place during the II World War. In the XIX and the first half of the XX century, Poles were coming to the North Africa in groups of several dozens or few hundreds of people. Before the outbreak of the World War II, in the North African territory, were about 1000 persons of the eco- nomical emigration and about 1000 persons of the military emigration. During the war, about 1300 Polish civilian emigrants, arrived in the territory of Maghreb, and stayed there from several weeks to few years; among them were Poles and also Polish citizens of Jewish descent.  Poles in Egypt were a numerically larger group. However, the centers created there were temporary, and the residence of Poles was short - lived. There were no centers of Polish civilian emigration in the north - east Africa, which survived in that territory during the whole period of the war. Thus, the residence of Poles at the Nile had a completely different character.  In a wider degree, in the north Africa during the war, arrived Polish military emigrants. Including the soldiers of the Foreign Legion, in the French North Africa stayed temporary, or for a longer time, about 8100 Polish militaries, among who the most numerous groups were of Polis aviators and the air force technical staff, the soldiers of Polish September and the Polish Army in the West. Like civilian people, they stayed in the Maghreb countries from several weeks to dozens weeks or so, because they were to be evacuated to the Polish Armed Forces in the West.

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Fenomenologia semantyki a problem istnienia powszechników

  • Author: Jan Trąbka
  • Author: Piotr Walecki
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 63-88
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200403
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200403.pdf

This work concentrates around important aspects of a metalinguistic issue that are a character of existing general notion, therefore elementary categories of abstract structure knowledge. There is put an accent on phenomenological approach that is formulated as a turning point in a scientific practice method. In the first part turns up a historical, far-reaching draft and general classification of the main ways that undertaken subject matter can be present. The second part is more detailed fundamental principles description of phenomenology on the background of its semantic thesis. The focus on this philosophic trend was dictated to a regard of contemporary philosophy oriented on process that seems to be the main scientific stream in the XXI century. Here, basic questions relate to ontological and epistemological problems of notions formulation in philosophy context.

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Platon - ojciec totalitaryzmu?

  • Author: Piotr Ziarek
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 89-100
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200404
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200404.pdf

In the article, the problem of extremely different interpretations of "Republic” by Plato, has been presented. The author attempts to answer a question: What influences the fact that some people are negatively affected by a piece of art while others positively. This situation is caused by an ambiguity of Plato's language in his works.  Scholars are under great impact of their differing worldviews and also their attitude towards empirical and nonempirical reality while estimating or perceiving a given utopia. The evaluation of human consciousness, mentality, changes of political systems and civilisational changes, scientific and technical progress have also influenced the attitude towards what could be and is not, and towards what is possible or impossible.  The author states that difficulties that hinder unambiguous estimation of Plato lie in the following reasons: all Plato's works, including the most important: Republic” and "Laws”, depicting a vision of ideal political system are closely connected with mythology, and in that situation it becomes highly difficult to separate the truth from a myth. Secondly, Plato frequently uses allegory or metaphors in his dialogues, as well as irony or jokes while describing serious issues. All those factors blur the clarity of understanding his ideas.  The author formulates a statement, that a critic Karl R. Popper, too hastily named Plato the father of totalitarianism, as he was influenced by strong emotions created by historical events of the years 1917-1945. The fact that the author is irritated and appalled by the deeds of the XX century war criminals is fully understandable and reasonable, but the same attitude towards this ancient scholar and his political ideas seems to be inappropriate and erroneus.

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Wpływ Public Relations na wzrost wartości firm i instytucji

  • Author: Tomasz Zacłona
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 101-110
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200405
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200405.pdf

The possibility of raising a company's market value with the help of public relations is becoming extremely attractive in the context of the present situation on the market. PR seen as the management of communication is able to select the right messages, tools and methods in order to stimulate the growth of a company's value most effectively in given conditions. The PR experts take care of the firms proper relations with the media; they organize conferences, inform about any changes, prepare materials for the press, design web pages and arrange interviews; thus upkeeping good relations with journalists. They also manage the editing of leaflets, brochures and periodicals aimed at facilitating the communication within the firm and outside. Furthermore, they work to win the support of opinion-setting circles and personalities thus involving them in the creation of the company's positive image. They also manage the system of visual identification by creating the standards of Corporate Identity. Moreover, they take care of the employees' image and draft their speeches. Dealing with crisis situations is their task, too. The monitoring of media and their own conduct is their final duty.  Many factors point to PR's having a decisive influence on the market value of  companies.

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Udział Funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej w finansowaniu rozwoju regionalnego województwa małopolskiego

  • Author: Dorota Murzyn
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 111-126
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200406
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200406.pdf

Poland joined the European Union on May 1, 2004 and subsequently became eli- gible for support from the EU structural funds and Cohesion Fund. The primary objective of these funds is provision of assistance in reducing the development disparities between regions in order to strengthen the economic and social cohe- sion. The Integrated Regional Operational Programme (ZPORR) is one of seven Operational programmes to be used in implementing the 2004-2006 National Development Plan/ Community Support Framework. An allocation of 40839 mil- lion Euro in public expenditure is provided for the implementation of the ZPORR in the years 2004 -2006, out of which 2,9685 million Euro will be from the resources of the structural funds: European Regional Development Found and European Social Found. The programme is managed at the national level, but implemented at the level of the region.  ZPORR is the most important programme document from the perspective of regional development policy implemented by the Regional Authority. 'The sum of 185 million Euro will be earmarked for the implementation of the ZPORR in Małopolska in the years 2004-2006, and the majority of this sum will be spent on projects relating to the construction and extension of the region's infrastructure (projects related to transport, environmental protection, culture and tourism, infrastructure of the information society). The number of projects in Małopolska so far alows us to think that the region will make the most of the funds earmarked for it. At the moment the main goal is to prepare the region to the next period 2007-2013, as from 2007 onwards, responsibility for preparing and implementing regional development programmes will be fully delegated to the voivodship self- government level.

Globalizacja w świetle krytyki i oczekiwań wobec ekonomii głównego nurtu

  • Author: Janina Szczepaniak
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 127-142
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200407
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200407.pdf

Globalization in front of Criticism and Expectations towards Orthodox Economy

The paper shows that globalization - apart from its name - is not at all a new process. The thing that distinguishes it among other elements of economic development has been so far hidden behind processes of economic growth. In general, it has also deepened problems noticed earlier.  Economic theory of globalization has emerged from liberalism belonging to the major course of economy, i.e. orthodox economy. The whole achievement of this course of economy in the other half of the twentieth century has undergone a severe criticism. Earlier and present achievements have been criticized both by the representatives of the main stream as the economists of other streams. Nevertheless it has not influenced significantly general appearance, contents and methods of new liberal economy. Apart from that - or rather should we say thanks to that it has remained in accordance with general development of science and somehow has responded to social expectations. One can say that it has accommodated within one side attitude to all kinds of issues of modern times. From this it follows that real solution of problems may be brought by taking into account the opposite attitude and

Stan sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w powiecie zamojskim

  • Author: Jarosław Klajn
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 143-154
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200408
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200408.pdf

Economic transformation In Poland has had a great impact on the development of small and medium size enterprises.  The paper presents the diagnosis of small and medium size enterprises sector in Zamojski district by 3 lst of December, 2002. It discusses both advantages and limitations of development of such forms of economic activities. Small and medium size enterprises located within the area of the district discussed not only guarantee work places for the most of the employed, but also create new work places.  The role of small and medium size enterprises as a source of new work places has both economic and social character. This sector of the national economy is the representative of enterprising activities because quite often small and medium size enterprises are the only form of any economic activity in the eastern region and can be the starting point for economic development in general.

Analiza przedsiębiorczości w Małopolsce na przykładzie powiatu nowosądeckiego - w świetle badań empirycznych

  • Author: Iwona Gawron
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 155-166
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200409
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200409.pdf

Initiative is one of the key features which should characterize contemporary managers who want to have and maintain success on the market. We cannot overestimate the meaning of initiative: it helps with the economic growth, boosts new techniques and brings more competition to the market.  Initiative cannot be copied. Only the companies which are open to change and are able to use their strengths and suppress weaknesses can beat their competitors.  The presented article focuses on the role and importance of initiative in the changing business environment. It also analyses the structure and functioning of the companies in Małopolskie voivodship with the great stress on Nowosądecki region. The analysist of this region's initiative showed that despite many factors which are against entrepreneurs, it is still open to new investments and the proof of this are the new firms which have recently been founded.

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Analiza wpływu wybranych programów pomocowych Unii Europejskiej na proces rozwoju i wartości małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw

  • Author: Janusz Fudaliński
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 167-186
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200410
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200410.pdf

Attempts to evaluate the influence of the EU programmes on the development of small and medium-scale enterprises in Poland ecounter considerable methodological difficulties. The difficulties arise from both the scarcity of adequate research tools and the character of the matter in question.  The notion of the development of a firm as well as that of its value may be defined and understood in a wide variety of ways. Furthermore, the most serious problem lies in the fact that the results of the influence of assistance funds applied are hard to isolate from the effects of other factors affecting the enterprises, such as business cycles, macroeconomic policy of the state, etc. The support from the EU budget is only one of a large number of influences exerted in the sphere of the activity of the enterprises.  What seems to be self-evident, though, is the fact that the allocation of funds for subsidizing the activity of small and medium enterprises will affect the value and development of the sector under consideration.  The article highlights the significance of the assistance programmes in relation to factors contributing to the developmental potential of the firms and their value alike. The influence remains unquestionable and there are indications of its positive results. Nevertheless, only a more detailed research is capable of supplying an accurate estimate of the scale of this phenomenon. Likewise, it is able to assess interferences that determine a correlation between individual factors which, in turn, form the developmental opportunities and value of the enterprises.

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Deficyt budżetowy i jego skutki ekonomiczne dla gospodarki

  • Author: Dariusz Żmija
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 187-198
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200411
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200411.pdf

Budget Deficit and Its Economic Effects on Economy

At present budget deficit is connected with most of passed national budgets, even in the countries with highly developed market economy. As a result not only economist and politicians are interested in this occurrence and its influence on economy but also society.  The goal of the work is to bring closer problems of budget deficit and its economic effects for economy.  The first part of the work presents essence and character of a budget deficit as the mechanism of its origin. In the second part Author presents economic kinds of budget deficit defining real deficit, structural deficit and cyclic deficit, taking into consideration problems of quantifying of that occurrence. The last part of the work presents economic effects of budget deficit occurrence in economy, in particular those occurrences, which by most of economists are counted among factors with negative influence on economy.

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Zmiany w rolnictwie rejonu podkrakowskiego w okresie transformacji (na przykładzie gminy Michałowice)

  • Author: Małgorzata Kudłacz
  • Author: Jadwiga Bożek
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 199-210
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200412
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200412.pdf

Changes in Agriculture of Kraków surroundings within the Transformation Period (on the example of Michałowice community)

Within the period of 1988-2002 agriculture of Michałowice community has undergone significant changes. Total area of farms has decreased (by 10%) mostly due to the decrease of plough-land. The area of sowing has been reduced by 25% due to the loss of arable land and formation of uncultivated territories. The partition of grains in the total area of sowing has increased from 53% in 1988 to 64% in 2002. Presently Wheat is the most popular plant grown within the area of the community investigated (56% of the total grains) and barley (21%). The area of rye cultivation has decreased 7 times and now it represents hardly 3% of the total area of grains. The significance of oats, triticale and grain mixtures has decreased likewise. On the contrary, the partition of corn has increased from 0 up to 10% as well as the partition of vegetables - from 6 to 11%. The area of potato cultivation has decreased by 25%, but the partition of this plant in the total sowing has remained the same (15%). The partition of cultivation of other plants has decreased from 24 to 9%.) Fruit growing has become a significant factor.  Livestock has decreased by 70%. In case of herd changes in the number of population are not significant.

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Lokalne uwarunkowania rozwoju agroturystyki na przykładzie gminy Tokarnia

  • Author: Jacek Kieć
  • Author: Barbara Ścigalska
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 211-222
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200413
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200413.pdf

Regional Conditions of Agritourism Development in the Tokarnia Commune

The article presents some issues connected with a chance of development for the Tokarnia commune. Natural environment values and landscape attributes of the presented commune have been particularly emphasized together with its interesting history and potential of agriculture development in this area. Specific natural and socio-economic characteristics of the Tokarnia commune provide many opportunities of development of tourism and recreation. Due to its considerable attractiveness for tourists, agritourism should be regarded as unique chance of development for this region. 'The fact has been corroborated by an estimation of complex valorization of this region considering agronomic, natural and ecological conditions. It has been positive for the development of such forms of management. It has been considered that owing to local entrepreneurship and external assistance, developmental delay of some Villages may be overcome at the same time causing an increase in local population's incomes and employment, which are most important factors affecting better life standards of local community.

Kwestia jakości usług na przykładzie turystyki wiejskiej

  • Author: Dariusz Koreleski
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 223-232
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200414
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200414.pdf

Service Quality Issue on the Example of Rural Tourism

The paper shows an integrated approach to the issue of quality, especially of services. The author tries to present the intrinsic problems for better understanding of the idea of quality, such as objective & subjective approach, the role of personal impression, quality adjustment, output quality of a service, customer satisfaction level, the way of preparing a leaflet etc. Special attention has also been paid to the quality of rural tourism services with particular regard to the agritourism. The author emphasizes a theoretical aspect of quality determinants, pointing out the role of attitude, as a sociological phenomenon.

Sołtysi wsi małopolskich wobec integracji z Unia Europejską na przykładzie gminy Gdów

  • Author: Katarzyna Jaskulska
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 233-248
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200415
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200415.pdf

Heads of the hemlets attitudes towards the EU. Examples from the Gdów community

The article deal with the role of the heads of the hemplets in the development of rural community after the accession. The conclusions are drown from the 29 interviews held in Gdów community (Malopolska region). The research was done few weeks after the accession referendum. The general conclusion is that the integration proces is accompanied by traumatic experience of the peasants. The main reason for that is that the integration proces coincides with the transformation of the socio-economic system, and therefore both ongoing processes are treated as the result of adjustment to the EU demands.  The heads of hemlets have great impact on the opinions concerning all the problems of local life and attitudes towards integration with EU. Unfortunately they have also reservations themselves toward this issue. Therefore, there is a strong need to widen the knowledge concerning the Common Agricultural Policy among all the leaders of local communities.

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Ocena efektywności wybranych aspektów programu pomocowego PAOW w Małopolsce

  • Author: Danuta Bogocz
  • Author: Monika Zioło
  • Author: Jacek Strojny
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 249-266
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200416
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200416.pdf

Evaluation of Effectiveness of Some Aspects of Rural Areas Promotion Programmes in Malopolska

The paper presents general aspects of Rural Areas Promotion Programmes in Malopolska. It outlines the basic concept of introducing different kinds of social and economic aids and methods of their evaluation. Evaluation seems to be the essential tool for decision making.  Effectiveness in public policies is not a goal itself, but the way to reach it. All activities that are meant to approach the goal make effectiveness a measurable category. Implementation of public policy aims not to estimate the result as it is measured by economic parameters, but to measure its effect in social area.  Rural areas in Malopolska are very demanding. Due to many unfavourable factors they are left behind in many areas of social and economic development. Public intervention seems to be the only way to make up the distance. Rural Areas Promotion Programmes are planned to finance sustainable development of rural areas.  The research carried out in the paper shows the attitude of communes of Malopolska voivodship towards introducing programmes for social aids.

Tradycje i współczesność osadnictwa wiejskiego na Podhalu

  • Author: Czesław Guzik
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 267-284
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200417
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200417.pdf

Past and Present of Rural Settlement in Podhale

Natural conditions in Podhale were less favorable for settling than those in other parts of Poland. The first settlers, who came here in the 13th c. from lands in the Vistula river valley along its tributaries, took formerly flat zones of Podhale, covered by thick forest. During the second stage of colonization, that initiated in the 16th c., the less advantageous areas, where soil and climatic conditions were worse, began to be settled. New Villages were usually founded in the stream valleys. To many Podhale Villages, especially to those situated in the mountains, belong numerous hamlets, consisted of several houses, separated from the rest of village. Those hamlets lie often in the glades within the forest, to which an access is difficult, due to considerable denivelations.  Podhale is the region known by its traditional architecture. The houses show a considerable variety of types. The so-called „Zakopane style”, enriched artistically by Stanisław Witkiewicz, is famous and appreciated all over Poland.  A modernisation of Podhale rural settlement has been observed since the 605. Although a physiognomy of houses was different in particular subregions, those built in last decades of the 2oth c. are similar everywhere. This unification concerns also their inner equipment.  A traditional image of highlander family, having many children and consisted of several generations, occupying a flat of 1-2 rooms only, has passed. Nowadays in the typical highlander family each person has the separate room. This fact reflects the best a scope of a progress achieved by Podhale during its development stage, especially in the an half of the past century.

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Walka o prawo własności wsi polskiej w okresie PRL

  • Author: Lesław Galeński
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 285-298
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200418
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200418.pdf

Struggle for the ownership of Polish village during Polish Peoples' Republic

On the attempts of reconciliation of the so-called non-formal contracts in Polish countryside with the law system which was in force during Polish People's Republic. The article consists of three parts. The first part deals with non-formal contracts before the First World War, during twenty years' interwar period and during the German occupation of Poland. The second part deals with the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the law doctrine in relation with non-formal contracts during Polish People's Republic period. The third part is emphasizes that non-formal contracts were such a powerful social institution that it could not be removed from the ground trade practice.

Mieczysław Adamczyk - partyzant z Otfinowa

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 299-322
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200419
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200419.pdf

Mieczysław Adamczyk - guerrilla from Otfinów

The article „Mieczysław Adamczyk - guerrilla from Otfinów” reveals problems during the Second World War in one of small Polish Villages. Based on gathered archival material and conducted interviews, the author presented tragic vicissitudes and painful experiences of the residents of Otfinów.  Despite the Nazi terror, those people were able to not only support each other, but also create resistance organizations that actively opposed the enemy. They organized underground education, guerrilla organizations and their main achievement was to deliver the secret German weapon - V-2 missile to London.  Their fight to stop the Nazi aggression in order to retain freedom was invaluable and therefore their contribution cannot be forgotten and it should be researched and analyzed in details. The article written by Wincenty Kołodziej is an example of such research. He showed the life and experiences of Mieczysław Adamczyk, one of the residents of Otfinów and his active participation in resistance organizations that were determined to defeat the enemy.

Organizacja szkolnictwa powszechnego na terenie Okręgu Szkolnego Lubelskiego w okresie Rządu Tymczasowego

  • Author: Renata Mikitiuk
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 323-342
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200420
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200420.pdf

Organization of public educational system in the Lublin School District in activity the Provisional Government.

Communist authorities operated on the assumption that educational reform was the third most important basic reform that must be carried out in the country, after agricultural and industrial reform.  While they reconstructed the school network, educational authorities carried out a gradual change in the school system and in curricular content.  The basic principles of the reform were presented and discussed at the All-Poland Educational Congress in Lodz in June 1945. A school system law was to be drawn up based on the directives of the Congress and passed together with executory provisions. Work on this law was begun, but progressed very slowly. The new law was not passed until 1961, and the directives of 1945 were not fully enforced.  Attempts to create an eight-year primary school in 1945-1947 were not carried out in full, they included only some of the public schools. In reality a system based on seven-year public school was in effect, the schools were free, state-run, and uniform with regard to organization and curriculum.  The article represent principles of educational reform presented at the All-Poland Educational Congress in Lodz and the organization of public education in the Lublin School District.

Edukacja a tożsamość etniczno-językowa w województwie małopolskim

  • Author: Marta Moskal
  • Year of publication: 2004
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 343-360
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200421
  • PDF: ksm/08/ksm200421.pdf

Education and ethno-linguistic identity in Małopolska Voivodship

This article concentrates on the present-day education of minority languages in Malopolska Voivodship. In Malopolska Region are present a variety of minority indigenous groups among which the following have their mother tongue instruction: Ruthenians, Slovaks and Ukrainians. The Polish legal system form before 1989 had contained no elements of protection of minorities, their cultural values, no education or language politics. However, the minority education have the long tradition in Poland and in Malopolska which dates before the second world war. The arrival of a new democratic order in relation to minority issues was marked in generally by revitalization of this education system. The main task of this paper is to present a review of minority language education in our region. The article analyses polish Law on Educational System, as well as the other regulations governing the use of minority languages in education. The question of funding of services in the sphere of education is also considered. Finally the specific situation of Romany group in education of the region is characterized.

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