- Author:
Marcin Sadowski
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There is significant disparity in economic strength between regions of Poland. Two of the economically largest voivodships - Mazowieckie and Slaskie - produces over one third of total gross domestic product (GDP) of Poland. To compare, GDP of four voivodships with the smallest economics (Opolskie, Lubuskie, Podlaskie and Swietokrzyskie) represent less than 10% of total Poland's GDP. When analyzing development of this indicator during the period of 1995 and 2003, it is evident that the difference between the largest and the smallest voivodships increased. The most adequate and commonly used indicator comparing economic development of regions is per capita GDP. Comparing development of this ratio in recent year, one can notice that the differences between regions not only did not diminish, but they continued to increase. Looking back to 1995, the highest level of economic development was reported in Mazowieckie voivodship, with per capita GDP higher by a quarter in comparison to the Poland's average. Three years later, it increased to 146% of the national average, this trend being continued in following years. In a result, in 2003, the level of wealthness of the Mazowieckie exceeded the national average by 53.1%, indicating that the region developed at significantly higher rate than the country as a whole. The lowest level of per capita GDP ratio in 2003 was reported in Lubelskie - approximately 70% of Poland's GDP. It means that between 1995 and 2003 this indicator deteriorated significantly, from 77% of GDP, indicating markedly lower economic growth in this region than in the country as a whole. Level of economic development is highly influenced by labour productivity - in regional breakdown, differences in labour productivity are significant, and during the period of 1995-2003 they widened significantly. In 1995, the average productivity of a person employed in the Mazowieckie region was higher by some 60% than that of a person working in the Lubelskie voivodship. During the next few years the difference increased to almost 80%. The major reasons for rising differences in average labour productivity in a regional breakdown are differences in structure of regional economics. While the economy of Mazowieckie region enjoys significant share of high-productivity sectors of the economy, such as market services or industry, in the Lubelskie voivodship, the share of these sectors is significantly lower. Conversely, the share of sectors with the lowest productivity, i.e. agriculture and non-market services is on of the highest in Poland, significantly influencing the level of economic development of the region. Economic development of Polish regions in the period of 1995-2003 shows that the differences in level of development are steadily raising, however, the pace of growth has been slightly lower after 1998. Nevertheless, the situation of the more weakly developed regions will continue to improve at a slower rate than that of the more highly developed regions. Even the inflow of funds from European Union, which are to limit differences in regional development, will not help significantly in the near term, while it will be supplied at a rate too slow to decrease differences.