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Vol. 12

Studenci Podkarpaciana początku XXI wieku

  • Author: Piotr Długosz
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-32
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200801
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200801.pdf

Students of Rzeszow’s universities highly appreciate family life, work and a University diploma. They are materialistically oriented. At the workplace they aim at high incomes, safety and self-realization. They choose their high school according to their interests, its prestige and quality of teaching. After graduation, they plan to get some further education and vocational qualifi cations. In case of any problems with fi nding a job they plan to emigrate. Students are aware, that If they want to keep the job and be competitive, they need to learn continuously and adjust their qualifi cations to the requirements of the labor market.

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List Francisco Petrarki o zdobyciu szczytu Mont Ventoux w Prowansji

  • Author: Ryszard Palacz
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 33-55
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200802
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200802.pdf

This Polish translation of the letter Francesco PETRARCH’S [from familiaris IV, 1] prepared for his summit of Mont Ventoux in Provence, which according to the Poet took place in April 1336, ist accessible in recent years in two critical editions of this letter: Vittorio Rossi in 1968 and last Petrarch’s Ascent of Mont Ventoux, The Familiaris IV, 1, by Rodney Lokaj. Roma 2006. The last edition was used as the basis for polish translations and commentaries. Paper consists of several parts, the first reconstructs the first period of biography to his first stay in Rome. In the following sections, the author considers the arguments in favor of postponing the date of the final emergence of this letter for the period 1352–3, and sets out its main ideas by paying attention to the fact that the Petrarch undertook the trip from aesthetic reasons, in search of beautiful landscapes and views. From this part of its deliberations have not been further recognized by historians of Renaissance aesthetics. Another important element is the impact on Augustine’s Confessions spiritual transformation that took place during the summit and acquire the same acquisition has been presented as an allegory of human life.

Losy Stronnictwa Demokratycznego w 2 połowie 1948 i na początku 1949 r. Przypadek krakowski

  • Author: Tomasz Skrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 56-74
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200803
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200803.pdf

In 1948, aft er the summer changes within the leadership of PPR, the condition for further existence of SD was its acceptance of being a less important regime’s instrument in its policy towards private sector of the economy and the so called working intelligentsia. In the province of Cracow the position of SD was better within the circles of intelligentsia. Th is was due to the fact that in the second half of 1948 the regime increased its eff orts to destroy the private sector of the economy. The attitude of the local communist activists towards SD became severe. SD members were removed from Cracow authorities, local government, trade unions etc. Proportions of SD representatives in those bodies were decided behind closed doors. Activities of UB (secret police) increased. That situation had a disastrous eff ect on internal relations within Cracow branch of SD. Despite training campaign, the SD weak framework found it diffi cult to force its members to actively support the regime. Massive outfl ow of members occurred.

Rys historyczny instytucji immunitetu i ewolucji statusu parlamentarzysty

  • Author: Witold Kabański
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 75-89
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200804
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200804.pdf

The publication contains consideration according the special status of the parliamentarian. It represents the institution of both, formal and material immunity as well as the rules connected with this institution: the inviolability as well as the prohibition of joining functions (incompatibilitas). Th e historical outline refers to the beginnings of these institutions in Europe (on example of England and France) and the United States of America. In Poland it concentrates on legal solutions comming from the II Republic(1918-1939), reaching more current constitutional constructions.

Wizerunek jako narzędzie przewagi konkurencyjnej niepublicznej szkoły wyższej i determinanta wyboru miejsca kształcenia

  • Author: Tomasz Zacłona
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 90-105
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200805
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200805.pdf

The article is the analysis of positive image, prestige and recognition as the factors conditioning the competition advantage as well as enabling universities to achieve economic goals while being socially active at the same time. Th e benefi ts of university positive image are multidimensional. An image informs, characterizes and distinguishes an educational institution. Consequently, its relations with the environment are more eff ective. It serves as an element identifying the university as well as creating particular attitudes towards it through an opinion and information synthesis. Positive image, while supporting the proces of choice, creates a bond between a university and the recipients of its services. It is of vital importance in the process of loyalty formation. Moreover, mature university image serves as a foundation of social respect, extremely signifi cant during critical moments

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Wpływ podziałów socjopolitycznych na proces kształtowania się systemu partyjnego w Gujanie

  • Author: Aleksandra Nowak
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 106-127
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200806
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200806.pdf

The Author would like to introduce the reader to problems of Guyana, a former British Colony. She outlines a brief historical scetch, introduces to the main confl icts (mostly ideological and ethnic confl icts), which had a dominant role in the shaping of this small state and also explains the role of the United Stated and Great Britain in process of gaining its independence. She explains the impact of superiorly generated sociopolitical cleavages on the party system and the origins of the imbalance party system. She also presents a detailed analysis of the undemocratic domination of Afroguyanians (1964–1992) and the democratic domination of Guyanians of Indian descent (from 1992 to this day). She also stresses, that the parties tending to maximalize their political profi ts, are eager to keep the confl ict going and to preserve electoral voting according to the rule of ethnic belonging (apanjaat).

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Szkocka epopeja niepodległościowa

  • Author: Jan Nalaskowski
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 128-146
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200807
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200807.pdf

Article presents stages of forming Scottish nation and fighting for independence on international arena, especially in Great Britain. The history of Scottish nation is an ‘epic of independence’, which has started probably in I century before Christ. Ancient and modern tradition this nation influences on the present. When the British Empire had stopped exist, Scots decided to fight for their rights. In this moment of Scottish history dream about independence might come true.

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Regionalny system innowacji województwa małopolskiego – ujęcie modelowe

  • Author: Marek Reichel
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 147-164
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200808
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200808.pdf

A role of innovations and competitiveness in regional development is obvious. In contemporary world economy competitiveness is a basic development mechanism and innovation is a key factor of competitiveness. Competitiveness based on innovativeness and continual technological progress is the challenge for Polish economy and for economies of Polish regions. Regional Innovation System (RIS) is a key element to build regional innovative potential. Its eff ectiveness depends without doubt on its subsystems: innovation and technology transfer; international and country institutions and organizations; central, regional and local governments and other organizations that support business and entrepreneurship. But institutional aspect of Regional Innovation System is not the only one possible. The spatial structure of it – how these elements are spread in regional space – is also of the great importance. The spatial structure of RIS and its impact on regional innovativeness is a main subject of the paper. There are certain reasons to undertake research in that direction. First, the spatial aspects of Regional Innovation Systems are very oft en omitted. Including spatial aspects of RIS functioning to analysis can deepen our knowledge on RIS’ nature – it can helps us to design lower-cost and more eff ective networks between elements of the whole system. Second, lack of knowledge in subregional structure of innovative potential of the country can lead to wrong decisions and failures in interregional policy. Third, not only institutional structure but also “reasonable” spatial deconcentration decide on meaning of Regional Innovation Systems in socio-economic development stimulation. Presented empirical analysis can help to defi ne this “reasonability” and its connections with other determinants of Regional Innovation Systems’ eff ectiveness. In many elaborations innovativeness is treated without taking into consideration its spatial aspects. In this paper, on the basis of Regional Innovation System of Małopolskie Region (Voivodship), an unique attempt of undertaking spatial subregional analysis of innovation system is presented.

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Bariery współpracy międzynarodowej wybranych przedsiębiorstw z Polski Południowo- Wschodniej

  • Author: Robert Rogowski
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Pages: 165-183
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200809
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200809.pdf

An identifi cation of barriers limiting export and import activity of Polish enterprises located in south-east Poland is an object of the article. The most important factors limiting the international cooperation are: the lack of the access to the information about foreign markets, high transport costs, linguistic problems, the lack of the appropriate staff and the ignorance of export and import procedures. The lack of the international cooperation among examined enterprises results from kind of activity, satisfaction from the present profi ts and the lack of the knowledge about foreign markets.

Ewaluacja w programowaniu regionalnym na przykładzie Strategii Rozwoju Województwa Małopolskiego

  • Author: Piotr Lityński
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 184-204
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200810
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200810.pdf

The following article refl ects the role of evaluating regional development programs. The purpose of taking a closer look at the role of evaluation arises from the fact that, development programs are currently an integral part of managing the development of a given region, thus evaluating these programs will further perfect the development process. Th e article’s primary focus is the process of evaluating strategic programs arising from governments, especially that of a region’s self-government. It also emphasizes the fact that not all documents of regional development are obligated to be evaluated. Th e article furthermore speaks of utilizing the outcome from the research of evaluation which is exceedingly fundamental to managing regional development. The empirical part of the article looks into analyzing the process of evaluating, The Region Development Strategy for Małopolska, for the year 2007–2013. Th is is a document which is not obligated to be evaluated. Th e analysis of the article applies to three areas of study. Primarily, the document was analyzed in its discussion of evaluation . Moreover, the method of evaluating the draft of this document is discussed. Lastly, the recommended propositions, which result from the evaluation, are presented.

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Zmiany w wielkości i strukturze działów specjalnych produkcji rolnej w powiecie wadowickim

  • Author: Jolanta Kasprzyk
  • Author: Tomasz Wojewodzic
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 205-217
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200811
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200811.pdf

Special activities in agricultural production have been considered by the legislator as agricultural activities yielding greater revenue than other agricultural activities, which has resulted in their subjection to income tax. The purpose of the study is to present the interest in this type of business among the inhabitants of the Wadowice Poviat. As a result of the analyses performed, it has been concluded that business of this type is of marginal importance, yet it constitutes a signifi cant source of income for approx. 200 families in the territory studied. All individuals who pay income tax on special activities have selected the simplifi ed form of setting the basis for taxation, and the changes in the number, structure and size of the businesses were relatively small in the years 2002–2005.

Przeobrażenia wsi, rolnictwa i Karpat Polskich po II wojnie światowej – próba syntezy

  • Author: Wiesław Musiał
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 218-245
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200812
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200812.pdf

The territory of Poland changed its shape and size aft er the Second World War. The changes concerned also the Polish Carpathians, which benefi ted from small corrections of border in the Spisz Region, but lost large Carpathian areas situated east of the Lutowiska-Krościenko-Przemyśl axis. The economy in the region of newly formed border with the Soviet Union (corrected over the subsequent years) was devastated by numerous skirmishes and long lasting war activities, which also led to its depopulation. A systematic regress was happening in arable land use and particularly livestock production. The phenomenon was diffi cult to suppress because of growing depopulation and remodelling of land ownership. The mountain and sub-mountain regions, which used to be overpopulated and poor areas aft er the war became an example of mass emigration to the Western Territories. The immigrants moved mainly to the Upper and Lower Silesia. In the post-war years all activities in the Carpathian agriculture, like in the agriculture of whole Poland, focused on the reconstruction of material resources for production, particularly the demolished numbers and ruined quality of livestock. The end of the forties and beginning of the fi ft ies were not only the time of enormous eff orts of the farmers themselves trying to reconstruct and develop their farms, but also the period of problems posed by the state. New concept of agrarian policy became implemented since 1956 in result of political changes. Its main objective was strengthening production aspects and introducing mechanisms of so called indirect socialization. There was a signifi cant turning point concerning means of production supplies for agriculture, including particularly agricultural inputs, current assets, construction materials and farm machinery. Mechanisms of agriculture development adopted for the years 1956–1969 were slowly loosing their efficiency and finally failed unable to match the rate of agronomic production growth, which in view of developing consumer needs led to economic and political crisis. In result of and following stormy political events of 1970, the state started to implement new policy for agriculture and rural areas. In the eighties the mountain rural areas still retained their typically farming character. On one hand they made use of agricultural progress, modern technologies and machinery which reached farms according to the same rules as the other rural areas in Poland, whereas on the other still faced problems in farming caused by a defi ciency of agricultural inputs: mineral fertilizers, pesticides and feed concentrates but also defi cit of coal. The rule of administrative distribution of construction materials, farm machinery and other defi cit means of production was still in force. From economic point of view a turning point in the hitherto pursued policy was so called market facilitation of economy releasing prices for agronomic products. At that time agriculture once again got ahead of the other sectors adopting solutions matching market economy and avoiding the threat of collectivization of family farms. It relinquished great hope for improvement of economic situation in the country and on farms, even on the most dispersed ones, which are so numerous in the Carpathian Region.

Działalność krakowskiego Oddziału Państwowego Banku Rolnego w pierwszych latach okupacji niemieckiej

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 246-262
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200813
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200813.pdf

The whole of current scientifi c literature related to National Bank of Agriculture is only limited to its activity in interwar Poland. There’s a lack of publications, which might present providing credit to agriculture by National Bank of Agriculture during Nazis Occupation (1939–1945) and aft er Second World War. Th is article, which shows the activity of Cracow Department of National Bank of Agriculture in fi rst years of Nazis Occupation is the first from the series of planned publications, which aim is to fill this gap. The basic source base for writing this article constitutes materials from group of files National Bank of Agriculture Department in Cracow occur in National Archive in Cracow. Leaving National Bank of Agriculture and its personnel in occupation authorities policy was to served mainly quick and effective elimination prewar assets of a bank39. Bank was obliged to carry out debt collection action by German. It was made because of having given credits before Second World War, determined as “old operations”. To achieve it, it was necessary to make reconstruction of lost fi les and determine interests of prewar bank debtors, previously. Setting about for debt reconstruction before September 1939 in initial phase of another opening Cracow Department was necessity, too. Because of all cash missing, the only source for obtaining financial resources, necessary to further bank function became prewar loan repayments. Well then, amount of fi rst salaries for bank employers was dependent of receipts by virtue of installments. From the end of 1941 invader’s politics towards National Bank of Agriculture have changed signifi cantly. Aft er previous period of moderation and relative tolerance, work of Cracow Department, till war finish had taken place in very diffi cult conditions. The reason related to gaining conviction by governmental authorities of General-Government, and by confi dant himself of Heinrich Bank that since National Bank of Agriculture, as they planned beforehand, can’t be eliminated because elimination of all prewar bank operations presented sad, complicated and long process, it must be transformed from pure Polish institution to gradually Germanized bank, which would be totally absorbed by German credit system in the future.

Gospodarka dworska w kluczu wierzchosławickim w XVII I XVIII wieku. Produkcja roślinna

  • Author: Andrzej Niedojadło
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 263-281
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200814
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200814.pdf

The article presents fi rstly, the time and circumstance of Wierzchoslawice region villages becoming the part of Tarnow’s latyfundium as well as its previous heirs and landlords secondly, take-over the property by the Ostrogski family from the Leliwita family. Thirdly, the division of the assets into “princely” part and “zamojska” part and fi nally the Reunion of the property done by Teofila Lunomirska with Paweł Karol Sanguszko, who completed the property reunion in 1742. Th e time and the unfortunate division of the property turned it into ruins and economical breakdown. The period of Piotr Wodzicki tenancy were apparently positive. He rebuilt the manorial and grange buildings as well as the inn which eventually led to economical movement of Wierzchosławice region. The Wierzchosławice grange was the biggest among the others which create the Tarnow’s earldom. Its characteristic was the forest domination (87,3%). Despite this fact the intense agriculture economy was led in the region. Among the others mainlrye and wheat were cultivated. So, the so called, bread crops were among most popular because of really good grounds. The most of the production was designed for sell, seeding, alcohol production and to feed the cattle. The introduction of millet and so called “hreczka” lowered the economical costs but also the amount of more expensive crops production. The fall in crops production was influenced by wars and bad crops disasters.

Kilka uwag na temat kultury materialnej Lachów limanowskich

  • Author: Wincenty Kołodziej
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 282-301
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200815
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200815.pdf

The article regards the material culture of Lachs. They live in the area of Beskid Wyspowy, infl uenced by the culture of highlanders and the people from the Cracow area. In the article the author described the culture’s infl uence on the people from the region, it’s range and specifi c divisions and also their cultural achievements. The author was particularly interested in the material culture of Lachs from the Limanowa region. Being a Lach himself, and during the childhood living in the country, he perfectly understands how the family and neighbors built their houses and equipped them with essential articles of daily use. The author brings us closer to the life conditions of the people from this past period. He describes the way how the people from the country built and equipped their homes with essential objects of daily use. A big part of the article is dedicated to the attire of the people. The collection of Regional Museum in Limanowa was helpful to provide information about this subject. Very helpful was also the literature of the subject included by the author in the footnotes of the article. Own memories of the author from his childhood, memories of his family and neighbors also played an important role in gathering information for this article. The author tries to paint a picture of a Polish countryside in the second half of the XIX and in the first half of the XX century. This picture and memories from those times are worth mentioning in the article because those times and the way Polish country looked will never come back, so they need to be remembered because it was a consecutive step in our course to modern culture and civilization.

Sytuacja finansowa szkolnictwa powszechnego w II Rzeczypospolitej oraz w Tarnowie i powiecie tarnowskim w latach 1918–1939

  • Author: Edmund Juśko
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 302-338
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200816
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200816.pdf

At the time of regaining independence and the rebuild of the Polish nation in 1918, actions of the education authorities in independent Poland were concentrated on standardizing the school system and level out the neglected system left by the occupants, realizing the new tasks mainly about the rebuild of the common education system which leads to its fi nancing. Right from the beginning of 2nd Republic of Poland the local self-government played a big role in the fi nancing. Low outlays from the government tried with hardship to re-compensate the not too wealthy local governments. It was quite signifi cant towards the weakness of the national administration, oft en changes in government and lack of budget stability. The signifi cant matter for the common education system was the problem of material security like constructions and school grounds. The traditional duty rested on the community government. There was a lack of plain regulations of rights which would include the country’s whole area. The first ones just appeared in 1922. Functioning and development of common education was dependent on economical factors, also on social regulations. It was important to understand its role and meaning by the local self-government with the acceptance of the local society. It was connected, in the signifi cant way, with the material position and the state of awareness of parents towards the education of their children. A tuff economical situation of the country caused that the society was not able to take any more costs at that time. The citizens of Tarnow and its poviat found themselves in similarly difficultfi nancial condition which had a negative infl uence on the education of children. Low income did not allow them in a signifi cant way to help schools fi nancially. Co-actions taken by the national government and self-government and parts of wealthy parents combined with active teachers and school managers in finding financial sources which allowed despite diffi culty for common education to function. Changes for the better started at the end of the 1930s. The beginning World War II made it impossible to combine further realization of that assignment. The financial situation of common education in Tarnow and its poviat was the same as in the whole country.

Działalność wydziału kultury i sztuki Urzędu Wojewódzkiego Lubelskiego – Prezydium Wojewódzkiej Rady Narodowej w Lublinie w latach 1944–1956

  • Author: Ewa Kuźma
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 338-352
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200817
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200817.pdf

Taking over power in the country, the Polish Committe of National Liberation set up the Department of Culture and Arts which was later transformed into a ministry. From its beginning the institution started setting up its regional offi ces. Since it had no pre-war tradition, it encountered a variety of obstacles. Besides, some of its competences doubled with those of other ministries. The article discusses the activities of the Culture and Arts Department of the Lublin Regional Offi ce, which was later renamed the Department of Culture of the Presidium of the Regional National Council. It shows the masures taken to reconstruct cultural life in the local areas, initial support for local government initiative and the consequences of central administration. Th e article also deals with the training of staff and the personel policy of the government.

Powstanie lwowskie w listopadzie 1918 r. na łamach krakowskiego „Czasu”

  • Author: Patryk Wawrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 353-370
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200818
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200818.pdf

Confl ict in Eastern Galicia in November 1919 was one of the most important breakthroughs during creating of reborn from the dust of ashes Poland. Lviv, the capitol city of region, became an area of fi ghts between Poles and Ukrainians. Th is article describes way of presenting events in the most infl uential daily newspaper in former Austrian annexation – “Czas”, edited in Cracow. Th is is also an account about tragedy and martyrdom of two neighbor nations, that had chosen collision instead of peaceful coexistence. Complicated history and culture of Lviv can understand only this one who can experience multiethnic and multiconfession character, spirit of forever loyal city.

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Sprawozdanie Ekonomiczne Oddziału krakowskiego Państwowego Banku Rolnego za rok 1945

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 371-384
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200819
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200819.pdf

Following the example of interwar years and period of Nazi occupation each department of National Bank of Agriculture was obliged to regular transfer monthly and yearly Central Institution in Warsaw reports’ Presented document is the eff ect of Cracow Departament of Nationalk Bank of Agriculture ensuing from this issue. Still, never published, was found among materials coming from Cracow Department of National Bank of Agriculture, keeping in National Archive in Cracow (sygn. 29/620/81). Its publish should be dated to January 1945. Unlike from monthly report sit does not include information related to credit activity of the department. It is mainly devoted to socio – economic characteristic of Malopolska Voivodeship before 1945 with individual consideration agriculture situation. Moreover. It includes prices of agricultural products and farm products and local prices of industry on the date of 15th December 1945.

Wyciąg z referatu Dyrektora Departamentu Obrotu Pieniężnego wygłoszonego dn. 9.8.1945 na konferencji kierowników instytucji kredytowych

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2008
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 385-397
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm200820
  • PDF: ksm/12/ksm200820.pdf

National Polish Bank commonly with State Ministry made and presented to realization credit programme for polish economy in summer 1945. Its most essential points were presented 9th of august 1945 during conference of credit institutions’ directors. Presented document is a note made during this conference and hasn’t been published, yet. It has been found during preliminary research of Cracow Departament of National Bank of Agriculture keeping in National Archive in Cracow (sygn. 29/620/80). It includes information abort: main tasks of credit, form sof credit and delimination of credit competence among individual credit institutions

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