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Vol. 15

Niespokojne regiony Europy – współczesny irredentyzm

  • Author: Michał Gołoś
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-23
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201101
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201101.pdf

Not calm regions of Europe – the modern irredentism

“The Europe of regions” has a double deck in which sometimes are hidden sceptical views about Europe. It has been done in order to restrict the competence in the name of regions. On the state level those competences were handed over to the European institutions long ago. It is not only in the mind of the regions to push their interests. In their mind is to make an influence on the change of the character of the European Union – the more powerful is the position of the definite region according to the state Constitution at their own place, at “home” – much more the region is trying to influence on the changes of the very European Union. In some cases their ambitions contradict the state policy of a given European Union’s member state. XXI-st century did not protect Europe before the spectre of national wars having brought the liveliness of ethnic and national emotions such as the fear before loosing their own identity. The nationalism, responsible for the most blooded conflicts, thanks to its diversified nature penetrates invisibly into the consciousness not only separate persons but also the whole societies, creating destabilization both in the Western countries and in a freshly shaped countries of the Middle and Western Europe. The International Institute of Peace Research in Stockholm in its report in 1996 affirms that “the most dangerous risk for the European security comes out from the inner conflicts in the countries which are caused by the discontent of the social groups in the great majority the ethnic groups”. One of the reasons of conflicts is the discrepancy of the ethnic and the state borders. The analysis of debates and conflicts in Europe on the turn of XX–XXI-st centuries not only affirms the Existence of the problem but also shows that in the period of progressing globalization, the responsibility for the state of conflict and national egoism is both on the quarreling sides and the whole international society. So despite the ruling believes the national resentments, distortion of the history, wrong decisions, non-perfect international institutions and security system cannot be the excuse for the helplessness or indifference for the threats generated by the nationalism, on the contrary they have to inspire to the open European debates on the topic of methodology in succeeding the national crisis. But hopes are arisen by the experiences of quarreling societies of the last decades which point out that before the lack of the universal system of resolving those types of conflicts the ability to compromise, openness for dialogue and first of all perception of the differences not as obstacles but as tasks for fulfillment, always decide about mutual understanding. All this successfully implemented to the canon of social practice may decide that nationalism will become only the phantom and warning from the past but not an inspiration for the European political elite.

Wilanowska nieruchomość ziemska i jej funkcjonowanie w latach 1935–1939

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 24-52
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201102
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201102.pdf

Wilanów property and its existence in the years 1935–1939

Wilanow Landed Property consisted of some parts indissolubly connected with each Rother. A palace in Wilanow, museum and Wilanow Park were in the first part. Second part, definied as farm consisted of farm in Wilanow, farm in Wolica, milk farm in Wilanow, milk farm in Wolica, and fish farm in Żabieniec. Other parts consisted of gardens and forests in Wilanow. It results explicitly from researches which have been carried out that Wilanow Landed Property till the moment of nacionalization had been treated as uniform whole, which because of dominant kind of had agriculture character.

Dylematy rozwojowe gmin wiejskich objętych siecią ekologiczną Natura 2000

  • Author: Marek Kłodziński
  • Author: Artur Bortłomiuk
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 53-75
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201103
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201103.pdf

Developmental dilemmas in rural municipalities covered by Natura 2000

Although local governments of surveyed in Polish Green Lungs (with a significant percentage of area covered by Natura 2000) declare the need for environmental protection but at the same times they believe that the introduction of Natura 2000 resulted in many new problems in local economic development. Village and town mayors through their regional and national associations are demanding compensation for the loss potential benefits and costs incurred as a result of activities related to environmental protection. The reasons for this situation is the fact that the process of forming Natura 2000 network was not accompanied by a through explanatory action and the boundaries of ecological network were determined arbitrarily without cooperation with local authorities. Moreover, local communities weren’t presented alternative directions of development, and it was aggravated by lack of financial resources for maintenance and operation of this new form of environment protection.

Rywalizacja i współpraca mocarstw na obszarze Azji Centralnej

  • Author: Agata Włodkowska-Bagan
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 46-96
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201104
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201104.pdf

Great power rivalry and cooperation in Central Asia

Region of Central Asia is one of many areas of the world, in which interests of western countries especially the United States (but also the EU), Russia and China are crossing. Turkey and Iran being a participant of “the New Great Game” are not yet the main players in the regional competition. The rivalry concerns mainly on economic dimension (natural gas and oil resources) but relates as well to political, military and security issues. At the same time there is several areas of cooperation between Russia and Iran, Moscow and Beijing or even between whole participants of the rivalry. Such an cooperation occurs for example in common efforts connected with the war on international terrorism or against drug trafficking. Furthermore Russia, Iran and China are worried about the increasing role of United States in Central Asia countries. Despite the rivalry, which takes place in Central Asia and decreasing Russian role in this region, Moscow is still the important player, mainly because it controls so far a considerable part of Central Asian pipelines and has located there military bases.

Los obywateli polskich po 17 września 1939 r. i okoliczności powstania Armii Polskiej w ZSRR

  • Author: Katarzyna Ossowska
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 97-112
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201105
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201105.pdf

The lot of Polish citizens after September 17, 1939 and the circumstances of the formation of the Polish Army in the USSR

The events that occurred on September 17 were extremely tragic, especially for Polish civilian population. After the defeat in September, a lot of Polish soldiers retreating to Hungary and Romania were taken captive. The reason behind their sad plight was the fact that, although captives, they were not entitled to prisoner-of-war status. They were grouped in camps built particularly for that purpose. Three of the camps were given a special status and the Polish captives detained there were murdered in spring 1940. After their invasion on the Second Republic of Poland, the Soviets started to consistently implement the previously sketched plan to exterminate the Polish nation. Due to mass arrests and deportations, hundreds of thousands of Poles, including women, children and elderly people, were taken to the wild backwoods regions of the USSR and left without any protection whatsoever. The flower of our nation was forced to hard labour, such as railway construction or deforestation of some Siberian areas. That tragic situation did not change until the summer of 1941, when the London-based Polish government, after long and stormy negotiations, signed an agreement with the Soviet government. By virtue of Sikorski-Majski agreement, masses of Polish citizens were granted amnesty and a Polish army was to be formed in the USSR. After announcement of the amnesty decree, Poles from the furthest recesses of the USSR started their southward journey to meet their “brothers”. Władysław Anders, general and commander of the Polish Army, had to face a number of difficulties in order to provide his soldiers with relatively good living conditions. The army was short of virtually everything, especially as it also gave shelter to civilians, who wanted to escape death. Therefore, it was an army composed of down-at-heel, rugged human skeletons. Thanks to their persistence and the feeling of great injustice, however, they became highly skilled soldiers and the Polish Army in the USSR was exceptionally vital and resilient.

The land-lease in Bulgaria – opportunities for Belter use of agricultural land

  • Author: Albena Miteva
  • Author: Ivan Kanchev
  • Author: Julia Doitchinova
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 113-129
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201106
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201106.pdf

Purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the tenancy model of agriculture in Bulgaria and offer guidance and solutions for its development which allow and contribute to its adaptation to EU agricultural conditions. The report examines the status and problems of renting of agricultural land in Bulgaria. The analysis results are based on a survey of the status of the land market and the author’s own study.

tenancy model of agriculture land-lease

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Economic aspects: structure change of farms In Great Britain

  • Author: Czesław Nowak
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 130-138
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm20107
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201107.pdf

Agriculture in Great Britain is characterised by the largest average surface area of farms and the lowest level of employment in all of the European Union Member States. The main non-agricultural source of income for small and medium-sized farms is paid work outside the farm, whilst the large and very large farms focus on diversifying their agricultural activities.

small farms farm diversification farm structure

Rodzaje instrumentów wsparcia na działanie zalesienia gruntów rolnych

  • Author: Bartosz Mickiewicz
  • Author: Antoni Mickiewicz
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 138-151
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201108
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201108.pdf

Types of support for the afforestation of agricultural land action

The paper presents types of support, which was used in the frame of the RDP 2007–2013 and RDP 2004-2006 on the afforestation of agricultural land action. The support was based on three forms of payments, as support for afforestation, tending premium and afforestation premium. Afforestation premium was paid annually, but in the first programming period for 20 years, and in the second period of 15 years. In 2004–2006, 127.7 thousand farmers applied proposals, under which there were made payments in the amount of 167.9 mln zł. In the second programming period, covering 2007–2013 alongside afforestation of agricultural land (the first pattern), pattern II was introduced in the form of afforestation of land other than agricultural. The aim of this pattern was afforestation of abandoned and set-aside lands, which remained outside the interest of agricultural producers. To 2010 there were applied 2.7 thousand proposals according to pattern I and 0.4 thousand proposals according to pattern II, with the overall amount of support 22.5 million zł. The research revealed that in Poland there were differences between the areas of agricultural land in 16.2 million ha and the area sown at 11.5 million ha. This points that a large area of agricultural land – beside of meadows and pastures – is left as fallow land. Moreover, there was devastated and degraded land, which is in a small interest of farmers. Forest area in the country is at 28.6%, while in the long term to 2020 should reach 30%, and this process will take place at the expense of agricultural land.

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Kształtowanie wizerunku jako instrument zarządzania współczesnym przedsiębiorstwem

  • Author: Tomasz Zacłona
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 152-168
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201109
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201109.pdf

The present article aims to indicate the most appropriate place of image creation among other vital instruments of modern company management. The majority of management sciences frequently treat the notion of image as a preventative measure in case of problematic situations occurring within the organization. A variety of theories as well as conceptions of management seem to neglect the concept of image underestimating its key function in the process of company management.

an instrument of management shaping an image Marketing public relations management

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Unikatowe cechy biologiczne i użytkowe lnu zwyczajnego (Linum usitatissimum l.) determinujące znaczenie gatunku w przeszłości oraz współcześnie

  • Author: Agnieszka Kopyra-Klimek
  • Author: Andrzej Oleksy
  • Author: Tadeusz Zając
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 169-196
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201110
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201110.pdf

Unique biological features and utilization of linseed (Linum usitatisimum l.) species determined in present and in future

The paper presented the origin and utilization of linseed form, taking into consideration the field and yield production area in the world, Europe and Poland. Linseed forms allow for climate conditions and farmers modulated utilization features. In Poland condition more common was fiber form plant ‘Flax’ since the oldest times till 20th century. Originally, flax was cultivated in gardens, and than relocated into the field without alternative fiber plant. Significant decreasing of flax cultivated in polish field in the middle of XIX was caused by wider spreading of cotton utilization in farms and decreasing of domestic fiber production. Flax products in those days were exchanged by cotton and Australian wool. At present fiber from Flax is exchanged into synthetic fiber or fiber mix with cotton. However bigger which acceptation for flax fiber clothes in states with moderate climate is observed including Poland, may stimulate flax area in the same level. Flax in our soil as well as weather conditions allow to produce higher quality of fiber. Recently seed flax has been utilized for linseed oil production. The assumption for linseed oil output was stable and cheapest by unique composition with α-linolenic acid source. Enrichment of wide sort of groceries with essential unsaturated acids allowe to improve food products. Effective enrichment with NNKT, as a F wit amine, is determined mainly by oilseed yield area, which significance will increase in the future. After 2000 mostly linseed form was cultivated. However, lower yield level of linseed should be determined by better cultivation technology conform to yellow and brown linseed varieties. Increasing of linseed production results to deliver from 1 to 1,5-2g α-linolenic acid into groceries per day, which is believed due to nutrition and health issues. Discovering and popularization of novel and others linseed utilization allow to maintain species in the field.

α-linolenic acid fatty acids seeds yield utilization past cultivation

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Możliwości rozwoju agroturystyki w powiecie krakowskim

  • Author: Katarzyna Znój
  • Author: Joanna Fryc
  • Author: Elżbieta Boligłowa
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 197-213
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201111
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201111.pdf

Possibilities of agritourism development in the Krakow county

Agritourism, as an off-farm activity brings numerous advantages for the rural area, agriculture, but also for the farmers. Rural tourism and agritourism have been increasingly more often offered as a product not only in the local and national scale but also on international markets. In Poland it is particularly apparent in the north and south-western regions. Each region stands out among the other by its natural values, historical monuments, regional cuisine or local customs, which favour agritourism development. Krakow county is diversified as to its geography and therefore its natural characteristics. The county occupies the area of 1231 km2, which makes up 8% of the Malopolska Province area. It is composed of 17 communes (gminas) including 5 urban and rural communes (Krzeszowice, Skała, Skawina, Słomniki, Świątniki Gorne) and 12 rural communes: (Czernichow, Igołomia-Wawrzeńczyce, Iwanowice, Jerzmanowice-Przeginia, Kocmyrzow-Luborzyca, Liszki, Michałowice, Mogilany, Sułoszowa, Wielka Wieś, Zabierzow, Zielonki). Conducted analysis demonstrated that Krakow county (poviat) is an attractive region in many respects. The Ojcow National Park, situated in its area is under the highest form of environmental protection. Not only rare plant and animal species are strictly protected in the Park, but also unusual rock formations, bearing their own names e.g. Deotyma’s Needle, Hercules Club or Krakow Gate. There are numerous caves, e.g. King Lokietek Cave or Dark Cave and historical monuments, e.g. a castle in Pieskowa Skała, or a Chapel on the Water. The Park area covers the following communes: Skała, Sułoszowa, Jerzmanowice-Przeginia and Wielka Wieś. There are 12 nature reserves in the county area. The biggest nature reserve is situated in the Krzeszowice commune. The landscape parks situated in the county area, such as Bielińsko- Tyniecki, Tenczyński and Rodniański Parks, Krakow Valleys Landscape Park and Dłubniański Park form a Complex of Jura Landscape Parks. Numerous nature monuments (479) may be encountered here as well as historical monuments dated from various historical periods (43 historical churches and 56 manor house complexes). The greatest number of nature monuments is situated in the communes of Zabierzow, Skawina and Krzeszowice. Considering the nature and landscape conditions, the best conditions for tourism development are in the counties of Skała, Czernichow, Zabierzow and Krzeszowice.

Plany i strategie rozwoju agroturystyki w powiecie krakowskim

  • Author: Arkadiusz Niedziółka
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 214-225
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201112
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201112.pdf

Plans and strategies of agritourism development in Malopolska voivodeship

The article concerns different strategies of agritourism services development included in general districts development strategies. The author presented different conceptions and forms of strategic agritourism development. The state of agritourism development in Malopolska Voivodeship was shown. A number of agritourism farms in individual provinces in this region was presented. Besides, factors of agritourism development on this territory were shown. In the empirical part of the article results of researches carried out in 57 districts in Malopolska Voivodeship, on the subject of the role of local authorities in agritourism development, and on the subject of the significance of undertakings directed to agritourism development included in district’ development strategies worked out, were shown.

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Obszary wiejskie województw zachodniopomorskiego i małopolskiego – analiza porównawcza dynamiki zmian w latach 2004–2008

  • Author: Grażyna Karmowska
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 226-241
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201113
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201113.pdf

Rural areas of the Zachodniopomorskie and Małopolskie regions. comparative analysis of the dynamics of changes in the years 2004−2008

The articles purpose is to compare the development of two regions, with the special Research period is between 2004 and 2008. During research were used basic measures of economical, social and demographical development. Attempt was taken to answer these questions, does this regions need different ways of development and instruments of activization? Does the four years period in UE was properly used by these areas? Conducted analysis didn’t gave clear answers for the questions. There are areas where the rate of changes are similar for both regions (GDP, average monthly salary in agriculture, population age structure) but there are also great differences, some on the side of Zachodniopomorskie region and some on the side of Małopolskie. To give clear answers to these questions there should be conducted more specific studies and use other like synthetic measures of development.

rural areas measures of development

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Czynniki zróżnicowania regionalnego i ich związek z ceną gruntów rolniczych

  • Author: Robert Pietrzykowski
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 242-258
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201114
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201114.pdf

Regional differences factors and their relation to agricultural land price

The paper presents an analysis of agricultural land prices in 2009. The study was conducted for the good, medium and bad soil. In order to determine relation the price of agricultural land and selected factors causing regional differences, used spatial analysis. The studies were able to conclude that direct payments are a factor causing regional differences. In the statistical analysis used to Moran spatial coefficients and spatial regression model.

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Postawy rolników wobec przyszłości własnych gospodarstw w regionie rozdrobnionego rolnictwa

  • Author: Maciej Basaj
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 259-271
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201115
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201115.pdf

Farmers’ attitudes against future of their own farms in the fragmented agricultural region

In the article results of researches carried out in 2009 among farmers in six districts located in Malopolska region have been presented. The aim of the article is the presentation farmers’ opinions and attitudes against accomplishing structural alternations in their vicinity. The author focused his attention on farmers’ attitude towards their own soil depending on its importance for famili incomes. Getting to know farmers’ intentions against further fates of their farms, and also getting to know their estimations about the future of their farms in the vicinity can have particular significance in the prognosis and program of further development of rural areas – especially in such region with a big agrarian overpopulation like the Malopolska is.

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Konsekwencje migracji zarobkowych na obszarach o niekorzystnej strukturze agrarnej

  • Author: Piotr Cymanow
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 272-284
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201116
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201116.pdf

Consequences of labour related migration in the areas with unfavourable agrarian structure

The paper presents main outcomes of labour related migrations taking into consideration a group of people entering productive age. Apart from presentation of significant problems connected with specific character of agricultural sector in the Malopolska and Subcarpathian Regions, also main elements determining population flow according to push-pull theory were characterized. Presented were also results of investigations on farm potential and connected with it professional future for young people from the areas with unfavourable agrarian structure. Significant dispersion of land resources combined with low agrarian culture and overpopulation of rural areas naturally caused the desagrarization phenomenon and a necessity for active seeking alternative sources of income for families living on agriculture. It was demonstrated, that in consequence the phenomenon favours migration for labour and contributes to increase the scale of labour related migration both in the country and abroad.

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Wydajność ziemi w towarowych gospodarstwach w zależności od typów rolniczych i regionów FADM w Polsce

  • Author: Jarosław Mikołajczyk
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 285-299
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201117
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201117.pdf

Land productivity on commercial farms according to agricultural types and FADN regions in Poland

Commercial farms in Poland reveal a considerable diversification of land productivity. The diversification occurs between the production types of farms and FADN regions, and therefore also among farms of the same type localized in different regions. Concerning the whole country, the highest land productivity characterizes horticultural farms, whereas the lowest productivity, depending on the region has been registered on farms specializing in field crops or on farms without any specialization In the regional approach, indicators of farm productivity apparently point to a predominance of farms from the Malopolska and Upplands regions, whereas the lowest productivity characterizes the Pomerania and Mazury regions. Combining the results of productivity according to types and regions allows for a conclusion that the highest land productivity characterizes small area horticultural farms in the Wielkopolska and Silesia regions, as well as in the Malopolska and Upplands regions. On the other hand, the lowest productivity was obtained by the largest area farms specializing in traditional field crops in the Pomerania and Mazury Regions.

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Gospodarstwa rodzinne w rolnictwie polskim według charakteru społeczno-zawodowego

  • Author: Stanisław Sarat
  • Author: Andrzej Radwan
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 300-316
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201118
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201118.pdf

Family farms in Polish agriculture according to their socio-professional character

The subject of the article is an analysis of the productive inputs resources on family farms and production-economic results depending on the socio-professional character of the family. The data for the analyses were provided by the results of questionnaire surveys conducted on 555 farms situated in four regions of Poland representing different types of agriculture. The analysis revealed than an average purely agricultural holding (D) has 2.6 times greater productive potential than a farm where both man and his wife are hired employees (A). Small area of these farms (A) determines the highest intensity of soil utilization, whereas the highest employment per area unit conditions the poorest reinforcement of labour force in land and capital. An opposite situation characterizes purely agricultural holdings (D). A synthetic indicator of relative use of productive inputs shows higher than average use of production potential in groups (D) and (B), whereas markedly lower in the other two groups.

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Jakość życia społeczności wiejskiej w wybranych gminach województwa małopolskiego

  • Author: Wioletta Knapik
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 317-334
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201119
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201119.pdf

The quality rural community’s life on the basis of research

The paper of Wioletta Knapik „The quality rural community’s life on the basis of research” upons the problems of quality standards rural – local communities life’s the basis of research which done in the Sociology and the Rural Development Institute (research project). In the paper was used some aspects of these research, presented in chosen 3 rural communes, situated in Lesser Poland voivodship: Lipnica Murowana, Słomniki and Tarnow. It was characterized the notion „life’s quality” and introduced in different theoretical seizures. The meaning of this term is ambiguous, because the interpretation is connected with the scientific discipline, applied measuring methods and researches. The life’s quality depends of the own, subjective estimation. Conclusions from research were supplemented with chosen conclusions published in the report “The Social Diagnosis 2009. Conditions and the life’s quality of Poles”, edited by J. Czapiński and T. Panek. On the basis of this diagnosis the life’s quality level in case health protection of population in Lesser Poland voivodship is on the average level, according to the percentage of households using services of different agencies (compared with other provinces). The highest life’s quality according to number of inhabited rooms present the Commune Lipnica Murowana (56,9% respondents inhabit in 5, 6 or in 7 rooms) and the Commune Tarnow (accordingly: 50%). By analogy to case of respondents who are accommodated nearby the high street – Lipnica Murowana (86,5%) and Tarnow (85,0%). However the respondents from Communes: Słomniki and Tarnow; they have best access to the technical infrastructure. Almost all respondents think that their own communes is safe.

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Zmiany w strukturach agrarnych w państwach Unii Europejskiej po 2003 roku z podkreśleniem przypadku Polski

  • Author: Adam Majchrzak
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 335-360
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201120
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201120.pdf

Changes in farm structures in European Union member states after the year 2003 with emphasis of the case of Poland

In the paper the problem of development of the agricultural structures in the European Union member states was undertaken with the distinction of the case of Poland. The analyses show that despite the dominant role of family farms in the EU agriculture, the agrarian structure is characterized by significant diversity. At the same time tend to standardize them does not occur, and variation is maintained, inter alia, through the diversity of instruments of the Common Agricultural Policy. In the agrarian structure in Poland the polarization of farms takes place, which consists of the parallel emergence of large farms and those with a small area. This process is likely to be strengthened by the growing demand for non-productive functions of agriculture and rural development.

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Wpływ wybranych programów WPR na przemiany agrarne

  • Author: Dagmara Zuzek
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 361-374
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201121
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201121.pdf

Effect of some programs to change CAP agragne

The comprehensive support offered by the rural policy is an extremely important element of public support, which should be continued in order to achieve sustainable development, enabling the maintenance of rural life, while contributing to the competitiveness of the agricultural sector. It is necessary also to stress that the Polish, like other new member countries, rural development policy, in addition to cohesion policy – is and will remain a key element in the process of development and catching-up countries of the old „fifteen”. Rural Development Programme for the years 2007–2013 has aroused great interest among farmers and rural people, contributing substantially to support the competitiveness of Polish agriculture, environment and quality of life in rural areas. Therefore, Poland should strive to many elements of this support was continued in the coming years.

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Wykorzystanie komputerów i Internetu w gospodarstwach rolnych w podregionie krakowsko-tarnowskim

  • Author: Monika Jaworska
  • Author: Lidia Luty
  • Author: Janina Szewczyk
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 375-382
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201122
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201122.pdf

Utilization of computer and internet of farms in krakowsko-tarnowski region

There is a perception that computerization is the basis for the development of knowledge-based economy. Absorption of new technologies is very uneven. The differences are particularly evident between rural and urban. The results of questionnaire investigations, conducted in 58 agricultural farms were introduced. Computers were used in 76% farms. Mainly standard operating and office programs are in use, only 12% of farmers use specialized programs. 80% of computer owners was connected to the Internet. You can highlight a number of reasons are still low level of computerization of rural areas including lack of adequate Internet infrastructure, farmer’s age, tradition and a lack of openness to innovation, low levels of education and the small size of farms. Results of a survey of farmers, however, shows that the respondents see the benefit of the introduction of computerization in farms, 62% said that keeping farms has become easier thanks to the computer.

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Socjologiczne aspekty badania świadomości ekologicznej

  • Author: Magdalena Kowalska
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 383-396
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201123
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201123.pdf

The sociological aspects of researches of ecological awareness

It is possible to say about ecological awareness while we’re able to observe the existence of real contact within given community or if we assume its existence at least. In other cases it will simply fix the sum of individual states of consciousness, which do not form a self-contained whole. It will be a static category, not social [Górka and others 2001]. An ecological awareness comes into being in the process of acquaintance with nature and searching human place in natural environment. It is gained in the processes of social socialization with other elements of culture [Sadowski 2000]. In sociology the division of three periods: period of popular ecological awareness, next, period of shaping ideological elements and period of educational ecological awareness formulated under pro-ecological education and knowledge is very popular. The scientific research the state and the period of society’s ecological awareness can be carried out both by means of systematic or fragmentary sociological researches or by studies about social conflicts or ecological movements. However it’s considered that sociologists are not right when they affirm that it’s possible to acquire the scientific awareness totally deprived ideological elements because when ecological awareness should be shaped first it is necessary to determine relations man-environment, which determination is a fundamental assumption of philosophical nature. The basic difficulty in sociological research of ecological awareness is the lack of inner cohesion in given opinions and people attitudes. It results from this sphere that ecological awareness occurs in two forms: awareness only in declared form and realized awareness that is really enters into life. The level of compliance between these kinds of awareness depend on human social surroundings and exerted social pressure. According to Galińskiego [2008] ”dissonance between verbal behaviours and real ones in ecological sphere and preferences for instrumental ecological values make the expression of careless attitude of polish society against surroundings at all – not only against natural environment”. In Poland only in eighties in twelve century researches with the aim of acquaintance the awareness of society started to be carried out. From that time many significant sociological researches have been carried out, but none of them haven’t proved the problem fully.

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Informatyzacja polskiej wsi czynnikiem rozwoju obszarów wiejskich

  • Author: Anna Maria Rak
  • Author: Agata Mirończuk
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 396-409
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201124
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201124.pdf

Introducing information technologies on rural areas in Poland as a factor of development

Views on essence of information society and describing him parameters economical social they aren’t uniform however the general agreement is prevailing that comprehended information technologies are posing contemporary society’s inherent element extensively. Creating conditions to development economical-social requires country areas to create the suitable back-end in the discipline of applications of information technologies and computer networks. And therefore the need is occurring also of organizing the application for countryman’s, with individual farmers’ special consideration, of whom countryman’s preparation would be the chief objective to the active usage of the possibility information society is carrying which with itself. Big diversity is being watched in Poland in the field of the equipment of households to making it possible devices of the access to Internet. The area of the usage of modern technologies is being widened gradually in big towns, but also in country areas, in agribusiness, agricultural production and agricultural households. They assume today that the access is one of measures of information society’s development to Internet. In 2007 of year Internet became the so popular medium like the television in Poland and he is developed still dynamically. Despite disproportion is existing in the area of the country. No they often, result failing the ability to use the network they always have the only economic character. The alignment of chances of this part of society which is living in the country is becoming one of the most important challenges of the present day in this connection.

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Młodzież pogranicza a modernizacja peryferii

  • Author: Piotr Długosz
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 410-421
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201125
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201125.pdf

Youth from the borderland and modernization of perisphery

This publication presents results of the research conducted on the secondary-school graduates. From conducted research came out that young people have high educational and vocational aspirations. Youth also have features of modern personality, which is a sine qua non for modernization of periphery. In this connection we can assume, that borderland can count on endogenous sources of socio-cultural change.

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Konferencje rejonowe jako forma doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli na przykładzie szkół podstawowych Tarnowa i powiatu tarnowskiego w latach 1945–1975

  • Author: Paweł Juśko
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 422-438
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201126
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201126.pdf

District conferences as a form of inservice trainging for teachers on the example of primary schools of Tarnów and Tarnów province in the years 1945–1975

The article discusses the issue of district conferences, which were forms of teachers’ education, presenting them on the example of primary schools in Tarnow and Tarnow District in the years 1945–1975. District conferences date from the interwar period. Then they were the most popular forms of improving work of teachers in primary schools in Tarnow and Tarnow County. The district conferences played special role for teachers in rural environments where the availability of other types of educational forms were limited. After the Second World War the Ministry of Education has reintroduced district conferences and, like before 1939, the Polish Teachers’ Association was re sponsible for the organization of them. The location of conference areas generally coincide with the area of the PTA activity. Counties were divided in such a way as to enable all teachers to become involved in conferences. Primary school teachers from Tarnow and Tarnow County were highly involved in this form of training, as evidenced by attendance at conferences from 80% to 100% of registered teachers. Number of participants in each region was usually not more than 30 teachers. For the period 1949–1956 district conferences were replaced by ideological training of teachers. Since 1957, the district conferences were organized by the faculties of education departments in cooperation with the Polish Teachers’Association as well as control centers and the pedagogical and methodological units 5 times a year and consisted of two parts: methodological. where the demonstrated lesson was analyzed and a lecture, discussion or presentation. There was also a social part of the conference. Participation in conferences of teachers was voluntary. Since the 1959–1960 school year, presentations have become the main point of the district conference programs. District conference topics focused on methodological. didactic, pedagogical and psychological issues, there were also political and ideological topics. As a conference, teachers were also taken at least once a year on a sightseeing tour. The program of such district conference also consisted of a kind of social part in the form of common meals, singing, live bands performances and dance. The role and importance of the district conference was decreased by the fact that gradually they became just another ideological impact on teachers and thus lost their essential methodological and didactic function. In 1972, the Ministry of Education, in its decision prohibiting the district conferences during working hours led to the cessation of PTA carry that form of self-education and teacher education.

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