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Vol. 17

Rozwój turystyki kwalifikowanej w okresie międzywojennym na terenie województwa krakowskiego

  • Author: Arkadiusz Niedziółka
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-19
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201201
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201201.pdf

Qualified tourism development in the interwar period in Cracow voivodeship

In the article different issues connected with different forms of qualified to­urism development in the interwar period in Cracow Voicodeship were pre­sented. First of all the essence of such understood tourism was defined. The most popular forms of qualified tourism were presented, too. In twenties and thirties of the 20th century these forms were similar to present ones. In this part of the work specialist tourism values, on the base of literature were characteri­sed, too. They allow to practice different forms of qualified tourism. Next, there was a short part of the article related to the history of quali­fied tourism development from the second part of nineteenth century till the outbreak of the first world war in 1914 on polish territories. In this over 120 years period Poland had been not existed as sovereign country but first forms of mountain tourism and skiing appeared.

The most information and problems included in the article were connect­ed with the qualified tourism development in Poland, especially in Cracow Voivodeship in the interwar period. The author described the role of institu­tional surrounding in the development of this kind of tourism. Some organiza­tions like Polish Tatra Society played a very big role in this period in qualified tourism development, especially in the development of mountain tourism in Tatra Mountains.

The Polish Tatra Society built a lot of mountain huts in Poland, especially in Cracow Voivodeship in Tatra Mountains. A mountain hut was kind of accom­modation located in the mountains intended to provide food and shelter to mountaineers, climbers and hikers. This organization caused to expand tour­ism and recreation base in Zakopane, too. It was a place from which tourists started to go to the mountains.

In this work the role of different publications connected with qualified tourism development in the interwar period were presented, too. Among these positions one should mention about year-book “Wierchy” edited in Cracow.

Korepetycje gimnazjalistów z południa Polski

  • Author: Piotr Długosz
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 20-33
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201202
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201202.pdf

Tutors of schoolboys from south of Poland

The paper presents results of research on tutoring high school students from the southern Polish. Survey research was carried out in the province of Podkarpackie, Małopolska and Silesia. To use the tutoring is granted one third of respondents. Tutoring change their function depending on the social status of students. Among students with high status are used to achieve high educa­tional attainment and improve life chances. Students with low status allows fill gaps in cultural capital and ensure their maintenance in the school system. Key words: gimnazjaliści, tutoring, school system, life aspirations.

Wybrane problemy z historii gospodarki polskiej w pierwszym okresie transformacji ustrojowej (1989–1997)

  • Author: Benedykt Banach
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 34-50
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201203
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201203.pdf

Chosen problems of polish economy history in the first period of political transformation (1989–1997)

The author deals in this article with selected economic problems of a demo­cratic state at the beginnings of fast development of market economy and the service sector in Poland. He undertakes an attempt at analyzing and synthesi­zing economic environment on the basis of data found in the Polish statistical yearbooks.

Hyperinflation in Poland was in 1988 and the following one witnessed a slight increase in GDP (100.2%). As a result of the above-mentioned, the economic crisis occurred in the 1990–1991 period because of a considerably decreased GDP (which, counted in fixed prices, dropped to 88.4% and 93.0% respectively). However, elimination of hyperinflation in 1990 and tempering the financial crisis in 1991 turned out to be a great economic success. A slight pickup in economic growth occurred in the 1992–1993 period (102.6% and 103.8% respectively), but is was due to a low computing base in the two previo us years. A significant GDP increase was not noticed until 1994 (105.2%), and it was due to a faster and faster economic development in Poland. Especially the years 1995–1997, witnessed fast development and economic growth pro­ved by greater GDP ratios in 1995 by 7%, in 1996 by 6.0% and in 1997 by 6.8%, which confirmed a good state of the Polish economy.

The discussion concerns fundamental production branches in economy, i.e. industry, construction and agriculture. The attention has been focused ma­inly on capital investment and fixed assets used in the above branches and in the entire economy. The issues of unemployment and foreign trade have been discussed briefly. Other equally important problems, such as development of the service sector or financial matters, due to a limited size of the article have not been taken into consideration.

Postawy proekologiczne i ekologicznej obojętności mieszkańców małopolskiej wsi

  • Author: Magdalena Kowalska
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 51-64
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201204
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201204.pdf

Pro-ecological and ecological indifference attitudes of inhabitants in Malopolska village

The aim of researches was the recognition of attitudes in the face problems of the environmental protection of inhabitants of two communes near Kraków: Wieliczka and Zielonki. This to make one used with special categories: the eco­logical attitude and the ecological indifference with introduced by T. Burger. Presented elaboration targets the distinction of attitudes of inhabitants in Zie­lonki and Wieliczka communes.. Researches were carried out in 2010 among adult of 150 inhabitants of both communes. The relation of respondents to the environment protection is more declared than realized. It seems that findings permit them to classify to the group I (fa­voring to the environmental protection, however not demonstrating clearly the ecological attitude) and II (the group of indifferent people , not concerned this with the problems and not recognizant so that the management an envi­ronmental protection be necessary). In progress of research rather one did not ascertain the attitude which would help to define respondents as persons perceiving problems of the ecology but simultaneously expressing to the co­nviction that not yet the time to deal with their resolution or else being with conscious opponents of the environmental protection (that is being qualified to the group II and IV).

Upamiętnianie ofiar Auschwitz na terenie Państwowego Muzeum Oświęcim-Brzezinka w latach 1947–2000. Zarys problemu

  • Author: Piotr Trojański
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 65-78
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201205
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201205.pdf

Commemoration of Auschwitz victims on the territory of the National Museum Oświęcim-Brzezinka in years 1947–2000. Outline of problem

KL Auschwitz was a complex of German Nazi concentration camps and exter­mination camp (Auschwitz II Birkenau). It was established in April 1940 in the area of the town of Oświęcim, as a concentration camp for political prisoners – mainly the Poles. In the following years it was being enlarged and became the main site of mass extermination of the Jews and other people from all over Europe. The complex history of the camp resulted in the variety of meanings that Auschwitz has for various national, ethnic and social groups that created its own Auschwitz, or its own metaphor of the camp and the ways of commemo­rating it.

The article is an attempt to outline the problem of the commemorating the victims of Auschwitz at the Auschwitz State Museum in Oświęcim since it was established in 1947 until 2000. It discusses the issue of the perception of Auschwitz by the Polish society, reflects about symbolism and significance of this places for the Poles, Jews and other groups of victims. But moreover it is an attempt to investigate the process of shaping (and distorting) the memory of this event during the Communist time and just after it collapsed, indicating the political factors that affected the shape of historical consciousness of Poles.

Polskie Uniwersytety Trzeciego Wieku w Europejskim Roku Aktywności Osób Starszych i Solidarności Międzypokoleniowej

  • Author: Zdzisława Zacłona
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 79-97
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201206
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201206.pdf

Polish universities of the third age in the European year of old people activity and intergenerational solidarity

Education of the XXI century ought to be perceived as a lifelong process. Life­long learning has become the foundation of human knowledge, performance, ability to exist in the society as well as creation of one’s ego and one’s existence. Awareness of the aging European population gave rise to discussions con­cerning the issue of education and activity of elderly people. The European Committee has declared 2012 the European Year for Active Ageing and Solida­rity between Generations. Consequently, it values the potential of mature and elderly people as well as opens up to their needs. The Senate of the Republic of Poland highlighted the importance of senior education for the country and 2012 was proclaimed the Year of University of the Third Age.

Plenty of UTA students, rich and varied offer of educational – activating classes as well as launched initiatives prove that late maturity might be a period of active lifestyle serving as a springboard for high quality of life and preven­ting exclusion from the society.

Wychodzenie z wojny. Kraków 1945–1947

  • Author: Agnieszka Chłosta-Sikorska
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 98-111
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201207
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201207.pdf

Getting out of war. Cracow 1945–1947

From 1945 to 1947 Cracow was rebuilt after the tragic times of the war and occupation. It was one of the most difficult periods in its history. The people who lived in Cracow hoped that the former form and size of the city would be restored. On the other hand, they hoped that both everyday and festive life would be the same as before the war. The life after the war in Cracow was the same as in the other cities. However, the opposition attitude to the authorities’ actions caused that Krakow was perceived as the dangerous city which should be “under the special control”. The new, imposed reality was coming slowly.

Józef Beck w edukacji historycznej po 1989 roku

  • Author: Józef Brynkus
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 112-122
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201208
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201208.pdf

Józef Beck is one of figures in Second Polish Republic and it is not possible to understand the function of Poland in interwar period without knowing this person. No wonder that historic education not only deal with him, but try, by means of suitable taking hold his biography to give direction to get to know the politics of II Polish Republic. With the presence of his figure were and are many problems, mainly they result from the assessment the leading motif, which could be recognized as basic characteristic his school biography. For this his famous words in parliament are the most often assumed from May 1939. He gave notice about the significance of honour for Poles, activities for keeping independence Poland and the role of Zaolzie annexation. Historical education after 1989 is however too often headed in the estimation of these word not historical premises, but is continuing the experiences of communism in the Polish People’s Republic.

Turystyka handlowa Polaków w latach 70. i 80 XX w. Studium przypadku

  • Author: Andrzej Pieczewski
  • Author: Kamil Kowalski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 123-139
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201209
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201209.pdf

Trade tourism of Poles in seventies and eighties XX century. Case of study

The article deals with the phenomenon of tourism trade migrations in Poland in 70s and 80s of 20th century. The text comprises two parts. In the first sec­tion the authors analyze the causes and directions of these specific temporary movements. The article attempts to explain tourists` motivation and presents the scale of these activities which is presented in the context of political and economic situation in Poland. The second consists of five summaries prepared by participants having taken part in the mentioned peculiar “tours”. Specific forms of carrying on business are presented as well as the influence which the tourist trade exerted on their financial situation. In the final section the au­thors confront the case studies with the data presented in the first part.

The European Union governance – the independence of the European Commission

  • Author: Mateusz Pawlak
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 140-150
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201210
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201210.pdf

According to the European Treaties, ‘the members of the Commission shall be chosen on the ground of their general competence and European commitment from persons whose independence is beyond doubt, likewise, the Commission shall be completely independent’29. Nevertheless, the Treaties’ wording is not always followed by ‘the real world’ politics. The institutional inter-dependence, especially among the Commission, the Council and the EP, can be easily notice­able. The Council and the EP may attempt to use their powers to influence the Commission during the appointment or the legislation procedures. From this perspective, being elected by the MSs (the European Council) and approved by the EP, the President of the European Commission makes certain promises to the electors. The scope of these promises influences the President’s future act­ing. On the other hand, the strong and charismatic leaders may appear much more difficult to be interfered (e.g. the Jacques Delors Commission). Taking into consideration the whole College of Commissioners, the similar situation takes place during their election. Nonetheless, after the beginning of the tenure particular members cannot be dismissed by the MSs. The Commission servic­es, as a more technocratic structure, are less exposed to the external pressure or interests. However, their work is conducted and supervised by the College, so if the Commissioners were involved in any kind of a lobby (such situation should never happen), the services would indirectly be affected by it.

Finally, although the subsequent European Treaties have provided the Council and the EP with greater powers (in comparison with the Commis­sion), the EU accountability and impartiality cannot be guaranteed without a politically-neutral institution, whose status is still maintained by the Euro­pean Commission.

Związki funkcjonalne Natolina z wilanowską nieruchomością ziemską

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 151-165
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201211
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201211.pdf

Functional connexions of Natoline with Wilanów landed property

According to the gathered facts which referred to various parts of Natolin pro­perty made us claim to the further statement. Between the mantioned parts as well as between the other parts of Wilanów properties there was mutual func­tional relationship with the financial, accountant and organizational nature. Moreover, defining nature of a Wilanow landed property we cannot only refer to the name or its location but where the exact part or parts of Wilanów landed property belonged to administrational and accountant. It is essential because of functions which were performed in the economical item of the Wilanów property.

Czynnik ekonomiczny i polityczny w badaniach stosunków międzynarodowych

  • Author: Kamil Kowalski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 166-181
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201212
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201212.pdf

The article shows the interdisciplinary character of international relations, concetrating mainly on its political and economic dimensions. The text anlyses the reasons for the division of economics and political science into distinct fields of studies underlining the negative conseqences of this procces. One­-sided analyses focused on either poltical or economic aspect lack the overall outlook on complex interactions between the actors of international relations. Therefore another prospect on these interactions is desirable. The internatio­nal political economy (IPE) is a social science discpline that uses a wide array of interdiscipliantry tools to research interantional relations problematique. The article presents both different definitions of IPE and instruments it uses, pointing out problems resulting from different tools usage in political science and economics. Rational choice outlook is presented as an approach that mi­ght overcome these difficulties.

Wpływ migracji zarobkowych na więzi rodzinne. Analiza socjologiczna na podstawie wywiadów

  • Author: Wioletta Knapik
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Pages: 182-199
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201213
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201213.pdf

The paper „An influence of paid migrations on family ties. A sociological ana­lysis on the basis of interviews” describes an influence of paid migrations on family ties. It has been characterized the notion of migration, its structure, causes and results, both positive and negative. On the basis of interviews, car­ried out with men – participans of postgraduate studies, living in the western part of Małopolska voivodship, it has been presented the social aspects of mi­gration. The research shows that the migration influences the descruction of family ties. Is very important for the family ties to keep up the personal con­tacts (if possible). It should be used the telephone and internet too. In the view of respondents break the emotional ties can be a reason of taking drugs and drinking alcohol. The separation changes the life, self-esteem and priorities of all the family.

Petryfikacja ideologii państwa komunistycznego na przykładzie debat ideologicznych i politycznych Polski Ludowej w latach 80. XX wieku

  • Author: Józef Brynkus
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 201-221
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201214
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201214.pdf

Petrification of communist country’s ideology on the example of ideological and political debates in People’s Poland in the eightees in XX centuary

In this article it is mentioned the problem of activities that were done by Po­lish United Workers’ Party in order to maintain and strengthen a socialistic country. Those activities were to protect ideological and doctrinal status. It is the historical point of view of this matter. You can enumerate such basic pro­blems in the article as: crises of People’s Republic of Poland and their doctrinal explanations, the problem of creation ideologies of marcism, leninism and so­cialism. The article is only the first part to the wider description. It contains an important context because in the conclusions or other historical descriptions which show reality of the collapse of People’s Republic of Poland, the problems are not mentioned. It is also essential that the article is based on the rarely used original material.

Młode pokolenie Podkarpacia w latach 2007–2011

  • Author: Piotr Długosz
  • Year of publication: 2015
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 222-235
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201215
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201215.pdf

Young generation in Podkarpacie in the years 2007–2011

In the article results of exploratory researches carried out in the years 2007– 2010 among seniors. Due to the comparison of some surveys an accurate ima­ge of young generation. The analysis show that seniors tend to get a job, set up a family, gain the esteem, and high level of life. Mentioned aspirations are still under researches. The fall of education and religiousness was only recorded. Nevertheless educational aspirations among examined group are high and most youth tend to gain high er education.

Błażej Zarzecki, mieszczanin krakowski i „przyjacielska komplanacja” w sporach o jego majątek

  • Author: Marcin Gadocha
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 236-258
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201216
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201216.pdf

Błażej Zarzycki, a Cracow burgher and a „friendly agreement” in the dispute over his wealth

Błażej Zarzecki was one of the most influential Cracow bakers of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. He married twice, his first wife was Dorota and the second Elżbieta, and he had several children with both. Besides being a ba­ker he was also a brewer and leaseholder of the “Morawieckiego” brewery. He went through all the steps of the clerical career in the guild. He was appointed a councillor, an assessor, a treasurer, a podstarszy and on 25th February 1710 he achieved the most respected position of prymas. At his death Zarzecki left a will, however, his second wife desisted from executing its provisions fearing legal action by the children from Błażej’s first marriage. Once the inventory of Zarzecki’s property was complete, the quar­rel ended with the so-called “friendly agreement”, i.e. an act of reconciliation aiming at ending the dispute.

Baza materialna wiejskich szkół powszechnych powiatu tarnowskego w II Rzeczypospolitej

  • Author: Edmund Juśko
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 259-279
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201217
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201217.pdf

The base material of folk schools in Tarnów province in the II Polish Republic

The base material of folk schools in Galicia did not secure needs of this type of education. The fact that the obligation to establish and maintain schools fell on the municipality and the local people effectively inhibited the development of education and meant that about 50% of children did not attend school and became illiterate. The situation of the folk housing schools in the district of Tarnów was similarly difficult as in other areas of Galicia. It was deteriorated by actions of World War I and the devastating behavior of both Russian and Austrian invading troops. School buildings were converted into barracks, warehouses, hospitals, losing its an original purpose.

School buildings were old, often built back in the 80s of the nineteenth century. They were mostly small and the only chamber was dark and stuffy. Therefore, they did not meet the technical and sanitary requirements and were also often inadequate to the needs of the learning process. Sometimes the space for the purpose of teaching was rented from private individuals. Lack of funds meant it was cheap living room, but with enough space to accommodate a large group of students. Considerations of hygiene and sanitation such as the arrangement of windows, the brightness of classrooms, lack of moisture, air access were secondary issues.

Classrooms’ equipment was mostly poor and accidental. At least three main furniture, a table for the teacher, different benches for students and a blackboard were constantly repeated. In the absence of the board, its func­tion served a smooth wall or dense plane of raw boards. Teaching aids were rarity. They were made of wood, rarely of paper and cardboard. Thus one of the most important and difficult problem of general education after indepen­dence, both at the country and Tarnów became the issue of schools construc­tion and equipping them with equipment and teaching aids.

The size of school buildings was largely dependent on the number of chil­dren subjected to compulsory schooling and attended to schools. In many cases, these factors were not taken into account. The school buildings area was often accidental, dependent on the funds from the municipality and local com­munity awareness about the need for school. The degree of this consciousness in many cases is still low despite the generous activity of teachers.

Despite the generally better condition of housing in the county, it should be stressed that, as in the whole country and here the issue of the school building has not been resolved completely. Visible progress has been achieved through the efforts of educational authorities, support of local governments, more con­scious parents and both teachers’ efforts and hard work, especially school ad­ministrators, who often even in a hopeless situation were able to find a solution of the problem.

Psychologiczne uwarunkowania przywództwa politycznego. Osobowość polityczna i jej wpływ na procesy decyzyjne

  • Author: Agnieszka Kasińska-Metryka
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 280-288
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201218
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201218.pdf

Psychological determinants of political leadership, political personality and its influence on decision processes

The category of political personality is one of the most important but the least known in political sciences. In common use it’s treated as a synonym of charac­ter (especially strong one). Moreover there are so many different definitions, that everyone can subjectively choose one. Political psychology do not prefer using instant definition, because theories are more useful to describe the phe­nomena of personality. There are many factors that influence onto personality and part of them can be shown as most important on political market. The age of the leader, his/her health condition, sex, attitude, threats etc. are some of them. We can say that political behavior is motivated by genetic heritage, biolo­gical and psychological power. The leadership can be treated as a process or strong relation between the leader and his/her followers. It’s associated with the personality but also with social structure. Making decisions is the aim of every leader but only some of them can lead this process successfully (to the implementation). Leader’s personality is often idolize but to be effective he/she should have both – power and psychological motive.

Problem legalności działań Państwowego Banku Rolnego Generalnej Guberni na przykładzie transakcji sprzedaży obszaru leśnego Laski – Borków z dóbr wilanowskich w 1940 r.

  • Author: Mirosław Kłusek
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 289-315
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201219
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201219.pdf

Problem of legal activities of the National Bank of Agriculture in General Government on the basis of sale transaction of the forest area Laski-Borków from Wilanów’s property in 1940

In this press article we are trying to estimate an activity of bank institution in General Gouvernment which used pre-war apparatus of The National Bank of Agriculture. That bank was one of the largest bank that achieved aims showed to it by the government of Polish Republic II which was to service activity of agricultural reform in the mid-war period. As it is known, the German occu­pant authorities used assets of the same bank for other various aims. During World War II the bank was working on the basis of out of border laws in Great Britain. There has not been any straight estimation of legality of The National Bank of Agriculture in General Gouvernment. The political reasons made impossi­ble to take back the major part of its assets in the post-war period. Finally, the National Bank of Economy took control of the rest part of The National Bank of Agriculture’s property which was not liquidated. In order to analyze our question we have used as an example the transaction which was possible using an apparatus of The National Bank of Agriculture in 1940. The transaction was between the bank and earl Adam Branicki from Wilanow – one of the most powerful pre-war debter of the bank ( according to the amount of debt). The transaction included selling of the forest area Laski – Borki which was a part of earl Adam Branicki’s terrestrial estate to The Natio­nal Bank of Agriculture in General Gouvernment and summing up sale price (2 000 000 polish zlotych) with the part of Braniecki’s debt. I have chosen the transaction to analyze not only because of its large value ( taking into account relations of The National Bank of Agriculture which was in charge of breaking up minor farmers’ properties) but also its relatively good documentary and last but not least, the variety of aspects appearing on the background of this one transaction.

Dziedzictwo kulturowe i walory przyrodnicze jako czynnik rozwoju turystyki w gminach wiejskich powiatu krakowskiego: Michałowice i Zielonki

  • Author: Arkadiusz Niedziółka
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 316-332
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201220
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201220.pdf

Cultural heritage and environmental values as the factor of tourism development in rural communes of Cracow county: Michalowice and Zielonki

The article concerns the state and determinants of tourism and recreation se­rvices development in two communes located in Cracow Count: Michalowice and Zielonki. Among factors of tourism development issues connected with cultural heritage and environmental values were discussed in detail. The au­thor presented the most important factors of tourism and recreation develop­ment in these regions, and characterized the tourism infrastructure including number of and forms of accommodation sites, and sport-recreation objects, too. Moreover, the most important tourism values located in two communities were presented. In the empirical part of the article results of researches carried out in both communities in the form of direct interviews with officials in Count Offices. In the community of Michalowice the respondent was the vice voyt. In County Office in Zielonki the respondent was the official of this office responsible for community promotion. The researches concerned the role of local authorities in tourism-recreational services development and determination the most im­portant factors of tourism development.

Najniższy podnóżek, sługa i więzień pański – klientalne listy proszalne czasów saskich

  • Author: Bożena Popiołek
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 333-348
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201221
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201221.pdf

The lowermost servant, yes-man, and prisoner of yours – cliental supplicatory letters of the saxon period

Development of informal cliental bonds which resulted in the opportunity to gain importance in public domain, were one but not the only goal of this type of social relationship. Material or more often prestige support opened doors to eminent family affinities, paved the way to political and military carriers, won friends and allies, and in this way, guaranteed stability in difficult Saxon times. Political-military and economic situation, presence of enemies, war destruction, natural disasters of those days influenced the durability of such agreements. The person of the protector, his protective means (affinities, fi­nances, offices held, closeness with the court) as well as temperamental traits (accessibility, joviality, openness) proved to be important. A separate issue was cultural patronage in the form of protection over a narrow artistic milieu of the Republic of Poland (architects, painters, musicians, printers, newspaper editors), which was a testimony to mental changes of the age. Or the long-time developed religious patronage over religious institutions and their represen­tatives (monastic congregations and brotherhoods, churches, chapels). The reflection of the stiffening structure of the informal social bonds can be found in all written sources. The most interesting example of the patron – client rela tionship and the resulting supplicatory attitude are epistolary sources, which in a superb though slightly exaggerated way show the mentality of both sides. Those letters were a ritual cultivated throughout generations, where under complex ceremoniousness and verbiage the actual goals and hopes of both sides appeared. The visible division between the supplicant (client) and the favour-lavishing addressee (patron) outlined in the letters was preserved irre­spectively of the status and social position of the correspondents.

Ochrona środowiska w rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczym – rys historyczny

  • Author: Łukasz Popławski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 349-364
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201222
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201222.pdf

The environmental protection in the socio economic development

Perspective of socio-economic development depends on many factors, ma­inly the the respective structural and systemic changes, and the proper use of resources. System and structural solutions accompanied by the necessary investment and funds along with the institutional support will have an over­whelming influence on this development. This paper presents the problems of environmental protection and the most important economic instruments for the environmental protection in socio-economic development. In this paper first discusses the theoretical environmental protection, then the issue of in­struments in this field. The work ends with a brief conclusion.

Związki małopolskich ludowców z Armią Krajową

  • Author: Tomasz Skrzyński
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 365-380
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201223
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201223.pdf

Relationships between the Little Poland Peasant Party and the Home Army (AK)

Despite huge repressive measures of both 3rd Reich and USSR in 1939, the ac­tivists initiated reconstruction of SL (Peasant Party) local networks. The Little Poland branch of SL enjoyed the strongest position among regional structures of SL. SL granted peasants the right to play a domineering role within the state. During the war however, the fight to liberate the country was the main task. When ZWZ (Armed Fight Union) was established, the Little Poland branch of SL recognized it and started close cooperation. Peasant Party members of Cracow believed, that both military and political affairs should be controlled by one headquarters. The weaker competitor within the peasant movement, Peasant Liberty Organisation „Racławice”, controlled by the pre-war “Sana­cja” regime followers, established Polish Armed Organization. Its structures, which were strong in Little Poland, cooperated loyally with ZWZ. Relationships between SL and ZWZ-AK in the given area can be divided into three periods, its boundaries being great arrests of the Area headquarters of ZWZ in April 1941 and the beginning of unification of the SL armed branch – Peasants’ Battalions and AK.

In the 1939–1945 it was very difficult to negotiate the then contradictory military and political reasons. National army, in which political views should give way to military reasons was the AK headquarter’s aim. Pre-war officers were excellent at organizing the army. These were generally “Sanacja” sup­porters. SL were very reluctant towards „Sanacja”. Their aim was to carry out their ideas and reinforce influence within the army and the society. Due to the resistance conditions, invader’s terror, strength of pre-war political divisions and the rolling German–Soviet front together with its consequences, it was difficult to find a compromise.

Struktura agrarna oraz rynek ziemi rolniczej w Niemczech – aspekty organizacyjne oraz tendencje rozwojowe minione i występujące obecnie

  • Author: Heinko Ender
  • Author: Wojciech Sroka
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 381-396
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201224
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201224.pdf

Agrarian structure and agricultural land market in Germany – the organizational aspects and last and present development trends

In the article the changes of agrarian structure were w analized and the law regulations connected with the issues with the turnover of agricultural gro­unds in Germany. The specific impact was focused on the discussion of farms’ structure, estimation of grounds’ lease significance, and the indication of main tendencies on the agricultural areas in Germany. The historical characteristic of individual instrument and law institutions.

Szkic prześladowań antyżydowskich od antyku do XX wieku

  • Author: Aleksandra Stachula
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 397-417
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201225
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201225.pdf

The scheme of antijude persecutions from antique till XX centaury

The article is an attempt of outlining the anti-Jewish persecutions from ancient times to the twentieth century. Negative attitudes towards Jews were caused by various motives – from religious, economical to racial ones.

When considering anti-Semitic incidents which took place in the Third Reich, one can find a great similarity with activities against the Jews in the past – anti-Jewish legislation, a yellow Star of David badge bearing, deprivation of property, acts directed against the Jewish culture and heritage, social exclusion and isolation in ghettos.

The specificity of Nazi Policy towards Jews made anti-Jewish acts not only a goal in itself but this was just the first step towards total extermination of the Jewish population.

On the one hand, Holocaust encompasses xenophobic persecution acti­vities, which through the centuries were solidified in European awareness as recurrent, common, occurring collective repulsion against “strangers”; on the other hand one can find here an element of a nihilistic innovation in murder and radicalism of “the final solution of the question” – this never happened in previous centuries, even in extreme Anti-Semitism or any other racialist or chauvinistic ideas.

Dorobek historiograficzny Jerzego Gołębiowskiego (1943–2010). Zestawienie bibliograficzne za lata 1970–2011 ze wstępem

  • Author: Artur Jachna
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 418-431
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201226
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201226.pdf

Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie zestawienia bibliograficznego obej­mującego dorobek pisarski krakowskiego historyka Jerzego Gołębiowskiego, który w swych badaniach umiejętnie łączył metody i tematykę dziejów eko­nomicznych oraz społeczno-politycznych. Prof. zw. dr hab. Jerzy Gołębiowski (1943–2010) był historykiem specjalizującym się w dziejach gospodarczych Polski w okresie najnowszym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dwudziesto­lecia międzywojennego. W swojej pracy badawczej najwięcej uwagi poświęcił zagadnieniom, takim jak stosunki własnościowe i procesy uprzemysłowienia w gospodarce Polski międzywojennej a także przemiany społeczno-cywiliza­cyjne w Polsce I połowy ubiegłego stulecia. Pochodzący z Kielc, swoje życie zawodowe związał z krakowską Wyższą Szkołą Pedagogiczną (później Akade­mią, a obecnie Uniwersytetem Pedagogicznym) im. Komisji Edukacji Naro­dowej, przechodząc w jej murach wszystkie stopnie akademickiego wtajem­niczenia, od studenta począwszy, aż na profesorze zwyczajnym skończywszy. Miał też znaczące sukcesy dydaktyczne, był promotorem ponad trzystu prac magisterskich, czterech doktorskich, recenzentem w przewodach doktorskich i habilitacyjnych. Warto zaznaczyć, że przedkładając jakość piśmiennictwa historycznego nad ilość, pozostał konsekwentnie wierny tej zasadzie, czego dowodzi poniższy wykaz publikacji.

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