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Organization of the State Aid to Homeless and Neglected Children in the Ukrainian Ssr in the 1920s

  • Author: Oleksandr Chuchalin
  • Institution: Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3876-8237
  • Author: Anastasiia Bilokon
  • Institution: Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003- 2872-5751
  • Year of publication: 2020
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 47-66
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ksm20200203
  • PDF: ksm/26/ksm2603.pdf

The article reveals the organization of the state aid to homeless and neglected children in the Ukrainian SSR of the 1920s. It is proved that the main task of the authorities of the USSR and the regulations adopted by them in the social sphere at the beginning of the studied period was the urgent assistance to children who spent most of their time in the street. The resolution “On measures to fight children’s neglect” was aimed primarily at ensuring the legal protection of children who had a family, but were deprived of the parental care. Regulations passed during the famine of 1921-1923 introduced the initiative to place such individuals into the families with the purpose of the individual patronage and teens’ employment. These activities met two main needs of homeless and neglected children - the material support and the adult supervision. The most common form of the assistance to the homeless and neglected was internment. Owing to the consolidation of the legal basis for the collective patronage of enterprises and firms over children’s institutions, the possibilities of state bodies to create new orphanages and maintain existing ones were expanded.


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  • Pro borotʹbu z dytyachoyu bezprytulʹnistyu: Postanova VUTSVK vid 12.04.23 r. // SU Ukrayny. - 1923. - № 45. - St. 566. [On the fight against children’s homelessness: Resolution of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee of April 12, 23 // SU of Ukraine. - 1923. - № 45. - P. 566.] [in Ukrainian]
  • Pro vidkryti dytyachi budynky: Postanova NKO URSR vid 10.06.20 r. // ZZ Ukrayiny. - 1920. - № 17. - St. 337. [About open orphanages: Resolution of the NGO of the USSR from 10.06.20 // ZZ of Ukraine. - 1920. - № 17. - P.337]. [in Ukrainian]
  • Pro denni dytyachi budynky: Postanova NKO URSR vid 08.06.20 r. // ZZ Ukrayiny. - 1920. - № 17. - St. 338.[ About daytime orphanages: Resolution of the NGO of the USSR of 08.06.20 // ZZ of Ukraine. - 1920. - № 17. - P. 338.] [in Ukrainian]
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  • Pro zvilʹnennya vid usikh podatkiv vystav, kontsertiv, vechirok i bazariv, shcho vlashtovuye TSK Pomdityam pry VUTSVK i yiyi mistsevi orhany: Postanova VUTSVK i RNK USRR vid 13.08.24 r. // ZZ Ukrayiny. - 1924. - № 20. - St. 176. [On exemption of performances, concerts, parties and bazaars, which arranges the Central Committee, the All65Organization of the State Aid to Homeless...
  • Ukrainian Central Executive Committee and its local bodies from all taxes: Resolution of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee and the SNC of the USSR of 13.08.24 // ZZ Ukrainy. - 1924. - № 20. - P. 176. [in Ukrainian]
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  • Pro reevakuatsiyu ditey, 1924 r. // Byuletenʹ Narodnoho komisariatu osvity. - 1924. - № 3-4. - S. 109-111. [On the re-evacuation of children, 1924 // Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education. - 1924. - № 3-4.-P.109-111.] [in Ukrainian]
  • Pro typy pervisnykh ustanov SPONu: Tsyrkulyar NKO USRR vid 02.11.26 r. // Byuletenʹ Narodnoho komisariatu osvity. - 1926. - № 15. - S. 12- -13. [On the types of primary institutions of SPON: Circular of the NGO of the USSR from 02.11.26 // Bulletin of the People’s Commissariat of Education. - 1926. - № 15. - P. 12-13.] [in Ukrainian]
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V.I. Lenin Fund Central Commission of Assistance to Children the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR All-Ukrainian Executive Committee Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

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