National Well-Being as a Key Postulate of the National Security
- Institution: “Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine”
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 56-66
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/29/ksm2905.pdf
Under conditions of aggravation of external and internal contradictions of economic character, importance of increase of the state national security level, an urgent need of search of system algorithm for construction of integral paradigm of economic security appears. The main trend of further economic development of society is the connection of economic security of the state and the welfare economy of society in a single target function, which fully reveals and realizes the economic potential of the state and society. The level of the country’s welfare is the basis for making certain government decisions in the socio-economic sphere. It has been noted that economic security of welfare is ensuring the protection of interests and creating favorable conditions for ensuring a high standard of living and welfare of society in the implementation of the State Strategy for Economic Security. The place of economic security of welfare in the system of national security has been determined - the high level of its realization is a springboard for strengthening and further development of other components of the country’s economic life. Improvement of the public administration efficiency is one of the conditions for ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of the country, region and raising of living standards of the population.
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national welfare living standard quality of life national security security