Soviet’s Legal Heritage Role in the Development of Ukrainian Law
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 172-185
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/29/ksm2912.pdf
The formation of soviet law in Ukraine was inevitably connected with the spread of soviet power. Along with the soviet institutions, legislative acts of Soviet Union were spread on the territory of Ukraine and replaced the earlier normative acts. The legal system in Ukraine was in fact formed on the basis of the ideological foundations created by the Soviet Union. However, it is a fact that the system of law in Russia after the October Revolution of 1917 did not emerge from scratch, but was built on already existing legal traditions. They are based on three basic sources: German legal tradition, which influenced pre-revolutionary Russian legal culture, Russia’s own legal culture and, of course, official socialist ideology, as well, which provided the legal system with a link to the legal past, which in turn ensured the advancement of the legal system. The legal development of Ukraine during the soviet period was based on the adapting of Ukrainian legal past to the needs of the soviet period. Accordingly, this approach confirms the preservation of the link between the Ukrainian legal past and the present. That means, that the processes that are happening nowadays in the legal system of the modern Ukraine cannot be analyzed without taking into account the initial state of legal institutions that were formed Before and After the soviet period. Therefore, the preservation and analysis of the Ukrainian SSR’s law as a legal heritage of Ukraine will make it possible to ensure progress in the evolution of the modern Ukrainian legal system.
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legal heritage soviet legal heritage Ukrainian legal system legal advancement soviet legal traditions