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Організаційно-правовий механізм удосконалення безпеки дорожнього руху шляхом включення

  • Author: Yuliia Tsygylyk
  • Institution: Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute
  • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0669-208Х
  • Year of publication: 2021
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 98-115
  • DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/ksm20210305
  • PDF: ksm/31/ksm3105.pdf

Legal Instrument for Improvement Traffic Safety by Means of Inclusion Personal Electric Motor Vehicles in Ukrainian System of Motor Transport

It had analyzed essence of the work Ukraine’s (traffic) police concerning measures for traffic safety. It had considered conception of traffic safety and it has been found what specifically including the work police traffic safety within the framework of Ukrainian legislation. It had analyzed the foreign experience concerning traffic safety and it to be proved necessity of application best practices other countries for road safety in Ukraine. It had drawn attention on fact that the same idea (using foreign experience in traffic safety) must be applied when we teaching police cadets. It had made the conclusions and advices on the ground of data concerning traffic safety from sources: 1) foreign experience concerning organization and regulation of traffic control and safety; 2) statistic data in general from National Police of Ukraine in field of traffic control and safety; 3) statistic data in particular from Patrol Police in field of traffic control and safety. Apply practically these the conclusions and advices led us to increase road safety. It had pointed that the foreign experience concerning organization and regulation of traffic control and safety had to be analyzed and consolidated. Also we have to adapt foreign experience to Ukrainian’s actuals and integrate into acting system for road safety of Ukraine in future.


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scooter with electric motor personal motor vehicles Traffic (road) safety

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