Wsparcie Unii Europejskiej dla Romów w Polsce
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 104-121
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/18/ksm201308.pdf
Support of the European Union for Roma in Poland
Forms of support for Roma in Poland coming from the European Union revolve mainly around the projects under the Human Capital Operational Programme and on the basis of the Community Initiative Equal Programme. Among the realized projects the special place is occupied by these concerned with the fight against unemployment and with the support of education among the Roma minority.
The projects, implemented throughout the years, provide a chance to change the perception of the Roma minority by the society. For the opportunity to participate in a holistic educational process and open access to the labour market seem to be the only way to improve the existing living standards.
The advantage of the projects which certainly cannot be overlooked is the fact that the proposed aid enables a change in living conditions of entire Roma families, while respecting their culture, customs and traditions. For only in this way an improvement of the living conditions of the Roma people and a gradual integration with the rest of the society are possible.
Support the Human Capital Operational Programme Roma society the European Union