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Organizacja ruchu drogowego na obszarze samorządu terytorialnego – podstawowe zasady stanowienia i obowiązywania

  • Author: Krzysztof Makowski
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 212-234
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201316
  • PDF: ksm/18/ksm201316.pdf

Road trafic system in the area of a teritorial self-government – legal basis of constituting and begin in force

The article presents issues related to road traffic organization in the territorial self-government units. The author analyzes such categories as: public roads, road traffic organization, the competences of local government. Considera­tions include an analysis of the practices to determine the rules of the road traf­fic, the fundamental principles of establishing and obeying the local law and the relationships between the self-government bodies: the Executive (Mayor, president) and the Legislature of the municipality (Municipal Council). The foundation of the statements made are the most important acts of law, com­ments of specialists and attitudes of the Supreme Court and administrative courts. The author also relates to the shortcomings in the regulation of this important area of local life.

self-government bodies / local authorities determining of the road traffic rules by-law legal basis road traffic territorial self-government

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