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Współczesna kobieta na rynku pracy i jej rola w społeczeństwie

  • Author: Sabina Klimek
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 299-313
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201321
  • PDF: ksm/18/ksm201321.pdf

Modern woman in the labor market and her role in society

Women are conquering the world, they have access to education and take advantage of this situation: there are more female students than male ones in the European Union, more and more women begin to obtain managerial positions, more and more of them is willing to be active in politics, culture and most of all they aim at being independent, sharing their time between professional carrier and taking care of their homes’ well-being. Stereotype images of both men and women that we find in every-day life, influence in a negative way our behavior, life aspirations and goals, as well as a picture of ourselves.

Now, more women (65% of all) than men study at the universities and an average Polish man is less educated than an average Polish woman. In spite of that, the men earned in 2010 per person more by 15% than women. In 2012 only 12,2% management board members of the Polish stock exchange com­panies were women. In the world, only one out of ten top‑level managers was a woman.

European Economic and Social Committee claims that the increase of wo­men’s activity on the job market is not only a matter of equality but a condition of the welfare of society and job creation in the European Union as well as the essential factor of the sustainable growth.

European Economic and Social Committee Stereotype images Role in Society labor market moden woman

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