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Kobieta: matka, żona, szefowa i wartościowy pracownik?

  • Author: Beata Śliwińska
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 314-325
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201322
  • PDF: ksm/18/ksm201322.pdf

Women: mother, wife, boss & valuable employee?

Summary for centuries the role of women been associated in particular with the role of wife and mother who is takes care of the home fire. Times have changed, lifestyle and economic realities meant that women began to work, and not, as previously only deal with raising children. Despite these changes, it is still a woman is most often shown as the one who takes care of the children and the house. For centuries, technology has changed, which does the work to some extent in domestic work, but if it allows to reconcile the two worlds: the world of a woman who is a mother and wife with the world of women valuable worker or boss? Is the world today there is a chance that these two worlds are really close and possible to reconcile. The following article is an attempt to pre­sent the situation of women in today's economic environment, as people who wish to accept the role of mother to the role of a valuable employee or the role of the boss. It is merely an attempt to show the problem, which will be treated as a beginning for future research.

woman as an employee women's labor market women

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