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Wybrane problemy z historii gospodarki polskiej w pierwszym okresie transformacji ustrojowej (1989–1997)

  • Author: Benedykt Banach
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 34-50
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201203
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201203.pdf

Chosen problems of polish economy history in the first period of political transformation (1989–1997)

The author deals in this article with selected economic problems of a demo­cratic state at the beginnings of fast development of market economy and the service sector in Poland. He undertakes an attempt at analyzing and synthesi­zing economic environment on the basis of data found in the Polish statistical yearbooks.

Hyperinflation in Poland was in 1988 and the following one witnessed a slight increase in GDP (100.2%). As a result of the above-mentioned, the economic crisis occurred in the 1990–1991 period because of a considerably decreased GDP (which, counted in fixed prices, dropped to 88.4% and 93.0% respectively). However, elimination of hyperinflation in 1990 and tempering the financial crisis in 1991 turned out to be a great economic success. A slight pickup in economic growth occurred in the 1992–1993 period (102.6% and 103.8% respectively), but is was due to a low computing base in the two previo us years. A significant GDP increase was not noticed until 1994 (105.2%), and it was due to a faster and faster economic development in Poland. Especially the years 1995–1997, witnessed fast development and economic growth pro­ved by greater GDP ratios in 1995 by 7%, in 1996 by 6.0% and in 1997 by 6.8%, which confirmed a good state of the Polish economy.

The discussion concerns fundamental production branches in economy, i.e. industry, construction and agriculture. The attention has been focused ma­inly on capital investment and fixed assets used in the above branches and in the entire economy. The issues of unemployment and foreign trade have been discussed briefly. Other equally important problems, such as development of the service sector or financial matters, due to a limited size of the article have not been taken into consideration.

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