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Czynnik ekonomiczny i polityczny w badaniach stosunków międzynarodowych

  • Author: Kamil Kowalski
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 166-181
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201212
  • PDF: ksm/17/ksm201212.pdf

The article shows the interdisciplinary character of international relations, concetrating mainly on its political and economic dimensions. The text anlyses the reasons for the division of economics and political science into distinct fields of studies underlining the negative conseqences of this procces. One­-sided analyses focused on either poltical or economic aspect lack the overall outlook on complex interactions between the actors of international relations. Therefore another prospect on these interactions is desirable. The internatio­nal political economy (IPE) is a social science discpline that uses a wide array of interdiscipliantry tools to research interantional relations problematique. The article presents both different definitions of IPE and instruments it uses, pointing out problems resulting from different tools usage in political science and economics. Rational choice outlook is presented as an approach that mi­ght overcome these difficulties.

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