Wpływ migracji zarobkowych na więzi rodzinne. Analiza socjologiczna na podstawie wywiadów
- Year of publication: 2012
- Pages: 182-199
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201213
- PDF: ksm/17/ksm201213.pdf
The paper „An influence of paid migrations on family ties. A sociological analysis on the basis of interviews” describes an influence of paid migrations on family ties. It has been characterized the notion of migration, its structure, causes and results, both positive and negative. On the basis of interviews, carried out with men – participans of postgraduate studies, living in the western part of Małopolska voivodship, it has been presented the social aspects of migration. The research shows that the migration influences the descruction of family ties. Is very important for the family ties to keep up the personal contacts (if possible). It should be used the telephone and internet too. In the view of respondents break the emotional ties can be a reason of taking drugs and drinking alcohol. The separation changes the life, self-esteem and priorities of all the family.