Psychologiczne uwarunkowania przywództwa politycznego. Osobowość polityczna i jej wpływ na procesy decyzyjne
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 280-288
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/17/ksm201218.pdf
Psychological determinants of political leadership, political personality and its influence on decision processes
The category of political personality is one of the most important but the least known in political sciences. In common use it’s treated as a synonym of character (especially strong one). Moreover there are so many different definitions, that everyone can subjectively choose one. Political psychology do not prefer using instant definition, because theories are more useful to describe the phenomena of personality. There are many factors that influence onto personality and part of them can be shown as most important on political market. The age of the leader, his/her health condition, sex, attitude, threats etc. are some of them. We can say that political behavior is motivated by genetic heritage, biological and psychological power. The leadership can be treated as a process or strong relation between the leader and his/her followers. It’s associated with the personality but also with social structure. Making decisions is the aim of every leader but only some of them can lead this process successfully (to the implementation). Leader’s personality is often idolize but to be effective he/she should have both – power and psychological motive.