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Błażej Zarzecki, mieszczanin krakowski i „przyjacielska komplanacja” w sporach o jego majątek

  • Author: Marcin Gadocha
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 54-76
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201135
  • PDF: ksm/16/ksm201135.pdf

Błażej Zarzycki, a Cracow burgher and a „friendly agreement” in the dispute over his wealth

Błażej Zarzecki was one of the most influential Cracow bakers of the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. He married twice, his first wife was Dorota and the second Elżbieta, and he had several children with both. Besides being a baker he was also a brewer and leaseholder of the “Morawieckiego” brewery. He went through all the steps of the clerical career in the guild. He was appointed a councillor, an assessor, a treasurer, a podstarszy and on 25th February 1710 he achieved the most respected position of prymas.

At his death Zarzecki left a will, however, his second wife desisted from executing its provisions fearing legal action by the children from Błażej’s first marriage. Once the inventory of Zarzecki’s property was complete, the quarrel ended with the so-called “friendly agreement”, i.e. an act of reconciliation aiming at ending the dispute.

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