Związki małopolskich ludowców z Armią Krajową
- Year of publication: 2011
- Source: Show
- Pages: 183-198
- DOI Address:
- PDF: ksm/16/ksm201142.pdf
Relationships between the Little Poland Peasant Party and the Home Army (AK)
Despite huge repressive measures of both 3rd Reich and USSR in 1939, the activists initiated reconstruction of SL (Peasant Party) local networks. The Little Poland branch of SL enjoyed the strongest position among regional structures of SL. SL granted peasants the right to play a domineering role within the state. During the war however, the fight to liberate the country was the main task. When ZWZ (Armed Fight Union) was established, the Little Poland branch of SL recognized it and started close cooperation. Peasant Party members of Cracow believed, that both military and political affairs should be controlled by one headquarters. The weaker competitor within the peasant movement, Peasant Liberty Organisation „Racławice”, controlled by the pre-war “Sanacja” regime followers, established Polish Armed Organization. Its structures, which were strong in Little Poland, cooperated loyally with ZWZ. Relationships between SL and ZWZ-AK in the given area can be divided into three periods, its boundaries being great arrests of the Area headquarters of ZWZ in April 1941 and the beginning of unification of the SL armed branch – Peasants’ Battalions and AK.
In the 1939–1945 it was very difficult to negotiate the then contradictory military and political reasons. National army, in which political views should give way to military reasons was the AK headquarter’s aim. Pre-war officers were excellent at organizing the army. These were generally “Sanacja” supporters. SL were very reluctant towards „Sanacja”. Their aim was to carry out their ideas and reinforce influence within the army and the society. Due to the resistance conditions, invader’s terror, strength of pre-war political divisions and the rolling German–Soviet front together with its consequences, it was difficult to find a compromise.