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Niespokojne regiony Europy – współczesny irredentyzm

  • Author: Michał Gołoś
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 7-23
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201101
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201101.pdf

Not calm regions of Europe – the modern irredentism

“The Europe of regions” has a double deck in which sometimes are hidden sceptical views about Europe. It has been done in order to restrict the competence in the name of regions. On the state level those competences were handed over to the European institutions long ago. It is not only in the mind of the regions to push their interests. In their mind is to make an influence on the change of the character of the European Union – the more powerful is the position of the definite region according to the state Constitution at their own place, at “home” – much more the region is trying to influence on the changes of the very European Union. In some cases their ambitions contradict the state policy of a given European Union’s member state. XXI-st century did not protect Europe before the spectre of national wars having brought the liveliness of ethnic and national emotions such as the fear before loosing their own identity. The nationalism, responsible for the most blooded conflicts, thanks to its diversified nature penetrates invisibly into the consciousness not only separate persons but also the whole societies, creating destabilization both in the Western countries and in a freshly shaped countries of the Middle and Western Europe. The International Institute of Peace Research in Stockholm in its report in 1996 affirms that “the most dangerous risk for the European security comes out from the inner conflicts in the countries which are caused by the discontent of the social groups in the great majority the ethnic groups”. One of the reasons of conflicts is the discrepancy of the ethnic and the state borders. The analysis of debates and conflicts in Europe on the turn of XX–XXI-st centuries not only affirms the Existence of the problem but also shows that in the period of progressing globalization, the responsibility for the state of conflict and national egoism is both on the quarreling sides and the whole international society. So despite the ruling believes the national resentments, distortion of the history, wrong decisions, non-perfect international institutions and security system cannot be the excuse for the helplessness or indifference for the threats generated by the nationalism, on the contrary they have to inspire to the open European debates on the topic of methodology in succeeding the national crisis. But hopes are arisen by the experiences of quarreling societies of the last decades which point out that before the lack of the universal system of resolving those types of conflicts the ability to compromise, openness for dialogue and first of all perception of the differences not as obstacles but as tasks for fulfillment, always decide about mutual understanding. All this successfully implemented to the canon of social practice may decide that nationalism will become only the phantom and warning from the past but not an inspiration for the European political elite.

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