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Rodzaje instrumentów wsparcia na działanie zalesienia gruntów rolnych

  • Author: Bartosz Mickiewicz
  • Author: Antoni Mickiewicz
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 138-151
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201108
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201108.pdf

Types of support for the afforestation of agricultural land action

The paper presents types of support, which was used in the frame of the RDP 2007–2013 and RDP 2004-2006 on the afforestation of agricultural land action. The support was based on three forms of payments, as support for afforestation, tending premium and afforestation premium. Afforestation premium was paid annually, but in the first programming period for 20 years, and in the second period of 15 years. In 2004–2006, 127.7 thousand farmers applied proposals, under which there were made payments in the amount of 167.9 mln zł. In the second programming period, covering 2007–2013 alongside afforestation of agricultural land (the first pattern), pattern II was introduced in the form of afforestation of land other than agricultural. The aim of this pattern was afforestation of abandoned and set-aside lands, which remained outside the interest of agricultural producers. To 2010 there were applied 2.7 thousand proposals according to pattern I and 0.4 thousand proposals according to pattern II, with the overall amount of support 22.5 million zł. The research revealed that in Poland there were differences between the areas of agricultural land in 16.2 million ha and the area sown at 11.5 million ha. This points that a large area of agricultural land – beside of meadows and pastures – is left as fallow land. Moreover, there was devastated and degraded land, which is in a small interest of farmers. Forest area in the country is at 28.6%, while in the long term to 2020 should reach 30%, and this process will take place at the expense of agricultural land.

W opracowaniu przedstawiono rodzaje instrumentów wsparcia, jakie zastosowano między PROW 2004–2006 a PROW 2007–2013 w sprawie zalesienia gruntów rolnych. Wsparcie opierało się na trzech formach płatności, jako wsparcie na zalesienia, premię pielęgnacyjną i premię zalesieniową. Premia zalesieniowa jest wypłacana corocznie, przy czym w pierwszy okresie programowania przez okres 20 lat, w drugim zaś przez okres 15 lat. W latach 2004–2006 rolnicy złożyli 127,7 tys. wniosków, w ramach których zrealizowano płatności w wysokości 167,9 mln zł.


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