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Możliwości rozwoju agroturystyki w powiecie krakowskim

  • Author: Katarzyna Znój
  • Author: Joanna Fryc
  • Author: Elżbieta Boligłowa
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 197-213
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ksm201111
  • PDF: ksm/15/ksm201111.pdf

Possibilities of agritourism development in the Krakow county

Agritourism, as an off-farm activity brings numerous advantages for the rural area, agriculture, but also for the farmers. Rural tourism and agritourism have been increasingly more often offered as a product not only in the local and national scale but also on international markets. In Poland it is particularly apparent in the north and south-western regions. Each region stands out among the other by its natural values, historical monuments, regional cuisine or local customs, which favour agritourism development. Krakow county is diversified as to its geography and therefore its natural characteristics. The county occupies the area of 1231 km2, which makes up 8% of the Malopolska Province area. It is composed of 17 communes (gminas) including 5 urban and rural communes (Krzeszowice, Skała, Skawina, Słomniki, Świątniki Gorne) and 12 rural communes: (Czernichow, Igołomia-Wawrzeńczyce, Iwanowice, Jerzmanowice-Przeginia, Kocmyrzow-Luborzyca, Liszki, Michałowice, Mogilany, Sułoszowa, Wielka Wieś, Zabierzow, Zielonki). Conducted analysis demonstrated that Krakow county (poviat) is an attractive region in many respects. The Ojcow National Park, situated in its area is under the highest form of environmental protection. Not only rare plant and animal species are strictly protected in the Park, but also unusual rock formations, bearing their own names e.g. Deotyma’s Needle, Hercules Club or Krakow Gate. There are numerous caves, e.g. King Lokietek Cave or Dark Cave and historical monuments, e.g. a castle in Pieskowa Skała, or a Chapel on the Water. The Park area covers the following communes: Skała, Sułoszowa, Jerzmanowice-Przeginia and Wielka Wieś. There are 12 nature reserves in the county area. The biggest nature reserve is situated in the Krzeszowice commune. The landscape parks situated in the county area, such as Bielińsko- Tyniecki, Tenczyński and Rodniański Parks, Krakow Valleys Landscape Park and Dłubniański Park form a Complex of Jura Landscape Parks. Numerous nature monuments (479) may be encountered here as well as historical monuments dated from various historical periods (43 historical churches and 56 manor house complexes). The greatest number of nature monuments is situated in the communes of Zabierzow, Skawina and Krzeszowice. Considering the nature and landscape conditions, the best conditions for tourism development are in the counties of Skała, Czernichow, Zabierzow and Krzeszowice.

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