Spis treści
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 3-6
- DOI Address: -
- PDF: npw/31/npw31toc.pdf
Regional studies within the discipline of international relations to 1989
The aim of the article is to analyse the genesis and evolution of regional studies from the interwar period to the end of the Cold War. It is based on the research assumption that regional studies throughout this period developed in close association with the study of international relations, reaching the status of a sub-discipline of international relations. Regional studies are a sub-discipline of studies of international relations because their subject matter is international relations in a given region (regional system), which, according to the adopted systematics of the discipline’s research area, is an intermediate level of analysis between the state and the global system. Therefore, it is natural to ask what premises and assumptions were the basis for the interdependent development of research on regionalism and international relations, which led to the formation of regional studies as a sub-discipline of international relations? Trying to answer this research question, the following hypothesis can be formulated: regional studies as a sub-discipline of international relations was created through the efforts of international relations researchers to find an optimal level of research and theorizing that could combine the perspective of the state and its foreign policy with the perspective of the entire international system. It was also a manifestation of the desire to deepen research understood as the formulation of fully verifiable theories based on more available empirical data at the regional subsystem level.
регион discipline of international relations regional studies subsystem analysis regions подсистемный анализ
Israel and Azerbaijan in the 21st century – sincere cooperation or a marriage of convenience? Outline of the issues
Relations between Israel and Azerbaijan were established in 1991. Israel is now one of Azerbaijan’s key partners. Despite the difficult geopolitical situation of both countries, they are developing cooperation in the field of trade, military, technical and political matters. In view of the developing relations between Azerbaijan and Israel, both countries benefit from mutual economic benefits and have also become strategic partners. The alliance with Azerbaijan gives Israel the opportunity to improve relations with Turkey and counterbalance Iran’s influence in the region. Azerbaijan, on the other hand, is developing rapidly as a result of cooperation with Israel and is becoming a key player in the South Caucasus region.
political, economic and military relations Иран Азербайджан Израиль Iran Israel Azerbaijan политические
Evangelical churches in the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine in the years 2014–2019
Polish scientific publications regarding the conflict in Eastern Ukraine rarely describe the situation of religious minorities in the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. They are more focused on its political, economic and military aspects. The author decided to verify the hypothesis that the conflict in eastern Ukraine has only political background, not religious, and, therefore, he has formulated the two research questions. First: what forms did the persecutions of Evangelical Christians take, and how did it affect the activities of these Christians? Second: what were the reasons for the persecutions of the Evangelical Christians? The text consists of three parts and conclusions. The first part provides general information about Evangelical Christians in eastern Ukraine. The cases of persecution of this group between 2014 and 2019 are further described. The third part examines the factors determining the position of evangelical Christians in the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic. The last part of the article contains conclusions. The deliberations were prepared on the basis of carefully verified materials in English, Ukrainian and Polish. Many publications were downloaded from the websites of various international organizations, think tanks and research institutions. The author used a qualitative approach and referred to the sociological analysis of the conflict, taking into account political and religious studies.
евангельские христиане Luhansk persecution Evangelical Christians Donetsk гонения
Gender aspects of training a specialist in international affairs
The article discusses the specificity of the influence of the gender factor on the education of students in the fields of international relations and international regional studies. The topicality of the research results mainly from the contemporary feminization of higher education, as well as the growing professional interest of women in international relations. The research and teaching activity of modern universities is extremely important in the context of the development of the “knowledge society”, for the effective functioning of which it is necessary to actively engage the intellectual capital of both men and women. Therefore, universities should not only become “factories of knowledge”, but also shape the gender culture of students. The problem of the gender characteristics of the scientific and educational community of universities is extremely important. The authors present the topic on the one hand on the basis of contemporary gender studies in the field of international relations, both Russian and Western scientists, and on the other – on the basis of the analysis of specific data on the feminization of study programs in the field of international subjects of Russian universities in the context of the perspectives of building gender parity in practice international relations and world politics.
gender culture intellectual capital feminization of university education gender studies гендерные исследования Российская Федерация knowledge society the Russian Federation international relations феминизация университетского образования
Selected aspects of formal and non-formal education in shaping society’s awareness of security
Based on theoretical considerations and analyzing practical activities implemented in the area of shaping public awareness of security, the article attempts to characterize educational entities, non-governmental organizations and uniformed services that have the most significant impact on the issues discussed. The aim of the article is to present the process of transferring knowledge, shaping skills and competences in the area of security through institutional education and the activity of all entities operating in the process of shaping human security. The article presents a modern and comprehensive approach to the implementation of tasks in the field of education for security, the essence of cooperation between formal and non-formal education and its role in shaping the public awareness of security, taking into account its interdisciplinarity. It was pointed out that the condition for building a strong state security system is the education of an aware society, prepared to react to events with the features of a crisis.
социальная профилактика education for security uniformed services social prevention safety Education non-governmental organizations образование
The impact of means of transport on the mortality of road users in the European Union
Road safety is one of the priorities of the European Commission, which is referred to in strategic documents of the European Union. For many years, ambitious goals have been set to reduce the number of road accidents and their deaths. Annual statistics confirm their gradual decline, but not in the amounts assumed. The aim of the research aimed at solving a practical problem, the conclusions of which were included in the article, was to demonstrate the impact of means of transport on the mortality of road users in the European Union. The main research problem to be solved by the quantitative and qualitative analysis of road accidents in the EU for 2010-2019 was included in the question: What impact do means of transport have on the mortality of road users in the European Union? Road accidents that occurred in 2010-2020 in all Member States were investigated. Nevertheless, statistical data on road accidents for 2010-2019 were used for detailed research. The resignation from the presentation of data for 2020 was caused by the lack of their reliability. The European Commission estimated that lower traffic volumes related to the COVID-19 pandemic could have contributed to fewer road accidents and fatalities. Seven main categories of vehicles that were involved in fatal road accidents were selected for the study. They include bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, passenger cars, delivery vans, trucks (<3.5t), buses and coaches. Due to the significant share of pedestrians as victims of road accidents in the total number of fatalities, this category was also examined. The conducted research confirmed that the number of road accidents with the participation of the analyzed means of transport had a direct proportional influence on the number of fatalities, while maintaining the percentage ratio at an almost unchanged level. This statement shows that the goals of reducing the number of road fatalities set by the European Commission are incorrect, especially the vision of zero road fatalities by 2050.
дорожно-транспортное происшествие means of transport fatalities road accident безопасность safety road traffic транспортные средства
Behavioural Data in Credibility Assessment: Case Study of Kaja Godek’s Explanatory Statement of Anti-LGBT Law
The paper explores the application of behavioural data analysis in the credibility assessment of a speaker. It presents how researchers investigate non-verbal communication, expressions of emotions or indicators of arousal to evaluate congruency using audiovisual material. Furthermore, the case study of Polish political activist Kaja Godek’s explanatory statement of an anti-LGBT bill on October 28, 2021, suggests possible ways, in which the automated system FaceReader (and Facial Action Coding System as its theoretical background) may enrich methods of social science. As a result, it offers an example of an innovative approach towards political communication and the credibility of an argument.
Кая Годек behavioural data analysis credibility Kaja Godek FaceReader political communication анализ поведенческих данных
Youth councils and their participation on the decision-making process on a local level in Poland
Youth Councils in Poland have been operating since 2001. According to the Act on commune self-government, these councils are consultative entities whose purpose is, inter alia, giving opinions on normative acts issued by local government bodies. The article presents the results of research carried out as part of the project ‘From dialogue to deliberation. Non-public entities as (not) present participant in the local decision-making process’. The research covered Youth Councils and the participation of these entities in the decision-making process at the local level in Poland.
диалог Youth Councils местное самоуправление participation dialogue local government governance молодежные советы
Considerations on state security
[book review Państwo-polityka-bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne]
Соображения о государственной безопасности
[рецензия книги Państwo-polityka-bezpieczeństwo wewnętrzne]
Отношения США и Китая в контексте современных технологий
[рецензия книги Stosunki chińsko-amerykańskie w warunkach rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii]
Political and social evolution of the post-Soviet area
[book review Przemiany polityczno-społeczne w przestrzeni poradzieckiej]
Политическая и социальная эволюция постсоветского пространства
[рецензия книги Przemiany polityczno-społeczne w przestrzeni poradzieckiej]
Важность чернил в современном китайском искусстве
[рецензия книги Breaking the Ink: Abstract Ink Art in Mainland China]
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