The Development of Deconstructive Learning History Model to Promote the Higher Order Thinking Skill of University Students
- Year of publication: 2018
- Source: Show
- Pages: 19-29
- DOI Address:
- PDF: tner/201801/tner20180101.pdf
The presented research develops a deconstructive learning history model to promote the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) of university students. According to Thiagarajan, Semmel, & Semmel’s (1974) approach, the model was developed in four stages: defining, design, development, and dissemination. The research participants were 120 students of the History Education Department, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia. The authors found the main problems related to the aspects of chronological thinking, students’ passive attitude, and the availability of learning path. Based on those problems, the author designed a deconstructive learning history model, consisting of four learning stages: problem statement, deconstruction, construction, and articulation. At the development and summative evaluation stages, the learning model proved feasible and effective in promoting the HOTS, thus, the learning model can solve the problems of time orientation and students’ passive attitude. Considering the findings and results of the research, the authors state that the learning model becomes a decisive factor in provoking students to reach the higher cognitive level in Bloom’s taxonomy.
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deconstructive learning model learning history higher order thinking skill