Wybory parlamentarne w 2012 roku w Brześciu na Białorusi w ocenie obserwatora Białoruskiego Komitetu Helsińskiego
- Year of publication: 2013
- Source: Show
- Pages: 13-46
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2013101
- PDF: npw/04/npw2013101.pdf
The article describes the electoral process in the Republic of Belarus during the elections to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly in 2012. The author, a long-term observer of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, on one of the constituencies in Brest describes the campaign since the announcement of the election and until the counting of votes. Although the article illustrates the constituencies located in just one city, their typicality allows you to see existing trends across the country. The article presents the author’s analysis of the campaign, with the subsequent evaluation of each of its parts. The accent is on the compliance of proceedings of the main actors in the electoral process according to the legal acts regulating this process. In order that the reader can get an idea of the realities of Belarusian politics, the article presents and describes parts of the Election Code, the Act about Local government and other legal acts regulating elections in each of the different stages.
The accuracy of work and its value is confirmed by the fact that it is based on primary sources. These are my own observations, reports of independent observers, interviews with candidates for parliament, representatives of political and social organizations, correspondence with election commissions.