Gdy spokój i porządek zostanie zmącony przez zagrożenia i niepewność małych państw Zatoki Perskiej [recenzja książki The small Gulf States: foreign and security policies before and after Arab Spring]
- Institution: Towarzystwo Azji i Pacyfiku
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 199-204
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/21/npw2116.pdf
When peace and order will be disturbed by the risks and uncertainties of the small Gulf countries [book review The small Gulf States: foreign and security policies before and after Arab Spring]
Когда мир и порядок будут нарушены из-за угроз и неуверенности малых стран Персидского залива [рецензия книги The small Gulf States: foreign and security policies before and after Arab Spring]
- Almezaini, K.S., Rickli, J.-M., Z. (red.).(2016). The small Gulf States: foreign and security policies before and after Arab Spring. London: Routledge.