Układ INF – zimnowojenny fundament bezpieczeństwa europejskiego
- Institution: Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
- Year of publication: 2019
- Source: Show
- Pages: 30-43
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/22/npw2203.pdf
The INF treaty, which was signed by R. Reagan and M. Gorbachev in 1987, banned ballistic and cruise missiles with a range from 500 to 5500 km. It was the first disarmament treaty that completely eliminated the entire class of already existing weapons, becoming one of the main foundations of the security of Europe. Its importance was recalled along with recurring reports of Russia’s likely violation of the treaty. If the forbidden missiles reappear on the armaments of the Russian army, and there are many indications that this has already happened, it may disrupt the strategic stability in Europe.
Договор о РСМД – основа безопасности Европы времен холодной войны
Договор о РСМД, подписанный Р. Рейганом и М. Горбачевым в 1987 году, запрещал баллистические и крылатые ракеты дальностью от 500 до 5500 км. Это был первый договор о разоружении, который полностью уничтожил весь класс уже существующих вооружений, став одной из главных основ безопасности Европы. Его важность была напомнена вместе с повторяющимися сообщениями о возможном нарушении Россией договора. Если запрещенные ракеты вновь появятся на вооружении российской армии, a есть много признаков того, что это уже произошло, это может нарушить стратегическую стабильность в Европе.
Akty prawne:
- Treaty Between The United States Of America And The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics On The Elimination Of Their Intermediate-Range And Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty). Pobrane z:
Druki zwarte:
- Kissinger, H. (1996). Dyplomacja. Warszawa: Bellona.
Publikacje elektroniczne:
- Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament Agreements and Commitment 2014. Pobrane z:
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- Adherence to and Compliance with Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament Agreements and Commitment 2018. Pobrane z:
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- Eckstein, M. PACOM: U.S. Should Renegotiate INF Missile Treaty to Better Compete with China. Pobrane z:
- Erästö, T., Topychkanov, P. Russian and US policies on the INF Treaty endanger arms control. Pobrane z:
- Gordon, M. (8.03.2017). Russia Has Deployed Missile Banned by Treaty, U.S. General Tells Congress. Pobrane: z
- MGM-31B Pershing 2. Pobrane z:
- MoD: US Violates INF Treaty by Deploying MK-41 Launchers for Tomahawks in Europe. (11.07.2018). Pobrane z:
- Nuclear Posture Review. (2018). Pobrane z:
- Pentagon Chief Vows Action, Calls Russian Violation of Key Arms Control Treaty ‘Untenable’. (4.10.2018). Pobrane z:
- Russia Blasts ‘Dangerous’ U.S. Threat on Missiles as Trump NATO Envoy Walks Back Comments. (3.10.2018). Pobrane z:
- Russian diplomat rejects US claims new cruise missile fails to comply with INF Treaty. (02.12.2017). Pobrane z:
- SS-20 „Saber” (RSD-10). Pobrane z:
- Sander, D., Broad, W. (19.10.2018). S. to Tell Russia It Is Leaving Landmark I.N.F. Treaty. Pobrane z:
- Statement by the North Atlantic Council on the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. (15.12.2017). Pobrano z:
- Trump Administration INF Treaty Integrated Strategy. (8.12.2017). Pobrane z:
- Woolf, A. (6.04.2018). Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Issues. Pobrane z
- Woolf, A. (25.04.2018). Russian Compliance with the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty: Background and Issues for Congress, April 25, 2018. Pobrane z:
Artykuły naukowe i prasowe:
- Ciastoń, R. (2014). Manewry z traktatem. Polska Zbrojna, 10.
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nuclear weapon disarmament international agreements разоружение