Społeczności świata Orientu na wyciągnięcie ręki [recenzja książki The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science. Vol. 2: Society]
- Institution: Towarzystwo Azji i Pacyfiku
- ORCID: https//orcid.org/0000-0002-8579-0659
- Year of publication: 2021
- Source: Show
- Pages: 195-202
- DOI Address: https://doi.org/10.15804/npw20212910
- PDF: npw/29/npw2910.pdf
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[рецензия книги The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science. Vol. 2: Society]
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[book review The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science. Vol. 2: Society]
- Dahl, M., Hanczewski, P., Lewicka, M. (red.). (2019). The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science. Vol. 1: History and Politcs. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
- Dahl, M., Hanczewski, P., Lewicka, M. (red.). (2019). The World of Islam in Research Perspectives of Oriental Studies and Political Science. Vol. 2: Society. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.