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Regionalna integracja jako wyzwanie dla polityki zagranicznej Federacji Rosyjskiej

  • Author: Jakub Potulski
  • Institution: Uniwersytet Gdański oraz Gdańska Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 99-115
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2013105
  • PDF: npw/04/npw2013105.pdf

Vladimir Putin was one of the most successful politicians of the first decade of the twenty-first century. Embracing in 2000 as president of the Russia Federation he took over the country in a deep social, political and economic crisis, a country that lost its place among the world powers and its international authority. Vladimir Putin has managed to stabilize the internal situation of the country, to carry out a number of effective reforms. The first two Putin’s terms in office were a success and he became one of the most popular Russian politicians. Elected in 2012 for the third time in the office of president Vladimir Putin faces major challenges and this term could be very difficult for the Russian president. Russian citizens expect the rule of law, the fight against corruption and democratization. It is widely believed that if Russia wants to develop there must be a far-reaching modernization of the political and economic system. In internal relations the Russian political elite is facing a huge challenge: to modernize the country without compromising the power and privileges of the political elite. Russian external relations will have to deal with the problems associated with the consequence of the so-called “shale gas revolution”. The Russian authorities also need to look for an answer to the question of how to effectively and efficiently carry out the process of building the regional political and economic alliance formed in the Eurasian Union. These challenges will be the main focus of Vladimir Putin during his third term as president of the Russia Federation.

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