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Wilhelm Storosta (Vydunas) – patron litewskiej tożsamości czy ruchów neopogańskich?

  • Author: Mariusz Maszkiewicz
  • Institution: UKSW
  • Year of publication: 2013
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 181-207
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2013109
  • PDF: npw/04/npw2013109.pdf

This article refers not only to the biography of Wilhelm Storosta (Vydunas) and his works and creations but more to his intellectual, philosophical and literary influence on the next generations of Lithuanian political and cultural elite. Storosta (1868-1953) most of his active life spent in East Prussia, in Tylsit (now Sovietsk) his was the teacher and preceptor of Lithuanian youth, founder of theaterы and folk circles that reconstructed the unique beauty of Lithuanian cultural legacy deeply rooted in pre-Christian tradition. Storosta studied philosophy and anthropology in Berlin and Leipzig. There he discovered firm relations between Baltic nations (philology, ethnology) and Indo-European tradition. His output is often called by his domestic followers and researchers “vydunism”, and it is the inspiration for studies in many branches of human sciences (eg. ethnography, ethnology, culture and religious studies). In the 70’s in occupied Lithuania there appeared many folk circles of a hidden anti-Soviet character what then beget generation of activists of the Lithuanian national revival of the 80’s and 90’s. But there’s one another interesting aspect of Vydunas’ creativeness – his theatrical productions. Such pieces as: “Shadows of ancestors”, “Star’s itineraries” or “Sea bells” that were translated into the Polish language and had an impact on the Polish intelligentsia in Vilnius before WWII. The Author tried to reconstruct in his theatrical works an atmosphere of pre-Christian Lithuanian culture that inspires even today many activists of pagan cults and movements. Back in the 20’s associations were formed called “Romuva” aimed at the rebirth of ancient Lithuanian tradition and religious culture. Therefore it is no exaggeration when we call today Vydunas one of great fathers of Lithuanian national identity.

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