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Sovetskijj Kyrgyzstan: vzaimootnoshenija intelligencii i vlasti (Postradavshie za ehpos «Manas» T. Bajjdzhiev, Z. Bektenov, T. Samanchin)

  • Author: Svetlana Ploskih
  • Institution: doktorant historii Kirgizko-Rosyjskiego Uniwersytetu Słowiańskiego w Biszkeku, Kirgistan
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 53-61
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2012204
  • PDF: npw/03/npw2012204.pdf

The article is devoted to issues that were classified in times of mass repressions in the Soviet Union (including Kyrgyzstan). This also applies to the first Kyrgyz intellectuals, who studied the Kyrgyz national epic “Manas” about the hero of the same name. The epic has a thousand year old history and it traced the religious motives of Islam. It was the occasion that major designers of the problem, manasoveds T. Baijiev, Z. Bektenov, T. Samanchin from the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan were declared “bourgeois nationalists.” For promotion and study of the epic they were arrested and deported to gulags in Kazakhstan in 1949–1950 for penal servitude. Tashim Baijiev died there. The two others were later released, but they came back home as cripples. The epic “Manas” was banned from publishing. The ban was lifted a decade later. Scientists have been rehabilitated, but were unable to continue their work. Today, the epic “Manas” repeatedly reissued is considered to be a symbol of an independent and free Kyrgyzstan. Streets and squares of cities were named after Manas, there are his sculptures in Bishkek and scholars defend their candidate and doctoral dissertations on the subject. Those are the zigzags of relationship between intellectuals and the authority of Kyrgyzstan in the 20th century.

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