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Socjalistyczna Republika Wietnamu wobec kryzysu w PRL na początku lat osiemdziesiątych

  • Author: Przemysław Benken
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 62-85
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2012205
  • PDF: npw/03/npw2012205.pdf

This article was written in order to present some very little known facts concerning the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam’s attitude towards a huge internal crisis in Polish People’s Republic that took place mostly in 1980–1982 period. Hanoi was at that time in the middle of a spectacular economic recession and feared that some Solidarity’s ideals might as well corrupt Vietnam’s working class. Ho Chi Minh successors also thought that their problems were connected with the anticipated Soviet intervention in Poland could cause another Chinese invasion aimed at seizing their homeland. The last war between China and Vietnam took place in 1979. To protect their supremacy in the Indochina Peninsula, Vietnamese communists had to learn as much as possible about the Solidarity movement and were eager to give Polish comrades full support in it’s suppression. It was however Hanoi’s imperative that the Polish government could handle the situation by it’s ownmeans. In that case the Soviet Union would be able to use it’s full military and political powers to contradict any Chinese attempts to place the Socialistic Republic of Vietnam under Beijing submission.

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