Czynniki naturalne warunkujące bezpieczeństwo Uzbekistanu i Tadżykistanu oraz regionu Azji Centralnej
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 152-176
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/03/npw2012209.pdf
On the basis of numerous examples, the author presents the influence of natural factors shaping the safety of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan and the States of Central Asia, as well as various actions undertaken by the authorities and international organizations to curb any rising threats and diminish their effects. It is pointed out that one of the major problems of the region is the shrivelling and drying-out of the Aral Sea. It seems that the irreversable processes which led to the ecological catastrophy of the region changed the climate, enlarged poverty, the spreading of diseases and gave rise to political tensions concerning the access to water supplies. Furthermore, the author underlines the influence of the past era, the Biological Warfare Laboratory on the “Vozrozhdeniya Island” and numerous containers with radioactive waste in Kirgistan near the Uzbekistan border. Another substantial problem is the occurrence of natural catastrophies and their considerable impact on the safety of the States of the Central Asian population throughout the years.