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Historia a polityka historyczna

  • Author: Aleksander Lipatow
  • Institution: Rosyjska Akademia Nauk
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 235-247
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2012213
  • PDF: npw/03/npw2012213.pdf

Recently, much has been said and written about the “historical politics”. If you look at this issue through the prism of history, it becomes obvious that this is a new phrase in its essence. It is the definition of the old practice of using stories to form certain political and ideological ideas. Realizing it is not based on the lessons of history as such, but on certain paradigms or nation-state doctrines that are recognized as only true in some states and at certain times. This is why in different parts of Europe history finds different conclusions for each national reality. In Russian historiography, politics of government and the Church, arising from the official ideology illustrate this kind of perception of history, its understanding and use served as a creation of Alexander Nevsky’s myth. Manipulation of history creates a false consciousness, which leads to what is devoid of critical thinking of the political culture of the ruling elite and the population. Not learning from history, periodically humanity steps on the same rake.

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