Konwencje Stolicy Apostolskiej z Republiką Litewską z 5 maja 2000 roku na tle konkordatów współczesnych z wybranymi państwami europejskimi
- Institution: Uniwersytet Wrocławski
- Year of publication: 2012
- Source: Show
- Pages: 285-301
- DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2012216
- PDF: npw/03/npw2012216.pdf
Among all other Baltic States, Lithuania had a tradition of diplomatic relations with the Holy See, which began after announcing the state’s independence on 16th February 1918 and were continued up until the annexation of Lithuania by the USSR’s on 15th June 1940. When it comes to a system, the state-Church relations in the Republic of Lithuania were most of the time described as balanced. They featured from one side a constitutional inscription about the state and Church being separated, and from another – the constitutional right of religious organisations to function freely, according to their own laws and regulations, as well as rejecting the possibility to
introduce any kind of state religion in Lithuania.
Apart from the constitution and bills regulating the Catholic Church’s status in Lithuania, another law acts describing state-Church relations are three conventions signed by the Republic of Lithuania with the Holy See on 5th May 2000. They are as follows: agreement on cooperation within education and culture, the convention on law aspects of relations between the Catholic Church and the state, and the convention regarding military priesthood.
Apart from the full Polish concordat from 1993, or Portuguese from 2004, the conventions with the Republic of Lithuania – right next to the Estonian convention from 1999, Latvian accordo generale from 2000 or the accordo with Slovenia from 2001 and with Croatia in 1996 and 1998 – should be considered one of the numerous classic partial concordats, signed with European countries during the pontificate of John Paul II.