- Author:
Agnieszka Kamińska
- E-mail:
- Institution:
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej
- Year of publication:
- Source:
- Pages:
- DOI Address:
- PDF:
This article aims to describe and analyze the activities of the HerStory Foundation, which deals with restoring the memory of meritorious women in the history of Lublin and the way of presenting the activities of the foundation presented in local media. The analysis of the content of media coverage of both broader media in terms of the number of recipients, such as TVP Lublin and local news diaries “Dziennik Wschodni” and “Kurier Lubelski”, as well as local news portals, proved that the source database regarding the foundation’s activities is very scant. In the media, little space is devoted to promoting events related to anti-discrimination activities and reports on their course. In contrast, articles published by the media are usually limited to presenting the most important information about an event organized by the foundation without bringing the other areas of its activity closer.
In the materials available on the Internet, there are also no audiovisual reports that the sender informs about.
The article is mainly based on press materials available on the Internet, because they usually contain more information than paper editions. First of all, it should be noted how wide the area of the Herstory Foundation’s activity is, which does not translate into the amount of materials available in the media. Press articles provide information about the undertakings organized by HerStory in a selective manner. There are also missing attachments in the form of graphics that appear on the foundation’s website.
The media also do not present the characters of women who are the heroines of herstoric walks, and whose names have been highlighted in this article. Figures of the Lubliners who have made a contribution to the city by their social involvement, but for some reason the story about them has been forgotten by the HerStory Foundation and restores to them their once-lost fame.
women of Lublin
HerStory Foundation
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