Kirgisko-polskie stosunki ekonomiczne – wczoraj, dziś, jutro
- Institution: Kirgisko-Rosyjski Uniwersytet Słowiański im. Pierwszego Prezydenta Rosji B.N. Jelcyna w Biszkeku
- Year of publication: 2011
- Source: Show
- Pages: 91-106
- DOI Address:
- PDF: npw/01/npw2011106.pdf
In this article a trade-economic cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Poland within framework of the WTO terms and rules studied. Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) since the first days of its independence made actions to implement a democratic system of public administration and liberal market economy model. Economic reform process started by: price liberalization, free production pocket formation policy, mass privatization of trade and distribution in short term period, external economic and trade activities renovation. In the same time a new customs rules and tariffs have been approved and implemented. Currency rate rules and procedures for its transactions introduced as well as correspondent relations with partners on external trade were implemented. Fluctuations of the external trade turnover structure of the Kyrgyz Republic with foreign countries including trade relations between Kyrgyzstan and Poland have been studied; dynamics and prospects for trade between two countries, macroeconomic indicators of the Kyrgyzstan and several foreign countries and possibilities for their further development in the framework of market relations have been described. In this article it was proposed that Kyrgyzstan should use preferences for trade financing in case of export of only finished goods with bigger value added rather then it exports a raw materials in order not to stay as a raw exporter for a long time. Otherwise, a new wave of import goods make a damage and losses to domestic producers that make slow down for local productions. Kyrgyzstan should take measures with hard mechanisms and tools while export-import transactions. Also in this article it was clarified a reasons for biggest world traders enrichment and noted that these traders recommend to countries in transitive economies to use all preferences of the open market with equal possibilities for all. Raise of U.S.A. export share in the global trade have been described with the note that U.S. Government hardly regulate import and export activities. Also it was shown some samples of the double standards in international trade that happened while capitalism worldwide development in terms of world economy globalization. Industrial countries regulate export in order to protect a national security and to support external politic interests and restriction of exports of those goods which are in deficit in domestic market. Double standards are first of all related to protection of the interests of domestic producers in the framework of national security provision of a country. In this article also noted to existed “underground” economy, sector corruption, goods fair trade as well as other economic crimes in many CIS countries, that makes false picture of a real situation with export-import transactions between CIS countries. It is justified a need for making quarterly identification of the registered data on export-import goods transactions both in general and quantitative measures that could be provided based on inter-agency agreements between countries. It is necessary to develop a further trade-economic cooperation in terms of bilateral program of the Polish delegation visit to KRSU that support to dynamic strengthening of external trade between our countries to secure a real peoples value and to provide human potential improvement of both countries.