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Polityka Zagraniczna Państwa Środka na przykładzie Poradzieckiej Azji Centralnej

  • Author: Krzysztof Kozłowski
  • Institution: Szkoła Główna Handlowa
  • Year of publication: 2011
  • Source: Show
  • Pages: 139-156
  • DOI Address: http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/npw2011109
  • PDF: npw/01/npw2011109.pdf

The Chinese foreign Policy is dialectically intertwined with the state of Chinese economy. However, the economical aspirations of the Middle Kingdom are not the only fundamental motives of the Chinese diplomacy. State’s security still plays a very important role for Peoples’ Republic of China. Authorities in Beijing also emphasize the development of Middle Kingdom’s Soft Power as well as fostering the political links with the developing states. Complexity of PRC’s motives in international relations makes Western theoretical approaches in assessing tchem of little use. The basic problem in assessing the nature of Chinese international policy is the fact, that since 1989 China undergoes two dramatic processes: expansion (kuozhan) and reconstruction (chongjian). On one hand, expanding Chinese influence reaches further than ever in history. In this context, PRC’s development faces both traditional and unconventional threats. On the other, the process of reconstruction introduced a fundamental shift from a heavily ideologically inclined Mao approach to more nuanced strategies of nowadays. Analysis of Chinese politics is further complicated not only by Chinese actions but also by dynamics of the contemporary international change. PRC is the first Power of post Cold War era developed mostly on the basis of political, economic and social advantages of globalization. In consequence judging Chinese foreign politics on the basis of 20th century Western political categories misses the nature of the ongoing changes. Thus, it is more useful to analyze specific Chinese actions than assessing them through lenses of the theoretical models used in the West. In this respect a closer look at Chinese political actions regarding Post-Soviet Central Asia, its place in energy, security and Power politics, may prove to be surprisingly useful.

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